Individual Details

Otto Benjamin Rollwage

(23 Sep 1853 - 28 Feb 1936)

Obituary from Otto B. Rollwage, Civic Leader, Dies Following Illness of Few Days: Forrest City mourns today the passing of one who contributed greatly to the "up building" of this city. Otto B. Rollwage, 83, died shortly before midnight, Saturday, following an illness of only a few days. Funeral services wee held at the residence at 2:30 p.m., conducted by the Rev. R. S. Hayden, pastor of the First Methodist Church, followed by interment in the family burial plot in City Cemetery. Pallbearers were as follows: Active-Otto Bridgeforth/Scott Kirkpatrick,Jr./J. W. Kirkpatrick / E.J.Butler/Edwin Stone/John Schlosser, Jr./Jack Grobmyer/Brown Pilkington-Honorary: Ira Woodfin, Little Rock/Joe McGregor, Cotton Plant/Dr.J. L. Jelks, Memphis/John W. Alderson/William Alderson/Louis McDaniel/E. L. Staten/S. H. Mann/Bobby Wright/R. J. Williams/C.W. Norton/Brooks Norfleet/Roy Campbell/Dennis Horton/Edmund Norfleet/Robert Griffin/Walter Gorman/Burk Mann/F. F. Harrelson/W. J. Lanier/A. M. Bradford/and Judge A. L. Hutchins. Mr.Rollwage had been confined to his home only a short while, but his condition had been known to be critical almost from the day of his confinement to his home from an infection on the foot, and Wednesday the family was advised by attending physicians, Dr. J. O. Rush of Forrest City, and Dr. John L. Jelks, of Memphis, that the end was near. Forrest City and St. Francis County mourn today the passing of this grand old man, one who truly enjoyed the confidence and respect of everyone, and who contributed generously of his time, energy and talent for the up building of the city in which he had lived since first coming here from Cincinnati 62 years ago. Mr. Rollwage was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Rollwage, who emigrated from Germany, in 1853. He worked as a printer in Cincinnati, before coming to Forrest City in 1874 to become associated with an elder brother Louis Rollwage, in the mercantile business. He was successful in business and accumulated considerable property before retiring from mercantile activities in 1902, to engage in the practice of law. His was such that he was selected President of the Arkansas State Merchants Association which was organized in Little Rock in 1900. In the practice of law Mr. Rollwage again met with success and further increased his usefulness to his adopted city and county. Mr. Rollwage served two terms as mayor of Forrest City, was one of the trustees of the first public school established here, served several terms as alderman, served two terms in the Arkansas House of Representatives, served several terms as president of the Chamber of Commerce, and was for more than a third of a century president of the Anti-Saloon League, and a foremost leader for prohibition up to his death. He was one of the first to advocate state-wide prohibition. Mr. Rollwage at the time of his death was secretary of three improvement districts in Forrest City, namely District No. 5,which did the first paving in the city, and which was organized in 1918; Forrest City Special Improvement District, which has supervision of the water and light plant and the sewage system; Forrest City Improvement District No. 6, which was organized only a few weeks ago, and has direction of the paving work now in progress in the city. His annual reports to the City Council on the status of the districts were always gratifying and rendered promptly. No bond of either district of which he was a member was ever in default. The same careful attention was given to his official duties that he gave to his own business affairs. He and his wife, the former Jennie E. Anderson, Monroe County, recently observed their 59th wedding anniversary. Surviving are his wife, a son, Otto W. Rollwage, Ft. Smith; six daughters, Mrs. Norma R. Bridgeforth, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. John R. Grobmyer, Little Rock; Mrs. Sam Chandler, Union City, Tenn.; Mrs. John H. Schlosser, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Scott L. Kirkpatrick, Forrest City; Mrs. Jack Collier, Washington, D.C., 18 grandchildren and a great grandchild.
BIOGRAPHY:Hon. Otto B. Rollwage-Goodspeed 1884-Hon. Otto B. Rollwage, mayor of Forrest City, and a member of the firm of Rollwage & Co., one of the leading mercantile houses in Forrest City, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1854, being reared and educated in that city. At the age of twenty years he came to Forrest City, and engaged as salesman in a store in this city for three months, after which he entered into the mercantile business with his brother Louis. They commenced on a small scale, but by close attention to business and strict economy, enjoy a very extensive trade, employing eight salesmen in their store. They own five business houses besides the one they occupy. Mr. Rollwage was a member of the board of aldermen for some time, and so efficient were his services in that capacity, and so diligently did he attend to the duties devolving on him that he was complimented with a nomination for mayor of Forrest City, while away from home, and without his knowledge. His administration has been very beneficial to the city, he having enforced the many ordinances that were before a dead letter on the status, and especially has he been vigorous in the prosecution of all parties violating the whiskey laws; as a result there is now no better regulated city in the State. In his domestic relations Mr. Rollwage is not less happily situated than in business circles. He married Miss Jennie Anderson, of Monroe County, a graduate of a female college in Tennessee, and a highly educated and refined lady. She is a leader in the society of Forrest City, and is one of the prominent members of the W. C. T. U. in Arkansas, having been a State delegate to the National Convention held at Nashville in 1887. This worthy couple are the parents of five children: Norma, Otto, Tolise, De Velling and Madeleine. Mr. R. is a son of Frederick and Mina (Kuker) Rollwage, both natives of Germany. Frederick Rollwage is still living and resides in Cincinnati, but spends about half of his time with his son, our subject. Lisa Hamilton submitted the above data from Goodspeed's Biographies, 1884. The Forrest City Times' Art Souvenir-1905-Page 94: Hon.Otto B.Rollwage is a lawyer by profession, and is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was born On Sept. 23,1853. He is a son of F. and Mena (Kuker) Rollwage, who emigrated from Germany in 1838. His father was a tailor by trade, who continued at his chosen calling until sixty-five years of age, when he retired. Our subject was reared in Cincinnati and educated in the common schools of that city. In 1874, at the age of twenty years, he came to Forrest City and was engaged as a salesman for the firm of Sparks & Rollwage, said firm being composed of William Sparks, and L. Rollwage, brother of our subject. They then formed L. Rollwage & Co. and operated until December 31,1902. Otto Rollwage retired from the firm and soon thereafter, admitted to the bar, and since has been practicing law with marked success. In 1877 he was happily married to Miss Jennie E. Anderson, of Monroe County, who was born and reared in Arkansas, and is a highly educated and refined lady whose friends are legion. Ten children have blessed this match, namely, Talbert, Norma, Otto, Tolise, DeVeiling, Madeline, Ardale, Herman, Virginia and Ralph, all of whom, their first born, Talbert, who died when four years of age, are now living in this city. He was a member of the board of aldermen for three years, and Mayor for two terms, having been nominated for the latter the first time while away from home and without his knowledge. He was chosen President of the Arkansas State Merchant's Association in 1900 at it's organization in Little Rock. Hon. Rollwage.
BIO - EARLY MERCHANTS-OF FORREST CITY-In Dec.1902, when the firm Rollwage & Co. dissolved, the scene changed when Otto Rollwage retired and soon thereafter was admitted to the bar and built a lucrative law practice.


Birth23 Sep 1853Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio
Marriage7 Nov 1877Brinkley, Monroe Co., Arkansas - Virginia Ella Anderson
Residence1880Forest City, St. Francis Co., Arkansas
Residence1900Forrest City, St Francis Co., Arkansas
Residence1910Forrest City, St Francis Co., Arkansas
Residence1920Madison, St Francis Co., Arkansas
Residence1930Madison, St Francis Co., Arkansas
Death28 Feb 1936St Francis Co., Arkansas
Alt nameOtto B. Rollwage
BurialForrest City Cemetery, Forrest City, St. Francis Co., Arkansas


SpouseVirginia Ella Anderson (1858 - 1956)
ChildTolise Rollwage (1884 - 1958)
ChildArdale Anderson Rollwage (1891 - 1975)
FatherFrederick Rollwage (1821 - 1914)
MotherWilhemina "Mena" Kuker (1822 - 1887)
