Individual Details
Benjamin Hardin
(1753 - 25 Sep 1834)
Benjamin has a military grave marker, O'Nan-Hardin Cemetery, Orville, Henry Co, KY. He may or may not be buried there.
He is said to be another Revolutionary Hardin, but that may be a confusion with a different Benjamin Hardin. He is not conclusively proved as a son of Mark.
Pension application:
Pension Application of Benjamin Hardin S31100
On this 19t h day of August 1818, before me the subscriber, one of the Judges of the General and
Circuit Court for the said district, personally appeared Benjamin Hardin aged 65 years, resident in
Franklin County in the said district, who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late act of Congress, entitled “An act to provide for certain personas engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war:” That he, the said Benj. Hardin enlisted in the year 1776 in the state of Virginia in the company commanded by Captain Stephen Ashby of the 12 Virginia Regiment for two years; that he continued serve in the said corps, or in the service of the United States about one year, when he was discharged from service in consequence of his [illegible word] a substitute for him to serve the balance of the time, he was discharged in state of Virginia that he is in reduced circumstances, and stands in need of the assistance of his country for support; and that he has no other evidence than he here offers now in his power of his said services.
Mordecai Battson [Mordecai Batson, pension application S35184] this day made oath before me
that he served in the Revolutionary war in 1776 and that the above named Benj. Hardin did serve in the same company and that he is in reduced circumstances in life witness my hand this 19 of August 1818. Benj. Johnson/ Circuit Judge
On this 2nd day of Oct. 1820 personally appeared in open court being a court of record for the said district and county of Scott Benjamin Hardin resident in the county of Owen and said district, who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows: Viz:
In the company commanded by Capt. Steven Ashby to guard the frontiers of Pennsylvania for
two years but at the expiration of ten months the Captain was ordered to head Quarters near Brandywine and on his way at Winchester I was discharged.
And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident Citizen of the United States on the 18th day of
March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled “an act to provide for certain person engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War” passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed Viz.
250 Acres land worth $750.00
3 head of horses 45.00
2 head of sheep 2.00
7 head of cattle 20.00
80 head of hogs 50.00
Sundry debts due for work 45.00
Benj’n. Hardin
He states that he is by profession a blacksmith but not able to do much at it and that he has in family beside himself six person Viz Rebeccah Hardin aged 43 years able to support herself, William Jackson aged 17 years John Jackson aged 13 years, Sam’l. Jackson aged 11 years R Ann Hardin aged 5 years W. Hardin aged 3 years none of whom are able to support themselves
Benj. Hardin.
Note: I believe Rebecca to have been a second wife - the Jackson children, hers by a former husband.
In 1823, Benjamin was living in Henry Co KY and had three children living with him - Beckey Ann, age 7, Washington 5, and Nancy, age 2.
He referred to a brother Ennis Hardin in 1824.
In 1827 he listed the following children: Mark, William, Daniel, Henry, Nathaniel, George Washington, and Nancy and to Jacob Kelly who married his daughter Elizabeth - this is in a letter of answer to an inquiry and refers to the deed listed later. Also in Jan of 1828 he said his wife had been dead six years last February, and named George & Enos Hardin, but not their relationship.
In 1831, he came into Owen County Court and stated his age as 78 and his total worth as $65. He was still a Blacksmith but unable to pursue his trade - he had two children in his houshold, a girl 10 and a boy 12.
13 Mar 1832 - there is a statement in the pension file from his son William describing a tract of land that was given to William in return for payment of debts of his father. Daniel and Mark, also sons, testified to payment of some of their father's debts. Nathaniel Hardin also made oath and had paid debts, but his relationship wasn't stated. Ernest Hardin stated he held a note of said Ben Hardin. William, Daniel, Mark, Nathaniel, & James Hardin all made oath that Benjamin Hardin owes about $100 to Ben Ashby plus interest for 18-20 years, but Ashby lived in the state of Virginia and the debt was for the purchase of the land noted in the deposition in 1820. It was evident that Benjamin Hardin had been sued for his numerous debts and had signed his land over to his sons - he had originally purchased it with his brother Ennis and apparently neither had clear title.
Notice that the following land division not only names all his children, but also a brother "Ennis". There is a sketch of the division in the pension file.
Found in the Pension File.
Deed of Land Division of Benjamin Hardin and his children
This indenture made and entered into this 5th day of November 1827 between Benjamin Hardin of the County of Henry and Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and Mark Hardin, William Hardin, Daniel Hardin, Henry Hardin, Nathaniel Hardin, George Washington Hardin, and Nancy Hardin and Jacob Kelly the said party of the second part being all children of said Benjamin except Jacob Kelly who married Elizabeth Hardin the daughter of said Benjamin of this County and State aforesaid of the other part whereas one Langhead was entitled to a claim of land in said County of Henry on the waters of the Kentucky River containing as was then surveyed 900 acres but by a resurvey 1020 acres and whereas the said Benjamin Hardin and his brother Ennis purchased of said Langhead eight hundred acres of said Land and one McCord the other two hundred acres. And the said Benjamin Hardin having purchased only two hundred acres for his share and having since purchased or traded his land in Owen County containing ten hundred acres for the six hundred acres from the said Ennis that being his share and a deed having been executed to him from the heirs of said Ennis for said land and whereas the said Benjamin having long since given said land to his children for and in consideration of his natural love as well as a variety of debts and dues having been discharged and paid off for him by said children and having had a division of the land made among themselves as will fully appear by a division & platt of said land as part of this deed. That for and in consideration of the promises and the farther consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by said party of the second part the said Benjamin hath and by this presents do give grant bargain and sell unto the party of the second part the whole of his claim of said land being eight hundred and twenty acres to wit:
Mark Hardin, Lotts No. 1 & 5.
To Daniel Hardin, Lots 2, 3 & 4
To Nathaniel Hardin, George Washington Hardin and Nancy Hardin, the said Geo & Nancy being infants, the Lots containing 278 and 96 acres, excepting for the 278 so much thereof (difficult to sort out but apparently to include a spring)
To William Hardin, Lots 9 & 6 with the Spring
To Henry Hardin, Lots 8 & 7, excepting the front 12 acres which is to go to Jacob Kelly.
Signed Benjamin (X) Hardin
Birth | 1753 | Franklin County, Kentucky | |||
Marriage | 16 Mar 1785 | Fauquier County, Virginia - Nancy Routt | |||
Marriage | Abt 1814 | Rebecca Jackson | |||
Death | 25 Sep 1834 | Henry County, Kentucky |
Spouse | Nancy Routt (1766 - 1814) |
Child | Daniel Hardin (1790 - 1850) |
Spouse | Rebecca Jackson (1777 - 1821) |
Father | Mark Hardin (1718 - ) |
Mother | Elizabeth Ashby ( - ) |
Sibling | Mark Hardin (1750 - 1830) |
1. Harden-in-ing Family Association, HFA Descendants List. Jan 2000. No. 139..
2. Harden-in-ing Family Association, HFA Descendants List. Jan 2000. No. 139..
3. Harden-in-ing Family Association, HFA Descendants List. Jan 2000. No. 139..