Individual Details

James Hayden

(1788 - 1863)

Tax Records of Lowndes Co MS, 1833-1840; Logan & Webb, 1992
Note: also lists residents who paid the poll tax only and had no land
James Haden - 1837
James Hayden - 1839

He wasn't listed separately in the 1840 census - the only Haden/Hayden present in the census was William Hayden - who was actually William M. Haden, grandson of Zachariah.

1850 Lowndes Co MS Census. James Hayden, age 62, Farmer. Birthplace not given.. Parthena, age 55. Total of 36 slaves. Green Gibson, age 30, Overseer, born in NC, lived with them.

The 1850 Agricultural Census for James "Haden":
300 acres improved land, 240 unimproved, $5000 value of farm; $65 farm equipment
2 horses, 8 mules, 8 milk cows, 4 working oxen, 15 other cattle, 63 hogs for $1116 value
The farm produced 1500 bu Indian corn, 300 bu oats, 24 bales cotton, 12 bu peas & beans, 150 bu sweet potatoes, 300 lbs butter.

[Was there a relationship between this man and the child adoped by Mary's sister Elizabeth?]

1860. Lowndes Co MS. James Hayden, age 71, Money Lender, born in Mass. $15,000 real estate and $40,000 personal property. Parthenia age 66, forn in GA, had $9,000 in real estate and $50,000 in personal property. Living with them was Parthenia Brown, age 24, also born in GA and owning $8000 worth of personal property.

Lowndes Co MS Will Book I, p.91
8 Mar 1859
Will of James Hayden.
Item 1. Appoint my son-in-law McKinney Irion, executor.
Item 2. Bequeath to my brother Cotten Hayden $250 a year during the term of the national life of my aged mother for her maintenance and support
Item 3. Bequeath to my widowed sister Hope Thayen, $100. To my brother Seth Hayden, $100. to my brother Nelson Hayden, $200. To sister Hope the further sum of $100. To my son George B. Hayden, $100. Within 12 months of my decease. The legacy to my son George B. Hayden is in full of claims and interest upon my estate as I have made advancement to me from time to time, larger sums of money more than his equal share of my estate.
All residue of my estate of whatever kind to my daughter Harriet Elizabeth Irion, wife of McKimmey Irion.
My executor to make payment of $200 to my wife Parthenia as evidence of my affection, she having separate estate of her own and being independant.
Signed: James Hayden
Wit: T. J. Sharp, Henry B. Whitfield, James T. Harrison
Probate Court June 1863
Harrison swore to will and to the signing of Sharp & Whitfield. Admitted to Probate.


Marriage8 Jul 1846Lowndes County, Mississippi - Mary Parthenia Irion
Death1863Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi


SpouseMary Parthenia Irion (1795 - 1860)
ChildHarriet Elizabeth Hayden (1837 - 1865)
