Individual Details

Edwin Luther "Ed" Harrison

(9 Sep 1886 - 22 Dec 1967)

Birth Record #2168. Edwin Luther Harrison 9 Sep 1886. Woodstock Tp. Edith Jane (Irwin) Harrison Elisha Harrison.

World War I Draft Registration Card. Dated 5 Jun 1917.
Edwin Luther Harrison was age 30, lived in Chester, Ark. He was born 9 Sep 1886 in Rushville, Illinois. He was a farmer, employed by John Furlow near Chester and had a wife and two children for which he sought exemption. He was stated to be short and stout with brown hair and black eyes. He signed with his mark.

1920 Census. Chester, Crawford Co AR
Edwin L. Harrison, age 33, b. IL. Susie, wife, age 27, b. AR
Roba, "female, dau", age 6. Roberta, dau, age 4 yr 5 mo. Robert, son, age 2.
[Roba was a male.]

1930 Census. West Fork, Washington, AR, Hh 70
Edward Harrison, 43, married at 25
Susie E., wife, 38, married at 21
Roba G., son, 16. Robert N., dau, 14. Robert H., son, 12. Rex L., son, 7. Avon D., son, age 2 years, one month

1940 Census. Memphis, Shelby Co, TN, Hh 241
Living at 496 Walker Ave, renting. In 1935, they lived in West Fork, Washington Co, AR
Edwin Harrison, b. IL, age 52, worked at a crossing flag station for the Railroad
Susie, b. AR, age 48
Roberta, dau 23. Robert, son, 21, working as laborer in a State Park. Rex, son, 16, Donald, son, age 5 - all b. AR

1950 Census. Memphis, Shelby Co, TN, Hh 33
2110 Cawden
Ed L. Harrison, 63, widowed, b. KY, Crossing flagman, Railroad
Roberta, dau, 35, b. AR, Stock Girl, Wholesale Drug
Donald, son, 22, b. AR, Bricklayer, Construction

In 1961, Ed was mentioned in his brother William's obituary as living in Memphis, Tenn.

It appears Edwin remarried after the death of Susie:
Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 []
Edwin L. Harrison
Marion Co
Died 22 Dec 1967
Certificate #17841
Spouse: Ora

Buried Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Marion, Oregon. On the same grave marker is Ora. She was Ora Emilie (no maiden name given) Harrison, born 25 Jan 1904, died 13 Jun 1993, Marion County, Oregon.

Oregon Death Certificate #017841
Edwin Luther Harrison died in Salem, Marion Co, Oregon, on 22 Dec 1967. He died of heart disease at his residence, 3555 Cherry Ave., North. He was married to Ora Harrison who was the informant. He was born 9 Sep 1886. Father was Elisha Harrison, maiden name of mother unknown. buried on the Dec 23rd, Belle Passi Cemetery, Woodburn, Oregon.

The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, 22 Dec 1967, Friday, p.19
Edwin Luther Harrison
At the residence, 3555 Cherry Ave., North, Salem, Dec. 22. Suvived by widow, Ora Harrison of Salem; daughter, Mrs. Roberta Howell, Tenn.; sons, Roba Haarritson, Ark., Robert Harrison, Rex Harrison, both of Calif., Donald Harrison, Tenn.; stepdaughters, Mrs. Kathleen Scherf, Salem, Mrs. Virginia Quesnel, Salem, Mrs. Thelma Mearez. Seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren also survive. Services Sat., Dec 23, 1:30 p.m. at the Birgil T. Golden Cahpel, 605 Com'l., SE, at Oak. Interment, Belle Passe Cemetery, Woodburn.


Birth9 Sep 1886Woodstock, Schuyler County, Illinois
Marriage13 Apr 1912Arkansas - Susan Emaline Denison "Susie" Osburn
Marriage12 May 1951Ora Emilie [Harrison]
Death22 Dec 1967Salem, Marion County, Oregon


SpouseSusan Emaline Denison "Susie" Osburn (1891 - 1949)
ChildRoba Orsel Harrison (1913 - 1977)
ChildNeola Roberta Harrison (1915 - 1998)
ChildRobert Harold Harrison (1917 - 1983)
ChildAlonzo Rollin Harrison (1920 - 1920)
ChildLoran Rex Harrison (1922 - 1994)
ChildAvon Donald Harrison (1928 - 2005)
SpouseOra Emilie [Harrison] (1904 - 1993)
MotherEDITH JANE IRWIN (1855 - 1932)
SiblingClarence Dudley Harrison (1876 - 1961)
SiblingNettie May HARRISON (1877 - 1944)
SiblingJessie Harrison (1878 - 1910)
SiblingWilliam Harvey Harrison (1880 - 1961)
SiblingFrederick S. Harrison (1882 - 1946)
Sibling[Daughter] Harrison (1884 - )
SiblingNelson Brown Harrison (1884 - 1967)
SiblingMaudie A Harrison (1889 - 1969)
SiblingBenjamin Sherman Harrison (1892 - 1929)
SiblingMargaret Elizabeth Harrison (1894 - 1981)
SiblingMARY MAY HARRISON (1894 - 1929)
