Individual Details

Col. Barnaby McKinnie

(Abt 1673 - Bef Nov 1740)

Barnaby McKinnie was the recipient of his father's home estate via his father's will. He received grants for the transportation of 109 persons as shown by records in the Land Office in Richmond, Virginia. He moved to Edgecombe Co NC when it was part of Chowan, later Bertie, c 1720.

CAVALIERS & PIONEERS, Vol III, p.62. 28 Oct 1702. 308 acres Is. of Wight Co., South side of main Blackwater Swamp; mouth of Seacock for transport of 7 persons.
p.141 16 Jun 1714 760 acres in the Lower Parish of Is. of Wight; South side main Blackwater Swp, adj his own land for importation of 8 persons
p.146 16 Jun 1714 490 acres new land Is. of Wight on South side main Blackwater Swamp; corner Capt Richard Exum & Mr. Richard Washington for import of 10 persons.
p.159 16 Dec 1714 545 acres in Lower Parish of Is. of Wight; South side main Blackwater & West side of Cyprus Swp. Import of 11 persons.
p.166 23 Dec 1714 3435 acres Lower Parish of Is of Wight on South side Blackwater Swamp; by Cattail Poquoson; down run of Black Crk to Indian Frank's Quarter; by Long Branch to George Pearce's line on Seacock Swp to sd "Quinny's" old land. Import of 69 persons.

Isle of Wight, VA Deed Book 1, p.340 20 Apr 1694. Barnaby Mackquinney and Mary his wife sold to Richard Exum a parcel of land "my Father Michael Mackquinney's Manor plantation". signed: Barnaby Mackinne, Mary Mackinee. Rec. 30 Sep 1703.
The article in The William & Mary Quarterly states that Barnaby & Mary executed a total of 55 deeds when they sold their Virginia estate before moving to North Carolina. The same article assumed that Mary had been his only wife and attributed all his children to her.

Earliest land transactions in Chowan Co NC recorded in Deed Book F #1:
p.28, July 1720 William Murphey & Martha his wife to Barnaby Mackinney of Albemarle Co. 640 acres. Land in Calledony Wood formerly granted to William Browne by patent 1 Apr 1713; land given by will of William Browne to his wife Martha; William Murphey married the relict of William Browne. [William Murphey possibly married (2) Ann McKinnie, a daughter of Barnaby McKinnie and his first wife.]
p.41, July 1720 Nathaniel Holley and Jane his wife to Barney Mackinny of Chowan. 615 acres in Callidony woods patented to Holley 1 Mar 1719.
p.42, July 1720 Arthur Davis and Mary his wife to Barnaby Mackinney of Chowan. 640 acres in Colledony woods granted to William Brown 1 Apr 1713 and conveyed to sd. Davis.

Edgecombe NC DB 1, p.9
27 Mar 1732 Edward Simmons & Mary his wife of Edgecombe Precinct, Albemarle Co to Dr. James Thompson for 80£ 400 acres on S side of Moratock River and SE side of Conaconary Swamp. 350 acres was granted to Arthur Davis by patent 5 Aug 1720 and sold to sd Simmons by Barnaby McKinny [See Chowan DB F, p.42 - Davis to McKinnie]. The other 50 acres part of tract conveyed to William Murphy & sold to sd Barnaby McKinnie [See Chowan DB F, p.28].
Edgecombe NC DB 1, p.17
21 Nov 1732 Henry Bozman to John McKinnie 20£ 30 acres S side Morotock rive and S side Quankey Crk, part of a patent granted to Stephen Dunmaiden and for want of an heir became due to Barnaby McKinnie on 15 May 1730 and by sd McKinnie transferred to Henry Bozeman. Wit: Isom Anderson, Nehemiah Joyner, Sylvester Dignum. Reg. Nov Ct
Edgecombe NC DB 1, p.135 10 Jun 1735 Barnaby McKinnie gentleman to Barnaby McKinnie, Jr, planter £20 150 acres joining Col. James Millikin & Lamentation McKinnie part of tract granted sd Barnaby 22 ___ 1729. Wit: WilliM Maxwell, Benj Rawlings
1732Edgecombe Precinct DB 6, p.169
1 Feb 1757 Joseph Lane to Blake Baker. 570£. 200 acres joing William Brown, William Jones and Morettock River. Patent to William Mall and conveyed to Col. Barnaby McKinnie on 10 Feb 1725. Wit: Will Hurst, John Crony, Batt. Person. J. Montfort, CC; Date for registration not given but likely May Court 1757.
Edgecombe Precinct DB 6, p.187
21 Feb 1757 Joseph Lane to Blake Baker for 570£. 640 acres on Roanoke River, joining Brown's patent, was a patent to Maj Barnaby McKinnie on 13 Jul 1726. Wit: Will Hurst, John Croney, Batt Peterson. Reg. May Court 1757.

Last Will & Testament dated 13 Aug 1737:
One of several deeds citing date of the will in in Halifax Co NC Deed Book 9, p.460-465; Deed from John and Patience Geddy. Her father was John McKinnie, grandfather was Col. Barnaby McKinnie. LW&T of Barnaby McKinnie dated 13 Aug 1737. Barnaby's son Richard is deceased as is John. Patience and her sisters Mary and Martha are the heirs of the parcel in fee tail.

Col. Barnaby was still living 3 Dec 1739, when he made a deed to his grandson Barnaby McKinnie son of his deceased son William.
In a deed codicil to his will he states, I Barnaby
McKinnie of Edgecombe Co., by my will bearing date of Aug 30, 1739, gave
my son William McKinnie the plantation where he then lived having since
departed this life. I grant said land to my grandson Barnaby, son of
William McKinnie. (Halifax Deed Book 1, pg. 312-313).

Unattached McKinnies:
From Deed Book 1, Edgecombe Precint/County; p.135. 10 Jun 1735. Deed from Barnaby McKinnie to Barnaby McKinnie Jr. refers to 150 acres joining Col. James Millikin and LAMENTATION McKinnie.

Christian and JANE McKinnie witnessed a Deed from Barnabe Mackinne to William Pace on 6 Jan 1735. Col. Bertie Deed Book E, p.282. Heather Lane, researcher, had listed a daughter Mary Jane, that married John Brown. However, if there was a Mary McKinnie married to John Brown she was deceased before 1730 as per gift from John McKinnie to the children of Mary and John Brown. Was there perhaps another daughter? There are no known wives of McKinnies named Jane.

Edgecombe Deed Book 5, p.22. 29 Jan 1741 MARY McKinnie of Edge.Co. to MATTHEW, WILLIAM, and MICHAEL. For love and affection I bear my three sons ..all goods and chattels when they arrive at age 18. Witness: John Crowell, Joseph Lane. [The only possibility for a husband for this Mary seems to be Col. Barnaby's nephew Benjamin whose wife & children are unknown. Barnaby's son Barnaby Jr had wife Mary but only daughters named Mary & Patience. Son William's wife is unknown but his children were Barnaby and Mourning. Son John's wife was Mary but his children were Barnaby, Patience, Martha, Mary and John born after his father's death. Son Robert's wife appears to have been Martha; no children known. Son Richard's wife was Mary but his will of 1751 mentions no children.]
MATTHEW McKinnie. Edgecombe Deed Book 5, p. 357. MATT McKinnie witnessed a deed on 29 Feb 1744. Nathaniel Cooper to John Lane. On page 353, Benjamin McKinnie had sold 50 acres originally granted to Barnaby McKinnie to Richard McKinnie. This deed not dated but recorded May Ct. 1744.
MATTHEW McKinney was Executor of the estate of John Renfrow of Edgecombe Co as per Renfrow's LW&T dated 30 May 1748 and proved Aug 1748.
Edgecombe Deed Book 4, p.39. 22 Apr 1751. MATHEW Mckinnie of Edge.Co. to Edward Brantley, 290 acres joining Nathaniel Holly, John Renfro, Col. Whitehead. Witnesses: Joseph Lane, John Lamon. Rec. May Ct. 1751
p.65 12 Feb 1750 Mary Simons to MATTHEW McKinnie of Edge Co. 290 acres joining Nathaniel Holley, John Raiford, and Col. Whitehead.
MICHAEL McKinnie's land adjoins 220 acres on south side of Moratock sold by John Pugh of Bertie Co. to Col. William Whitehead. 18 Aug 1749. Edgecombe Deed Book 3, p.401

Legatee of the Will of Barnaby McKinnie. Relationship unknown.
Halifax Co Deed Book 8, p.179 5 Aug 1762 Joel Lane to William Hall of Northampton 460 acres South side Coneconary known by the name of Cullender's - part of a patent granted to Col. Barnaby McKinnie and by him devised in his last will & testament to WILLIAM CULLENDER who there of did seize and thereupon William Cullender the younger entered into the sd land & premises being heir at law to the said deceased Said Wm Cullender did depart out of the said province without leaving personal estate sufficient to satisfy a certain judgment obtained against him in the Inferior Court of Pleas for Halifax whereby the lands were seized by Sheriff and by him sold deed indented & enrolled by Joel Lane then Sheriff to James Lane ..James Lane then did afterward sell and convey the said Land unto the said Joel Lane by deed Signed: Joel Lane Witness: Wm Branch, Bridgman Joyner

Future research that needs to be done to establish relationships in this family:
The following though often cited for Col. Barnaby is for his son, Barnaby, Jr.
Will dated 13 Oct 1736; proved in November Court, Edgecome Precinct, copy recorded #58 Grant Book, #4 for Barnaby McKinnie, Jr. - there is some doubt about the legatees
Daughters Mary and Patience to receive land. Others legatees: Barnaby, son of Joseph Lane. [nephew] Barnaby son of William MacKinne [nephew] Brothers: William, Robert & John. Also Joseph Lane, John Pope, James Howell, John Lane, Nathaniel Cooper. Wife & executrix: Mary. Original said to be missing.
There are Court papers regarding docking of the tail of the lands devised in the Will of Col. Barnaby which would not match this will of 1736. Brothers and nephews could only be Barnaby Jr. - also he had only two daughters. Both father and son were married to Marys.



BirthAbt 1673Virginia
MarriageAbt 1719Mary Exum
DeathBef Nov 1740Edgecombe County, North Carolina
MarriageMary [McKinnie]


SpouseMary [McKinnie] ( - )
ChildPatience McKinnie (1715 - 1759)
ChildMary McKinnie ( - 1730)
ChildBarnaby McKinnie Jr. ( - 1736)
ChildWilliam McKinnie ( - 1739)
ChildJohn McKinnie ( - 1753)
ChildRobert McKinnie ( - )
ChildAnn McKinnie ( - )
ChildRichard McKinnie ( - 1751)
SpouseMary Exum ( - )
ChildMourning McKinnie ( - )
ChildChristian McKinnie ( - )
FatherMichael Mackquinney ( - 1686)
MotherElizabeth [Mackquinney] (1641 - 1704)
SiblingJohn Mackquinney (1668 - 1709)
