Individual Details

Daniel Humphrey

(Aug 1660 - 1735)

The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans: Vol u me V H Humphreys, Milton Wylie page 430 HUMPHREYS, Joshua, ship-builde r , was born in Haverford, Pa., June 17, 1751; son of Joshua and Sarah ( W illiams) Humphreys, and grandson of Daniel and Hannah (Wynn) Humphreys a n d of Edward and Eleanor Williams. Daniel Humphreys, son of Samuel Hump h reys, of Merionethshire,Wales, came to America in 1682, and settled ab o ut seven miles west of Philadelphia, Pa., in Haverford, Chester c o unty. There be purchased lands, erected two or three fulling and grist m i lls, and cultivated a farm. He also erected the second Quaker meeting h o use, on his land. Joshua was apprenticed to a ship-builder, and a r ose to the head of his profession in America. He built thefirst frigat e R andolph and fitted out the first fleet under Commodore Hopkins that s a iled under the United Colonies flag in 1774. He furnished the modelsfo r t he construction of the six frigates [p.430] ordered by congress in 1 79 4, and when they were adopted, sent the moulds and drafts on to the p o rts where they were to be built. These vessels were the Chesapeake, Co n stitution, Congress, Constellation, Presideat and United States. He wa s a ppointed naval constructor with a salary of $2000 a year, June 28, 1 79 4, to take effect from May 1, 1794, and held this office until Oct. 2 6 , 1806. He was presented with a cane made from a part of the frigate C o nstitution by Josiah Barker, naval constructor at Boston, Mass., in 18 3 7. He was married to Mary Davids, of Philadelphia. He died at Re a ding, Pa., Jan. 12, 1888. Daniel came to America in 1682 settled 7 mil e s west of Phili, Havorfo rd twsp Chester county Now Delaware county PA . H e was a Quaker. The next yea r he returned to Wales and brought his, M o ther Elizabeth Sisters Lydia, Amy, Gobetha, her son Benjamin, Ab o ut thesame time tw o uncles came also Richard, and John Humphrey came t o A merica, Buying the Wes h tract but at first in Radnor and Marion tow ns hips, which adjoin Haverford twsp Adjoining Havorford. I find in Cars o ns records that his mother c ame in 1683. In August 1660 Samuel, J o ane, Owen, Lewis AP HUMPHREY, Willian Rees e and others, were imprisio n ed for fifteen or sixteen weeks at Baala, Merio nethshire, Wales, for t h eir adherence to the principles of Quakers. See Besse' s History o f t he Sufferings of the Quakers. Their cattle also were taken, and wer e n e ver returned. In 1661 Samuel Humphrey and Owen Humphrey were again com m it ted to prison for (15) fifteen weeks in a loathsome place, for refu s ing t o take the oath of allegiance to the king. Afterwards, Samuel Hu m phrey was commi tted to prison for(35)thirty five weeks. In 1662 Owen H u mphrey and Samuel Hum phrey were persecuted in the sheriff's court for r e fusing to take the oath of al legiance to the king. in 1687-90 t i thes were taken in corn, hay. lambs + ect , from Owen Humphrey. In 168 3 O wen Humphrey was fined 29 pounds for preaching, an d was commi tt ed to prison. It was not singular, therefore, in 1683, Elizabeth Hump h reys (Reese) , Samuel's widow (her husband having died in England), wi t h her children, Benjam in, Lydia, Anne, Gobitha, should have emi g rated to America, to the neighborhoo d of Philadelphia, in the state o f P ennsylvania, Where William Penn, the g reat leader and friend of the Q u akers, Had founded a city and colony: an d where the persecuted p e ople of all nations could find refuge and a home (Joh n Neil and his D e cendents) DR. Neil thought that the Humphreys of Merioneth and the Hum f freys of Montgomery might be of the same family, as the two countys we r e adjoi ning. see page 6 for Humfferys of Llwyn, copied from Burkes La n ded Gentry 8th Month11th day 1695 Daniel Humphrey Bachelor of Haverfor d , in th e Welsh tract," Was married to Hannah Wynn, of Merion, at the p u blick meetin g housein Merion,(*) This was probably the first marriage i n t hat


BirthAug 1660Llangelynin, Merionthshire, Wales
Marriage25 Aug 1695Marion Meeting, Philadelphia Cty., PA - Hannah Martha Wynne
ResidenceUnited States
ResidenceUnited States


SpouseHannah Martha Wynne (1666 - 1750)
ChildEdward Humphrey (1690 - )
ChildSamuel Humphrey (1696 - )
ChildThomas Humphrey (1698 - )
ChildJonathan Humphrey (1698 - )
ChildHannah Humphrey (1699 - )
ChildBenjamin Humphrey (1702 - )
ChildElizabeth Humphrey (1703 - )
ChildMary Humphrey (1704 - )
ChildSolomon Humphrey (1706 - 1758)
ChildJoshua Humphreys (1710 - 1793)
ChildMartha Humphrey (1711 - )
ChildCharles Humphrey (1712 - 1786)
ChildRebecca Humphrey (1716 - )
