Individual Details
James Holderness
( - 1795)
Amelia Co VA Court Order Book 2 (1746-1751) 21 May 1750. Road to be cleared from James Atwood's road to Roanoak road. Tithes of Atwood, Flournoy, Abraham Estis, John Popham, and ROBERT and SAMUEL HOLDERNESS are to assist Estis, surveyor.
Amelia Co Will Book 1, p.87 Estate settlement of Thomas Lewelling who died 23 Jun 1752. Settled by Samuel Tarry. Names mentioned: Jessey Lewelling, Charles Burke, ROBERT HOLDERNESS, John Nash, Col Cobbs, William Cradock, Richard Burke, and Mr. Ligon (for coffin & digging grave).
Amelia Co Deed Book 5, p.38 26 Dec 1752 James Atwood to Thomas Scott of Gloucester Co VA, 600 acres on Little Bryer River part of 1765 acres patented to Atwood 20 Jul 1748. Bounded by river, lines of Martin & Estis. Witnesses: Alexander Kean, Ambros Estes, Richard Atwood, ROBERT HOLDERNESS
[Prince Edward Co was formed from Amelia Co in 1753.]
Prince Edward Deed Book 5, p.381 26 Nov 1755 James Presniel to William Purnell both of Nottoway Parish. Both sides Deep Creek, part of tract where Presniel now lives & part of patent to William Hudson 2 Jan 1737 for 1000 acres. Witness: JAMES HOLDERNESS, James Atwood, and John (x) Grant.
Northampton Co NC, Deed Book 2, p.315. [GenealogyLibrary Online] John Baldwin of Amelia Co VA to JAMES HOLDERNESS of Northampton on 5 Nov 1756 ...428 acres on Poticasa swamp adj. James Turner, land of the sd Baldwin, Humphrey Revell & Joseph Smith. Wit: William Hudson Sr, William Hudson..
Prince Edward Co VA Deed Book 1, p.166b 1 Aug 1757. James Atwood of Amelia Co. to William Purnal of same. 343 acres on Little Brier[y] part of tract granted Atwood 1765 acres bounded by Thomas Scott, Alexander Kean, Richd Swepston & Richd Atwood. Signed: James Atwood. Witnesses: William Atwood, Frances Forest, George Forrest, JAMES HOLDERNESS Rev. 10 Oct 1757
Other Virginia Holderness records include a JOHN Holderness on the tax roll of Norfolk Co VA in 1765 with 1 tithe. A deed in Norfolk Co dated 10 Aug 1809 mentions land on north side of Deep Creek adjacent Thomas Culpepper and Elizabeth Holderness where James Martin lives.
Northampton Co NC Deed Book 2, p.472. James Holderness of Northampton witnessed a deed of William Hurst of Granville Co to Benjamin Sherard of Edgecombe Co NC 51 acres on North side of Roanoke River. 4 Jul 1758.
[The first marriage of James Holderness likely took place between 1758-1760 - perhaps in Northampton or Halifax Cos. However, Patience was 1st married to Benjamin Sherrod, he appears to still be alive this date.]
Northampton Co NC Deed Book 3, p.24. John Massey of Granville Co to Aaron Weaver of Northampton on 12 Jun 1759. 100 acres land on west side of Oconeechy Swamp. Wit: Danl. Weldon, James Holderness.
Northampton Co NC Deed Book 3, p.37. 19 Jul 1759. Henry Pope & wife Tabitha of Halifax to Blake Baker of same. Barnaby Mackinne, dec'd, late of Edgecombe Co was possessed of land and mill in Northampton Co of 400 acres. His will of 13 Aug 1737 devised this son Riachard & if had no issue then the said land to go to daughters Patience Land & Mounring Pope. Richard died without issue. John Lane, heir of Patience sold his part to Col. Joseph Lane who sold it to Blake Baker; Henry Pope & Blake Baker partitioned the 400 acres. Henry Pope now sells his half to Baker. Witness: J. Edwards, James Holderness, John Gittest. Proved Oct Court 1763.
Lord Granville NC Grants, Patent Book 11: 2 Jul 1760 James Holderness witnessed grant of Boaz Kitchen in Edgecombe Co NC.
2 Jul 1760 Granville Patent Bk 11, #904, p.215 BOAZ KITCHEN 56 acres in Edgecombe Co joining a branch and John Ryalls. Surv. BOAZ KITCHING. Wit: Jos. Montfor, James HOLDERNESS. Surv 25 Sep 1757 SCC: Jno Ryalls, Jno McGee
And 12 Dec 1760 James Holderness witnessed grant of George Wimberly, St. Mary Parish, Edgecombe Co NC. THE GRANVILLE DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA 1748-1763, Vol. 1, Margaret M. Hofmann.
Halifax Co NC "Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824"
Will #24, p.25 April 1760. John Crowell Will witnessed by James Holderness. Proved Mar 1761
Will #28, p.31 15 Mar 1761 Barnaby McKinnie Jr. Will (son of John McKinnie,gson of Col. Barnaby McKinnie) witnessed by James Holderness. Proved June 1761.
Northampton Co NC DB 3, p.207. 23 Nov 1762. Ribhard Biggins and wife Elizabeth of Prince George Co to Robert Rutherford of Halifax. 200 acres Adj Thomas Avent, John Richards. Wit: Jas. Holderness, Nathl. Rains. Proved Feb Court 1763.
Halifax Co NC
Deed Book 9, p.196-7
___ Feb 1763 James Holderness & Patience his wife of Halifax to William Robinson of the same. For the rents, etc. lease the farm where Robinson now lived in Halifax County, on the South side of the Road from Blake Baker Ferry to the town of Halifax, adjoining Richmond's line. For seven years. Paying on the 1st day of Jan the yearly Rent of 5 sh, 8 pence. William Robinson doth agree to not harm or destroy any timber except for necessary builgin or fencing. If Robinson leaves before seven years, he cannot sell or make assigment but his leaving shall be made know to sd James & Patience to again repossess the estate. Signed: J. Holderness, Patience Holderness, William (X) Robinson. wit: Edwd Barrett, Thos. Cleeton
April Court, 1765. Edwd Barret proved and deed was ordered to be recorded.
Northampton Co NC Deeds:
Deed Book 3, p.322 17 May 1764 James Holderness witnessed deed of gift from Thomas Lankford of Northampton to his son Zachariah Lankford of Halifax Co.
Halifax Co, NC, Deed Book 9, p.34-38
19 Mar 1764. James Holderness & Patience his wife of Halifax, and Harwood Jones of Northampton, Gentleman, second part; Abner Nash of Halifax, 3rd part; Blaker Baker of Halifax, 4th part. Sum of 175#'s to Holderness & wife paid by Blake Baker, also 5 sh paid by Harwood Jones. Destroying all estate tail now upon the lands.Confirm all that parcel of land devised by the Last Will & Testament of Barnaby McKinney, dec'd, father of said Patience to Mary his daughter in fee tail, but in want of issue of the body of the said Mary, to the said Patience in fee tail, lying in Halifax, 250 acres. Harwood Jones may become the tenant of the freehold. It shall be lawful for the said Abner Nash to sue forth one or more writs of entry. Signed by all parties in the presence of Jas. Caliate, Seth Pryor, Ladoch Baker.
27 Mar 1764. Patience Holderness was privately examined and acknowledged she freely signed.
Northampton Co NC Will Book 1; p.120, Will 80. Charles Noden. Written 20 Dec 1764 and proved May Court 1765. 400 acres and salves to be used for maintenance of loving wife and children until children arrive at full age. Three daughters. Charles Woolfolk - silver watch & shoe buckles. Richard Woolfolk, £10 to buy suit of Mourning. Extr: wife, Richard Woolfolk, John Goodloe. Wit: James Holderness, Thomas Stewart, James Eliot, John Webb.
Northampton Co NC Deed Book 3, p.418 29 May 1765. James Holderness of Halifax sold to James Dancy of Northampton 428 acres "Oaticada Swamp" joining Jas. Turner, Humphry Revel, Joseph Smith. Wit: Wm Allen, James Allen. [Land Holderness bought in Northampton Nov 1756]
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 9, p.378 25 Jul 1766 Blake Baker to James Holderness and wife Patience for 5 sh ..Barnaby McKinny's land left to daughter Mary who has died without heirs, then descended to daughter Patience wife of sd James Holderness in fee tail. Signed: Blake Baker in presence of John Stainback. Oct Court 1766 - acknowledged by Baker.
Rowan Co NC Deed Book 7, p.138; 4 Jun 1768. John Chadwell & wife Bethunia & Peter Perkins all of Pittsylvania Co VA sold to James Holderness of Halifax Co NC, for 100#'s, 697 acres on Linville's Creek in Dan Valley Community, land granted to Nicholas Perkins 21 Dec 1761 by Earl Granville. Witness: John Langford, James Presnell, WM. HOLDERNESS
8 ___ 1768. Halifax County. The execution of the above deed was duly proved by the oath of William Holderness, one of the Subscribing Witnesses before M. Howard, Clk.
Northampton Co NC Deed Book 4
p.189 8 Jan 1768 Jethro Turner and wife Mary of Bute Co lease to James Holderness of Halifax, 200 acres where Jesse Crump lived, north side of Roanoak River. Wit: Jas. Milner, Jno. Long, J. Kinchen. Proved Sep Court 1768.
p.258 15 Jan 1769 Thomas Stewart Esq & his wife Anne of Halifax Co to James Holderness of same. £600. 300 A on Roanoak River joining Quankey Gut, joining Leslie, Lowe, Gee, Montford Elbeck. Signed: T. Stewart, Ann (X) Stewart. Wit: David Stockes, Wm (X) Robinson. June Ct. 1769. n Examined by Drewry Gee Esq., femme relinquished her dower. CC: Willie Jones. [See next deed on same day!]
Halifax Co, NC Deed Book 10
p.316 : 15 Jan 1769 James Holderness and wife Patience to Thomas Stewart for 600#. parcels of land in Halifax. 250 acres; devised by Barnaby McKinnie to daughter Mary in fee-tail. Bounded ...Joseph Joyners corner in Brown's line, John Holly's corner along John Harvey's line, Ledbetter's corner, David Brown's line to Burns corner, Joseph Joyners line. Granted by patent to John McKinney 26 of Jul 1728. And 150 part of tract granted to Wm. Brown for 650 acres by patent dated 1 Apr 1713. signed: James Holderness, Patience Holderness. Witness: David Stokes, Wm Robinson.
Feb Court 1769. Acknowledged by James Holderness. Patience relinquished Dower.
[Patience likely died between the signing of this deed and the Gift of land to daughter Charlotte below.]
Rowan Co NC Deed Book 7:
p302: 1 Aug 1769. JAMES HOLDERNESS of Halifax Co., N.C. to dau
CHARLOTTE HOLDERNESS for love, a Negro named Fanny with child Isham and all her future increase & livestock at the plantation purchased from John Chadwell & wf Bethunia & Peter Perkins. Wit: Joseph Chapman, Ben: SHERROD, Prvd. Mar Court 1771
p303: 1 Aug 1769. JAMES HOLDERNESS of Halifax Co., N.C. to son McKINNE HOLDERNESS for love, a Negro named Phillis and all her future increase. She is now at the plantation bought from John Chadwell & wf Bethunia & Peter Perkins. Joseph Chapman, Ben: SHERROD. Prvd Mar Court 1771
p303: 1 Aug 1769. JAMES HOLDERNESS of Halifax Co., N.C. to dau CHARLOTTE HOLDERNESS for love, 697 A in Rowan granted Nicholas Perkins 21 Dec 1761, sold by his son Peter Perkins & John Chadwell & wf Bethunia to HOLDERNESS 4 June 1768. Wit: Jos. Chapman, Ben: SHERROD. Prvd Mar. Court 1771 [Charlotte married 14 Jun 1779, 10 years later ...likely a young child at time of gifts.]
[There is no indication James Holderness moved from Halifax at this time as he appears to still live there as late as 1774. See next. He appears to have lived in Halifax from about 1760-1774]
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 10:
p.477: Ruth LEWIS of Halifax Co, NC for natural love & affection to beloved daughter Magdalen LEWIS (of Halifax Co., NC) - household furniture and live stock. 21 April 1769. Ruth (her X mark) Lewis. Wit: Jas. HOLDERNESS, Benjn SHERROD
p.478: Ruth LEWIS of Halifax Co, NC for natural love & affection to beloved son George LEWIS (of Halifax Co., NC) - household furniture and live stock. 21 April 1769. Ruth (her X mark) Lewis. Wit: Jas. HOLDERNESS, Benjn SHERROD
p.483: Ruth LEWIS of Halifax Co, NC for natural love & affection to beloved daughter Betty LEWIS (of Halifax Co., NC) - household furniture and live stock. 21 April 1769. Ruth (her X mark) Lewis. Wit: Jas. HOLDERNESS, Benjn SHERROD.
All three deeds of gift proved: Halifax County November Court 1769. Then the aforegoing deed was in open Court duly acknowledged by Ruth Lewis the party thereto and on motion ordered to be registered. Test. Jos. Montfort CC
[This relationship between Ruth Lewis & Holderness has somewhat supported the idea James Holderness married a Frances Lewis, dau or stepdau to Ruth - perhaps she was Frances Lewis Harris, a widow. Benjamin Sherrod likely his stepson, son of Benjamin Sherrod & Patience McKinnie Sherrod Holderness.]
Northampton Co Deed Book 5, p.967 (14). 5 Jan 1770 Deed of Gift. James Holderness to son McKinnie Holderness both of Halifax Co. 300 A North side of Roanoke in Occonechy Neck, joining Quankey Gut, Leslie Low, Gee, Montfort Eelbeck. Signed: James Holderness. Wit: Benjamin Sherrod, Peter Winstead. Reg. in Halifax 19 Apr 1770.
[Land bought from Thomas Stewart on 15 Jan 1769.]
Here is James Holderness involved in administration of the estate of Blake Baker:
Halifax Co NC "Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824"
Will #150, p.250. 176? Blake Baker Will. Wife Mary; children Mary Blake, Elizabeth, Blake. Wife Mary, brother John Baker & James Holderness, Executors. Proved Nov 1769.
Virginia Gazette, 2 Nov 1769, p. 3 col.3 [Colonial Williamsburg website]
To be SOLD, pursuant to the last will and testament of Blake Baker, esq; deceased, the following Lands and Plantations, at twelve months credit, viz. The Lands and Plantation purchased of John Melville ..known by the name of Mudwell and the lands and ordinary at the cross roads, all of which join and make one body of about 7 or 800 acres of exceeding fine land on Roanoke river, in the county of Halifax, and province of North Carolina, and lies within about five miles of the town of Halifax. Also, all the lands belonging to the described in the county of Dobbs, consisting of perhaps 1000 acres or upwards of extra-ordinary fine worth, together with several tracts of land with plantations thereon, adjoining. Also one lot in the town of Halifax with very valuable improvements thereon. Any Gentleman [inclined] to purchase the said lands, or any part thereof, may apply to:
Mary Baker, Executrix
John Baker, James Holderness, Executors.
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 11
p.17 27 Jun 1770 Mary Baker, John Baker & James Holderess, extrs of will of Blake Baker, dec'd to Thomas Stewart, Gent. All of Halifax. For 450#'s sell that tract of land where John Milliken formerly lived on the south side of Roanoke River, 230 acres granted to John Milliken by Paul Patrick & Agnes his wife 19 May 1752. Conveyed to said John Milliken by name of John Joyner. Also one other deed by Ann Richmond, now wife of said Thomas Stewart to the said John Milliken, dated 15 Feb 17862 - being land where James Milliken formerly lived and John Milliken posses in his own right did convey the same to the said Blake Baker, 20 Oct 1764. Signed: Mary Baker, John Baker, Jas. Holderness. Wit: A. Nash who witnessed in August Court 1771.
p.47 20 Jun 1770 Mary Baker, John Baker & James Holderness sell two town lots of Blake Baker's to William Martin for 325#
p.279 27 Aug 1770 Mary Baker, John Baker, & James Holderness sell 370 acres to Benjamin McCullock. This was land fee tailed to Christian McKinnie Hurst, descended to Mary Hurst Sumners and deeded to Blake Baker in his lifetime.
Halifax Co NC Deed Book 12
p.71 Nov Court 1771 Mary Baker, John Baker, & James Holderness sell 100 acres of land formerly belonging to Blake Baker to James Baker who is currently living there. This land was part of 640 acres patented by John McKinnie in 1728; sold to his brother-in-law William Hurst; 100 acres descended to Hurst's dau Mary & husband Jethro Sumner who then sold the land to Blake Baker 13 Feb 1765.
Northampton Co Deed Book 5, p.1103 (151) 28 May 1772 Lewis Willaimson, Esq. sheriff of Northampton to Allen Jones. Judgement against John Baker & James Holderness the surviving executors of Blake Baker. Land sold at public auction. 30 A, the mill tract, joining the Roanoke River. Jun Ct. 1772.
Deed Book 12:
p.19 19 Jan 1771 William Cathcart Esq of NoHampton in NC to James Holderness of Halifax. In Consideration of the rents hereinafter. 12 years from 1st Jan 1771. parcel in Halifax part of Broadneck. Conoconary Swamp the Roundabout. 100 acres. To occupy for twelve years from 1st Jan 1771. 10# yearly rent. Signed: Will Cathcart, Jas. Holderness. Witness: Eleanor Mackay, Margaret Cathcart, Wm Johnston. Acknowledged by James Holderness & proved by William Johnston
Halifax Deed Book 12; p.44
Order of Vestry
Edgcomb Parish.
At a vestry held at the town of Halifax 20th Feb 1771. Ordered that the several Cautens [Cantons?] within this parish as laid of 27th Aug 1760 & 19 Oct 1765 be and remain without alteration Excepting Cauten No 1 & No 2 which are now Included and made No 1 and Process Masters be appointed in each Cauten to procession each respective persons lands within the said several Cautens. No 39 Beginning at Rayford's Bridge Down the Creek to Cottons thence to James Whitacres line in Deep Creek up the Creek to Tarr River upper road along that road to Guings then up Guings Road to the Beginning. James Alsobrook & William Alsobrook. Process Masters.
Jas. Holderness, C. V.
In obedience to a Order of Vestry of Edgcomb Parish Directed to us we have examined the lines of the different tracts of land and have mark'd the same agreeable to law: Except a line Between Joseph Cotton and William Alsobrook & another line Between Ely Harris and Isaac Horn which line appeared to us to be doubtful and were disputed by the parties.
Given under our hands this 20th Day of August 1771
William Alsobrook & James Alsobrook
Halifax County August Court 1771
Then the aforegoing Order of Vestry & Processionsers return, in Virtue of sd order: was returned in Open Court by William Alsobrook & James Alsobrook & on motion ordered to be registered.
Jos. Montfort. CCt
23 Dec 1773 Guilford Co NC. J Holderness was witness for marriage of Elizabeth Dunn and Ingram Nunn. Joseph Nunn, Bondsman. [NC Marriage Bonds]
Halifax Co NC "Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, 1758-1824"
Will #209, p.371 4 Oct 1774. Richard Freear Will. Dau Margaret Haynes, wife Winefred, sons Robert & Richard. One of witnesses was James Holderness. Proved Nov 1774.
Lieutenant under Capt John Leak in Regt commanded by Col. James Martin from Guilford Co NC. Was in the Expedition to Cross Creek.
From the "North Carolina Revolutionary Army Accounts, Secretary of State: Treasurer's & Comptroller's Papers" by Wynette Parks Haun; c1992. Part II, Vol I and Vol II; p.251 #1038 James Holdernes 31 Jul 82 Principal 30.9.3 plus Interest 3.6.4.
And in the Journal "A" Public Accounts of 1775-1776; p.67. State of North Carolina. James Holderness, Lieut. 6.15.
Added as a New Ancestor, NSDAR, Jul Aug 2009 Edition, Vol 9, No. 4, of Daughters of the American Revolution Newsletter.
HOLDERNESS, James. b. c 1735, d. abt 21 Nov 1795 GA. m. (1) Patience McKinney and (2), Francis Harris. Capt, NC
Guilford Co NC Wills: James Holderness was witness to the 3 Mar 1778 Will of Alexander Joyce. Probate was in May of the same year.
Record of marriage James Holderness to Frances Harris: 10 Mar 1778 in Guilford Co NC. Bondsman: John Scales. witness: Thos. Henderson
Both Maynard and Irion list the wife of James Holderness as Frances Lewis and list her as the mother of Charlotte and McKinney. This is apparently from some writing of Guy Lewis who researched the Lewis family. This does not agree with marriage bond from North Carolina Archives of James Holdeness to Frances Harris in Guilford Co, in 1788; this bond is indexed as "Holderiss" but that is an error on the part of an abstractor. Was easy to read if you are familiar with the name Holderness. The abstractor also read the bondsman John Scales' name as Seales.
Guilford Co NC Deed Book 1, p.445-446 Mar 1778, 280 acres Alexander Hunter sold to Robert Dearing patent from Earl of Granville to Robert Jones and sold by him to Joseph Tate. Witness: James Holderness, James Callaway, Richard Vernon.
DB 1, p.514: Valentine Allen grant #57 for 320 acres North side od Dan River crossing forks of Sharps Creek to James Holderness' corner. 2nd grant #71 of 380 acres mentions James Holderness' line. Both grants dated 16 Dec but no year given - prob 1779.
DB 2, p.15: Valentine Allen grant #162, dated 13 Nov 1779 for 560 acres on Sharps Creek, beginning at James Holderness' corner.
DB 2, p.76: James Holderness grant for 350 acres on waters of Linville Creek beginning at a corner of his own deeded land. 13 Nov 1779. Grant #139.
DB 2, p.81: Mary Fields and orphans get grant #202 of 440 acres on waters of Mayo River and along James Holderness' line. 13 Nov 1779
DB 2, p.91: John Pratt grant #113 for 640 acres on Sharp Creek branch of Dan River, corner of James Holderness and along James Holderness' line. 13 Nov 1779.
DB 2, p.94: Sarah DeGraffenreid grant #198 of 400 acres both sides Linvilles Creek, James Holderness' line, Richard Sharp, Turbyfield Barnes, James Galloway. 13 Nov 1779.
DB 2, p.253 16 Aug 1782: William Langston Lewis sold 400 acres both sides of Mayo river, patented to him 1 Mar 1780, to Robert Vernon. James Holderness was a witness.
DB 2, p.222: 16 Nov 1782 Valentine Allen sold 100 acres to William Pratt. Beginning on James Holderness' line.
DB 2, p.436: William Lybass grant #739 for 57 acres on Sharps Creek of Dan River to begin at James Holderness' corner. John Pratt, Mary Fields, James Holderness' line. 14 Oct 1783.
GUILFORD CO NC LAND GRANTS 1778-1934; Elizabeth Shaw Bailey, 1993
Lists the above mentioned NC Grants as:
Grant #57 Valentine Allen, Entry #99, 26 May 1778; Issued 16 Dec 1778, Bk 33, p.57. 300 acres, N side Dan R - Sharps Crk - James Holderness
Grant #71 Valentine Allen, Entry #100, 27 May 1778; Issued 16 Dec 1778, Bk 33, p.71. 386 aces, both sides Sharpes Crk - Wm Hunt Allen, James Holderness
Grant #162 Valentine Allen, Entry #380, 13 Oct 1778; Issued 13 Nov 1779, Bk 33, p.162. 560 acres, Sharps Crk; James Holderness corner; Richard Sharp; W of Sarah Degraffenreidt line.
Grant #202 Mary Fields & Orphans, Entry #640, 21 Nov 1778. Issued 13 Nov 1779, Bk 33, p.202. 440 acres, Mayo River, on Mayo Mtn, adj Elisha Joyce, Wm Lewis, James Holderness
Grant #139 James Holderness, Entry #216, 16 Jul 1778, Issued 13 Nov 1779, Bk 33, p.139. 350 acres, Waters Linvils Crk, along the Mountain
Grant #739 William Lybass, Entry #1767, 18 Aug 1779; Issued 14 Oct 1783, bk 54, p.44. 57 acres, Sharps Creek, John Holderness, John Pratt
Grant #113 John Pratt, Entry #265, 21 Aug 1788; Issued 24 Nov 1779, Bk 33, p.113. 640 acres, waters Sharps Crk of Dan River
Guilford Co NC Deeds, Book 3, p. 24 Sep 1783. Sale of land from Benjamin Goin to Elizabeth Strong. 188 acres on double creeks of Fishers Creek. Witnesses included James Holderness and McKinnie Holderness.
DB 3, p.162 3 Jul 1784 William Lybass sold his 57 acres on Sharps Creek to John Pratt. Witnessed by Lewis Irion, J. Holderness, Ricahrd Vernon.
DB 3, p.202 4 Jan 1785 Gideon Johnston, attorney in fact for Sarah DeGraffenreid of Cumberland Co VA sold 400 acres to Turbyfield Barnes. Land where William Langston Lewis lived. North side of Dan River. Richard Sharp, Turbyfield Barnes, James Holderness line, James Galloway. [Land granted to her in Deed Book 2, p.94]
Rockingham Co NC Deeds.
Book A, p.96 11 Aug 1786 James Harrison sold 100 acres to John Gibson. Witnesses: J. Holderness, James Gallaway, Henry Scales
Book A, p.137 21 Oct 1786 Lands Turbefield Barnes sold to Robert Donald & Co of Petersburg VA. 150 acres bought of Jess Thomas & bounded by James Gallaway & Richard Sharp; 350 acres bought of Wm Lewis, bounded by James Gallaway & Richard Sharp & James Holderness, etc.
Book A, p.287 23 May 1787 Henry Scales to Charles Gallaway. 80 acres both side sides of Dan River. Witness: James Holderness, Nathaniel Scales, James Campbell.
Book A, p.292 26 Apr 1787 Charles Mitchell to Constant Perkins of Pittsylvania co VA & Charles Gallaway. 100 acres on Rockhouse Creek. Witness: J. Holderness, James Pratt Senr, James Campbell, Robert Gallaway.
Book A, p.308 27 Dec 1786 James Pratt to William Pratt of Caswell Co, 50 acres on Sharps Creek adjacent James Holderness. Witness: Wm.L. Lewis, Richard Pratt
Found on Google books:
Gov. Alexander Martin: Biography of a North Carolina Revolutionary, by Chas. D. Rodenbough, 2004, p. 108
Elizabeth Strong (significant other of Gov. Martin) arrived in Rockingham County at least by September 1783 when she purchased, in her own right, 188 acres on Double Creek of Fisher Creek and north of the Dan River. She had been born in Virginia about 1750, the daughter of Thomas & Ruth Baker Lewis. About 1769, she married Thomas Strong of Halifax County, Virginia. They located on Sandy River and had at least five sons. Thomas became a 'Long Hunter', a term used for men who in October each year left home, to go hunting over the mountains until April. It is estimated that their profits in one season could exceed that of a farmer for a lifetime. Thomas Strong disappeared during the early years of the revolution. He may have died in battle, been killed by Indians, or just never returned home from one of the long hunts; the latter is a good possibility because Elizabeth was never identified as a widow.
During the Revolution, Elizabeth's brother-in-law, John Strong, moved south across the border into Rockingham County, North Carolina, where she bought her property in 1783. All those who settled in this neighborhood around Sharps Creek, were friends and relations from Virginia including James Holderness, Lewis Irion, William Langston Lewis (Elizabeth's half-brother), Mary Fields, John Fields, Valentine Allen, John Pratt, Sarah DeGraffenreidt (widow of Baker DeGraffenreidt) and Turbefield Barnes.
Rockingham, NC, Deed Book B, p.28 23 Feb 1788 James Pratt son of John Pratt dec'd to Elizabeth Strong. 50 acres on Turbefield Barnes's line, William Pratt's line. Witness: John (X) Strong [son of Elizabeth], James Holderness.
Book B, p.212 30 Aug 1787 Elizabeth Strong to James Rhodes. One of the Witnesses was James Holderness AND same page and date: James Pratt to Elizabeth Strong. James Holderness, Witness
Book B, p.188 18 Feb 1789. Lewis Irion & wife Charlotte to Charles Galloway 696 acres; granted to Nicholas Perkins 21 Dec 1761 in Rowan Co, adj Turbefield Barnes [This is the land James Holderness gave to Charlotte in Aug 1769.]
Book B, p.190 18 Feb 1789, James & Frances Holderness sold their 301 acres of land on Linville Creek to Charles Gallaway. Adj Turbefield Barnes. [Note: See Deed of 1779 for 351 acres - is this when he bought this land and moved from Halifax? He's getting ready to move to GA although he is still in Rockingham for the 1790 Census] Deeds of the Fields' family mention James Holderness' line several times as well as Mayo Mountain and Sharps Creek. Gallaway often referred to in other deeds as Gallway & Company or he's found in partnership with Constant Perkins of Pittsylvania Co VA.
Both wives relinquished dower by order of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions.
DB B, p.220 3 Nov 1787 James Holderness to Turbyfield Barnes for 100 £. 50 acres in Holderness & Barnes lines. Signed: J. Holderness. Witness: Tho. Henderson, Joshua Smith, M.Hardin Junr. [This is the remainder of the land bought in the Deed of 1779.]
DB C, p.69 Dec 1789. William Pratt to Andrew Hunter 100 acres on James Holderness's line. Witness: J. Holderness, Lewis Irion, McKinnie Holderness
LDS Microfilm #1486561 - Salisbury (NC) District Superior Court Minutes -
Book 2, 1782-1786 - pages 1-175:
15 March 1786
p. 127:
James Holderness
Sherwood & Long ] for Bill in Equity
Cause set for hearing next term commissions (___) (_____) issue on both
sides by consent take in this suit next court.
Court Term commencing September 15, 1786:
p. 165:
Ordered that Benjamin Sherwood and others against whom James Holderness hath
filed a Bill in Equity file their respective answers to the Bill of the said
complainant within the three first days of the next term otherwise they the
said Isaac (ink blot) & Nicholas Long two of the Defendants in said Bill,
shall be considered in contempt. Ordered also an attendance issue to the
Sheriff of Halifax commanding him to bring the person the said Benjamin
Sherwood an infant mentioned in said Bill into Court the next term, or
before the Judges in their Chambers at Halifax that a Guardian may be
assigned him to answer said Bill.
The following Letter found in the Manuscript file of William Richardson Davie (1756-1820). Davie was once governor of North Carolina.
Addressed to Col. W. R. Davie at Hillsborough
Copy obtained from the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University
I believe this letter concerns the affairs of Benjamin Sherrod, b. 1751, died 1776 in Halifax NC. He was the stepson of James Holderness. Benjamin had been married to Mary Ricks, daughter of Abraham Ricks.
James Holderness was in Salisbury, Rockingham, NC, for the 1790 census. The letter is dated in March of 1790 – by October of the same year, James would be witnessing a deed in Wilkes Co, GA. He in fact paid tax on 526 acres in Wilkes Co for the year 1790 – apparently at least a portion of this was his bounty land for service in the Revolution.
Rockingham 29th March 1790
I have considered that it might be good for Mr Ricks to be
at Salisbury Sept Court Next Term when our visit as heed/need
if it be Necessary to prove more fully Sherod’s Acknowledgment,
And payments and the taking up two of the 11 Obligations first
Granted, which payment was made I believe sometime in
the year 1775 at which time he overpaid the two yearly
Payments but as he did not Satisfy In the amo’t of 3 yearly paymts
I gave him up but two so that 0 still remainded
in my Possession until they were List in ?? my Depo.
in the year 1777. You’ll please to Observe a Settlement
With Sherod’s Widow the Adm’r by hands of her brother
Ricks the Present Deft and paying some £100 pounds
in full to the 1st Jany 1777 which satisfied and discharg’d
five of those Obligations & yearly payments as you may observe
the 1st payment was to be on the 1st Jany 1773.
It can hardly be doubted but that at the time when
Mr. Ricks settled and paid me what was then due are
that those obligations which Mr. Sherod had Satisfied
& taken up lay before us to Enable us to adjust the balance
but whether those Obligations or other papers of Sd Sherod
assisted us to this Settlement or not. Mr Ricks was well
acquainted with the business, Actings & Transactions of
Sherod from the grant intimacy of the parties before Sherod
Intermarried with his Sister; and after his house became
For some time his home and Continued as long as Sherod
Lived and for a Considerable time after Sherod’s death.
I am persuaded that Mr. Ricks will be as much upon the reserve
As an Honest man can be. for I am well Satisfied that he
has been Charg’d and Cautioned by his Counsel Mr. N. L.
not to let anything Slip from him that might assist
me to a recovery yet I cannot believe that if he was
Questioned but that he wou’d declare the truth and set
Matters Clear. for that he always show’d to me a
Willingness to have the business settled and me satisfied
As being well Assessed of the Justness of my Claim.
I am Sir
Hble Servt
Jas. Holderness
James found in the 1790 Census in Salisbury District of Rockingham Co. Two males over 16, one female, 5 slaves. Sold soon after and moved to Wilkes Co GA. Wilkes Co tax rolls reveal that in 1790, James Holderness paid tax on 526 acres (in later years reduced to 400 acres) of land in Washington Co. This land marked with a "p" for patent or noted "granted to Jas. Holderness". He also paid tax on acerage on Fishing Creek next to Drury Williams.
Wilkes Co GA Deeds:
Deed Book GG, p. 262 20 Oct 1790. Joel McClendon to Lewis Irion. On both sides Fishing Creek. 223 acres. Witness: James Holderness; proved 5 Mar 1791 by Holderness.
Book II, p.18 26 Dec 1791 Solomon Palmour to James Holderness. 180 acres part of 400 acre tract adj Morris Creek. Witnesses: Lewis Irion, Joseph Heard
Book KK, p.5 12 Mar 1792 Solomon Palmour to James Holderness. 150 acres part of 400 acre tract adj Morris Creek. Witness: McKinnie Holderness.
Book MM, p.223 13 Oct 1792 Solomon Palmour to Joseph Heard on Morris Creek, branch of Fishing Creek. South by Holderness.
"Index to the Headright & Bounty Grants of GA" lists James Holderness as receiving 46 acres in Washington Co in 1791 as recorded in Grant Book VVV, #18, also 400 acres in 1793 as recorded in Grant Book XXX, #373. A note in this book states that bounty land was received for military service and was also received by ordinary citizens for not leaving the state during the Revolution.
Wilkes Co Deed Book QQ, p.127 21 Dec 1795. McKinney Holdiness [sic] & Lewis Irons bound to David Terrell, Register of Probate for $5000. Holdiness to administer estate of James Holdiness, dec'd. Make inventory, etc. Recorded 10 Mar 1798.
James paid tax each year through 1795; in 1796 McKinnie Holderness paid tax on the same land. There was never a year that a widow paid on this land; I suspect Frances was deceased before 1796. In 1804 (returns are missing for 1803) Cynthia Powell Holderness, widow of McKinnie, paid tax on these same two pieces of property.
21 Nov 1795: Letter of Administration on estate of James Holderness given to McKinnie Holderness. Inventory of estate recorded 2 Apr 1796. Returned by McKinnie Holderness.
McKinnie Holderness as Administrator for his father died before the disposition of the properties. On 6 Sep 1814, Nelson Powell (possible brother to the widow) bought the 400 acres in Washington Co on the waters of the Oconee for $500. In Aug 1817, the 527 acre tract in Wilkes Co on Fishing Creek was sold for $323 by order of the Inferior Court of Wilkes Co. Lewis McLendon, by then married to the widow, was living there at the time; did not find if he bought the land or not.
Valentine Allen, whose property was adjacent to that of James Holderness in Rockingham Co, NC, was born 29 Apr 1730, Goochland Co VA. It is believed he moved to North Carolina as early as 1762, when he witnessed a deed in Rowan Co, DB 5, p.362. His first deed of purchase was 25 Aug 1764 when he bought 620 acres on the North side of the Dan River from Alexander Hunter. In 1778, he bought 386 acres on Sharp's Creek next to his brother William Hunt Allen, James Holderness, John Whitworth, and James Hunter. Later in the same year he purchased another 390 acres next to it. The Lone Island Ford was on the Dan and the road ran through his land. Valentine Allen served in the Revolution, as did his neighbor James Holderness. He died in Rockingham Co - his will dated 18 Aug 1797 and recorded WB A, p.204. He was married to Nancy Arnold, 26 Feb 1753, Cumberland Co VA, and they had at least nine children. Several of their children married into the Scales family.
Marriage | Abt 1760 | Patience McKinnie | |||
Marriage | 10 Mar 1778 | Guilford County, North Carolina - Frances Harris | |||
Death | 1795 | Wilkes County, Georgia |
Spouse | Frances Harris ( - 1796) |
Spouse | Patience McKinnie ( - 1778) |
Child | Charlotte Holderness (1761 - 1835) |
Child | McKinnie Holderness (1769 - 1803) |
Father | Robert HOLDERNESS ( - ) |
Sibling | WILLIAM HOLDERNESS (1740 - 1806) |
Sibling | Elizabeth HOLDERNESS (1747 - 1827) |
1. Holderness research by Francie Lane
2. Laurence W. Maynard, Our Holdiness Family (2821 West Boyce Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76133 c1995).
3. Gerald W. Irion
4. Laurence W. Maynard, Our Holdiness Family (2821 West Boyce Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76133 c1995), p.1 Death date of 1796..
5. Reel 241-74, Estate Papers from Wilkes Co GA "Loose Papers" for James Holderness (#883) and McKinnie Holderness (#884) at Georgia Dept of Archives & History..