Individual Details

Mary Kinchen

( - Bef May 1772)

Halifax Deeds Vol. 11, p. 272. Mary Baker, widow and relict of Blake Baker, was formerly married to Richard McKinnie, son of Col. Barnaby McKinnie. Feb Court 1771.
Mary Baker, widow & relict of Blaker Baker late of Halifax. Col. Barnaby McKinnie did by his last will devise to his son Rich'd McKinnie, former husband of said Mary in fee-tail, his plantation and 300 acres of land. And for want of issue of the sd Richard and Mary, the land did descend to Barnaby McKinnie, son of John McKinnie as heir at law. The said Barnaby dying without issue, the said land descended to his three sisters, Mary & Patience & Martha, daughter of the said John McKinnie as co-heirs, who have intermarried with Nicholas Long, John Giddy & Chas. Pasteur. Division hath been made and deed of partition executed. The said Mary Baker does release any right or claim to Nicholas Long, Esq, all manner of dower, of two hundred acres, part of the three hundred acres which did become the property of Nicholas Long & Chas Pasteur by the division, which her former husband Rich'd McKinnie died possessed of. Signed: Mary Baker. Wit: Jas. Holderness, John Baker. Proved by oath of Jas. Holderness.

Here is more of the administration of Blake Baker's estate:
Halifax Co NC "Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824"
Will #150, p.250. 176? Blake Baker Will. Wife Mary; children Mary Blake, Elizabeth, Blake. Wife Mary, brother John Baker & James Holderness, Executors. Proved Nov 1769.
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 11
p.17 27 Jun 1770 Mary Baker, Excutrix, John Baker & James Holderness, Exectors of Blake Baker Esq. dec'd late of Halifax to Thomas Stewart. 450£. Tract where John Milliken lived on South side Roanoke River, 230 acres. Granted to John Milliken by Paul Patrick & wife Agnes by deed of sale, 19 May 1752. Conveyed the said land to John Milliken by the name of John Joyner and another deed by Ann Richmond, now wife of the said Thomas Stewart to John Milliken 15 Feb 1762, being whereon James Milliken formerly lived and the said John Miliken being possessed of the lands in his own right did convey the same to Balke Baker, 20 Oct 1764. Signed: Mary Baker, John Baker, Jas. Holderness. Witness: A. Nash. Proved by Abner Nash Aug Court 1771
Halifax NC Deed Book 11; p.47 20 Jun 1770 Mary Baker John Baker & James Holderness Extr of LW&T of Blake Baker late of Halifax Co dec'd to William Martin. Will directed that sundry parcels of land be sold. For 325# Two lots, 1 ½ acres in the Town of Halifax #30 & 51 together w/ all buildings, etc. . Signed: Mary Baker, John Baker, James Holderness. Witness: Andrew Miller, Alexr. Telfair, Richard Freear, .Chas. Pasteur
p.279 27 Aug 1770 Mary Baker, John Baker, & James Holderness sell 370 acres to Benjamin McCullock. This was land fee tailed to Christian McKinnie Hurst, descended to Mary Hurst Sumners and deeded to Blake Baker in his lifetime.
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 12
p.71 Nov Court 1771 Mary Baker, John Baker, & James Holderness sell 100 acres of land formerly belonging to Blake Baker to James Baker who is currently living there. This land was part of 640 acres patented by John McKinnie in 1728; sold to his brother-in-law William Hurst; 100 acres descended to Hurst's dau Mary & husband Jethro Sumner who then sold the land to Blake Baker 13 Feb 1765.
Northampton Co Deed Book 5, p.1103 (151) 28 May 1772 Lewis Willaimson, Esq. sheriff of Northampton to Allen Jones. Judgement against John Baker & James Holderness the surviving executors of Blake Baker. Land sold at public auction. 30 A, the mill tract, joining the Roanoke River. Jun Ct. 1772. [Mary has apparently died by May of 1772.]

A sheriff's sale in Northampton Co NC on 28 May 1772, gives John Baker & James Holderness as surviving executors of Blake Baker, dec'd.


DeathBef May 1772Halifax County, North Carolina
MarriageBlake Baker
MarriageRichard McKinnie


SpouseRichard McKinnie ( - 1751)
SpouseBlake Baker ( - 1769)
FatherWilliam Kinchen II (1697 - 1781)
MotherMary [Kinchen] ( - )
SiblingWilliam Kinchen III (1718 - 1758)
