Individual Details

Daniel Comstock

(1714 - 6 Sep 1777)

Married Catherine Morehouse.

Daniel's will dated 2 Sep 1777, made bequests to wife Catherine, to three sons, Abijah, John Odle, and Ebenezer; and to grandson Daniel Marvin Comstock.

He is buried North Hill Cemetery, Kent, CT.


Death6 Sep 1777
MarriageCatherine Morehouse


SpouseCatherine Morehouse (1714 - 1777)
ChildEbenezer Comstock ( - )
FatherDaniel Comstock (1693 - 1782)
MotherSarah Odell (1694 - 1734)
SiblingAnn Elizabeth Comstock (1716 - 1794)
SiblingJohn Comstock (1719 - 1798)
SiblingAbel Comstock (1721 - 1814)
SiblingGershom Comstock (1723 - 1801)
SiblingSamuel Comstock (1725 - 1817)
SiblingSarah Comstock ( - )
SiblingEliphalet Comstock (1730 - 1791)
