Individual Details

Rev. Henry Edward Hardin

(12 Apr 1761 - 12 Nov 1843)

I believe Henry may very well be a SON of Mark & Mary Hunter Hardin, rather than a son of Henry & Judith as he is shown in some lineages.

Apparently no wife survived him.
Son Edward Jones Hardin, born 1803, said to be a child of the second wife Mary Jones. in DAR databases. Yet some of the databases give a death for the first wife, Sarah Cook Hardin as 1833.
Son Benjamin Cook Hardin was born 16 Nov 1792 and said to be a son of Sarah Cook. Harriet Hargrove Hardin, daughter, was born 11 Jul 1804 - yet she is said to be a daughter of Sarah Effie Cook and she seems to have been born after Edward Jones Hardin. Something definitely amiss.

Henry received a Rev War Pension. He applied in 1832 from Walton Co, GA, #S.31732. He stated his date of birth as 12 April 1761, in Johnston Co, NC. He enlisted 15 Oct 1777 in Surry Co, NC where he then lived, and served as a private, Capt Henry Smith's Company, Col. Brevard's NC Regt. He was discharged 15 Ap-r 1778. He enlisted in June of 1780 and served as an ensign and 2nd Lt in Capt Absalom Bostwick's & David Humphreys' Company, Col. Martin Armstrong's Regt and was in the battle of Camden, servind for three months. In 1780, he served two months in a company of Light Horse under Col. Davis. He moved to Guilford Co NC and in March of 1781, enlisted and served about 4 weeks in Capt Thomas Cook's Company, under Col. James Martin and Col. James Hunter. In the fall of 1781, he served in Capt. Thomas Cook's company, Col. William O'Neal's Regt in pursuit of Col. Fanning, leader of the Tories. It is stated in the documents that he was a Baptist minister. The last pension payment was made 4 Mar 1843 - he had lived in Walton Co for 18 years, previously had lived in Franklin Co, GA.

1840 Census. Walton, GA (Ancestry has the name of the county as "Walker")
Henry Harden, age 89, listed as a Pensioner for Revolutionary Military Service
Living in his household was a male, age 5-10 and Henry, age 60-70; one female age 5-10 and one female age 20-30. [Henry had no son of the same name - they just must have put his age in the wrong column]
Last Will and Testament
Henry Hardin
Walton County, Georgia, 3 April 1843
In the name of God Amen I Henry Hardin of this County and State aforesaid being of sound mind and memory but week of body and strength and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die and that the time drawing near when I must go the way of all the Earth I do therefore with a view to a just distribution of the Estate which it has pleased the Lord to bless me with do make ordain and establish the following as my last Will and Testament revoking and cancelling all others which I may have heretofore made and executed.
Item lst I will that all my just debts and expenses of my illness and interment be paid without delays.
Item 2nd I will and bequeath to my daughter Effy Fletcher the property she has already received from me with the increase of the same which I suppose to have been worth six hundred dollars with the additional sum of four
hundred dollars to be paid by my Executors after my death.
Item 3rd I will and bequeath to the children of my daughter Judith Stephens the property which I have placed in the possession of their father Thomas Stephens with the increase of the same which I suppose to have been worth
eight hundred dollars to be paid by my executors after my death.
Item 4th I will and bequeath to the children of my daughter Elizabeth Taylor by Eads her first husband one Negro girl named Caly and her increase now in their possession and the additional sum of three hundred dollars to be paid by my Executors after my death.
Item 5th I will and bequeath to my Granddaughter Jane Sarah Hardin daughter of my son Mark Hardin five dollars having heretofore given a liberal portion to her deceased father.
Item 6th I will and bequeath to my son Benjamin C. Hardin one thousand dollars already paid for which I hold his receipt.
Item 7th I will and bequeath to my son Edward J. Hardin one thousand dollars already paid for which I hold his receipt.
Item 8th I will and bequeath to my daughter Rebecca T. Green the property which she has already received from me with the increase of the same which I suppose to have been worth six hundred dollars with the further sum of four
hundred dollars to be paid by my Executors after my death.
Item 9th I will and bequeath to my daughter Clarissa W. Gordon the property which she has already received from me with the increase of the sum which I suppose to be worth six hundred dollars and the further sun of four hundred
dollars to be paid by my Executor after my death.
Item 10th I will and bequeath to my daughter Harriett H. Thornton the property she has already received from me with the increase of the same which I suppose to be worth six hundred dollars and the further sum of four hundred
dollars to be paid by my executors after my death.
Item 11th I will and bequeath to Mary Wayne for her kindness and attention towards my first wife in her afflictions to be paid to her by my Executors after my death the sum of two hundred dollars.
Item 12th I will the residue of my estate in whatever it may consist to be divided into near equal parts or shares and to be distributed to my sons Benjamin and Edward and my four daughters Effy Rebecca Clarissa and Harriet the children of my daughter Judith Stephen deceased and the children of my daughter Elizabeth Taylor deceased by Eades namely Upson Sarah and Mary Eades and the daughter of my son Mark Hardin deceased Jane Sarah Hardin.
Lastly I hereby establish and appoint my son Benjamin C. Hardin, Wiley Thornton, Rice B. Green, Richard Fletcher, Few Gordon and Thomas Stephens my Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby evoking and annulling all
other wills heretofore made by me either written verbal or otherwise. In Testimony whereof I have set my and hand and affixed my Seal this fourth day of April In the year 1838. Sealed in presence of Henry Hardin
Jno P Lucas
Leroy Tallells
James M Morrard
July Term 1843
Personally appeared in open Court Leroy Tollells who being duly sworn deporth and saith that he saw Henry Hardin sign the within will and at his request he subscrcibe the same as a witness and that John P Lucas and James M. Morrard did the same.


Birth12 Apr 1761Johnston County, North Carolina
MarriageFeb 1781North Carolina - Sarah Effie Cook
Death12 Nov 1843Walton County, Georgia
MarriageMary Jones


SpouseSarah Effie Cook (1761 - 1835)
SpouseMary Jones ( - )
FatherMark Hardin (1735 - 1817)
MotherMary Hester Hunter (1740 - )
SiblingMark Hardin (1763 - 1839)
SiblingMartin Hardin (1765 - 1837)
SiblingJames Hardin (1767 - 1820)
SiblingMary Hunter Hardin (1769 - 1861)
SiblingJudith Hardin (1770 - 1850)
SiblingJohn Hardin (1771 - 1847)
SiblingSarah "Sally" Hardin (1775 - 1845)
