Individual Details

William M Warren

(1837 - Abt 1864)

William M. Warren, age 13, was living with William & Elizabeth Brown in Newton Co MO, 1850 Census. He also appears to be the male child under 5 living with them in Searcy Co AR in 1840. In 1860, William and Elizabeth had an 8 month old girl - Nancy.

The Warren descendants have a tradition that William died of smallpox during the Civil War. Said to be buried at Rocky Comfort, but if so his grave is unmarked. His wife Elizabeth was married to John Bunch.

These deeds and records are obviously a different William Warren in McDonald Co
11 Sep 1867. Deed. Stanley M. Hargrove and wife Milly to William Warren for $550; North half of SE 1/4, Section 20, Twp 22, Range 31. 80 acres except 1 acres east of spring conveyed to school commission for a school house.
McDonald Co MO; Deed Book C
p.986 20 Jan 1871
Frank Henry & Annis Smythe to William Warren. $350 NE1/4 of SE1/4 S22, T22,R31
40 acres.
Here is the biography for this other William Warren from The History of McDonald County, Missouri, 1888.
William Warren, a well-to-do farmer of McDonald County, MO., was born near Nashville, in Robertson County, Tenn., on Dec 16, 1825. He is a son of Sebert Warren, a native of Virginia, who was born near Richmond in 1790. The latter was a soldier in the War of 1812, fighting under Jackson at the battle of New Orleans. He left the "Old Dominion" and removed to Polk Co, Mo. in 1851. It was here that he passed away in 1853, after which his widow removed to Mercer County, Mo. in 1854. Thence she went to Marion County, Ill, in 1864, where she died two years later, in 1866. William Warren attended the subscription schools of his native county, and came with his parents to Missouri. He also removed to Illinois with his mother, remaining with her until her death. In the fall of the following year, he settled where he now resides, in Pineville Township. He devotes his time to agricultural pursuits and stock raising, owning a fine farm of 240 acres. On March 14, 1861, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Agnes M. Cross, a daughter of James Poague, and to them have been born seven children, of whom four, Louis, Rosetta, Charles Wesley and Hessie are living. One son, James R., died just after he had reached his majority. Mrs. Warren and her daughter, Rosetta, are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.


MarriageAbt 1858Elizabeth Dabbs
DeathAbt 1864


SpouseElizabeth Dabbs (1836 - 1902)
ChildNancy Jane Warren (1859 - 1926)
ChildMartha Ann Warren (1863 - 1950)
FatherClark M. Warren ( - )
MotherNancy Brown (1818 - 1840)
