Individual Details

Bernardo Roger de Foix, 1st Count of Foix

(981 - 1034)

According to Wikipedia:

Bernard Roger de Foix (° before 981 - † 1036/1038 1 ) is the first count of Foix , from 1012 to his death, and also count of Bigorre , from 1032 to his death.
Biography [ edit | modify the code ]

Bernard Roger is the youngest son of Roger  I st  Old , Count of Carcassonne and his wife Adelaide.
During his lifetime, Count Roger divided his property between his sons Raymond Roger , Bernard Roger and Pierre. Bernard Roger receives the Couserans and the part of the paternal county located around the town of Foix . He had married around 1010 Garsende who inherited between 1025 and 1032 the county of Bigorre .
Marriage and children [ change | modify the code ]

From Gersende de Bigorre, daughter of Garcia Arnaud, Count de Bigorre , and Richarde, he had:
Bernard II († 1077), count of Bigorre
Roger († 1064), count of Foix
Pierre Bernard († 1071), count of Couserans, then of Foix
Heraclius, bishop of Bigorre in 1056
Gilberte de Foix († 1049). It takes the name of Ermesinde and wife in 1036 Ramiro I er , King of Aragon
Étiennette († 1058), married to Garcia IV , king of Navarre
Certain genealogies add to this list of children a Clémence, married to Adalbert d'Alsace , Duke of Lorraine . But no contemporary document mentions this Clémence, which was imagined by Szabolcs de Vajay in 1960, in a broader hypothesis of the Lorraine origin of Étiennette de Bourgogne . This hypothesis has been abandoned since 1987, and the existence of Clémence de Foix, a simple “genealogical crutch” in Szabolcs de Vajay's own words, is also to be rejected 2 .
Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

↑ Bernard Roger on Médieval Lands  [ archive ] , on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
↑ Szabolcs de Vajay , "Let us speak again of Étiennette", in  Onomastics and Kinship in the Medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll.  "Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3",2000, 310  p. ( ISBN  1-900934-01-9 ) , p.  2-6.
See also the article Étiennette de Bourgogne .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Bernard Roger de Foix (° before 981 - † 1036/1038 1 ) is the first count of Foix , from 1012 to his death, and also count of Bigorre , from 1032 to his death.
Biography [ edit | modify the code ]

Bernard Roger is the youngest son of Roger  I st  Old , Count of Carcassonne and his wife Adelaide.
During his lifetime, Count Roger divided his property between his sons Raymond Roger , Bernard Roger and Pierre. Bernard Roger receives the Couserans and the part of the paternal county located around the town of Foix . He had married around 1010 Garsende who inherited between 1025 and 1032 the county of Bigorre .
Marriage and children [ change | modify the code ]

From Gersende de Bigorre, daughter of Garcia Arnaud, Count de Bigorre , and Richarde, he had:
Bernard II († 1077), count of Bigorre
Roger († 1064), count of Foix
Pierre Bernard († 1071), count of Couserans, then of Foix
Heraclius, bishop of Bigorre in 1056
Gilberte de Foix († 1049). It takes the name of Ermesinde and wife in 1036 Ramiro I er , King of Aragon
Étiennette († 1058), married to Garcia IV , king of Navarre
Certain genealogies add to this list of children a Clémence, married to Adalbert d'Alsace , Duke of Lorraine . But no contemporary document mentions this Clémence, which was imagined by Szabolcs de Vajay in 1960, in a broader hypothesis of the Lorraine origin of Étiennette de Bourgogne . This hypothesis has been abandoned since 1987, and the existence of Clémence de Foix, a simple “genealogical crutch” in Szabolcs de Vajay's own words, is also to be rejected 2 .
Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

↑ Bernard Roger on Médieval Lands  [ archive ] , on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
↑ Szabolcs de Vajay , "Let us speak again of Étiennette", in  Onomastics and Kinship in the Medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll.  "Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3",2000, 310  p. ( ISBN  1-900934-01-9 ) , p.  2-6.
See also the article Étiennette de Bourgogne .

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Bernard Roger de Foix (° before 981 - † 1036/1038 1 ) is the first count of Foix , from 1012 to his death, and also count of Bigorre , from 1032 to his death.
Biography [ edit | modify the code ]

Bernard Roger is the youngest son of Roger  I st  Old , Count of Carcassonne and his wife Adelaide.
During his lifetime, Count Roger divided his property between his sons Raymond Roger , Bernard Roger and Pierre. Bernard Roger receives the Couserans and the part of the paternal county located around the town of Foix . He had married around 1010 Garsende who inherited between 1025 and 1032 the county of Bigorre .
Marriage and children [ change | modify the code ]

From Gersende de Bigorre, daughter of Garcia Arnaud, Count de Bigorre , and Richarde, he had:
Bernard II († 1077), count of Bigorre
Roger († 1064), count of Foix
Pierre Bernard († 1071), count of Couserans, then of Foix
Heraclius, bishop of Bigorre in 1056
Gilberte de Foix († 1049). It takes the name of Ermesinde and wife in 1036 Ramiro I er , King of Aragon
Étiennette († 1058), married to Garcia IV , king of Navarre
Certain genealogies add to this list of children a Clémence, married to Adalbert d'Alsace , Duke of Lorraine . But no contemporary document mentions this Clémence, which was imagined by Szabolcs de Vajay in 1960, in a broader hypothesis of the Lorraine origin of Étiennette de Bourgogne . This hypothesis has been abandoned since 1987, and the existence of Clémence de Foix, a simple “genealogical crutch” in Szabolcs de Vajay's own words, is also to be rejected 2 .
Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

↑ Bernard Roger on Médieval Lands  [ archive ] , on the website of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
↑ Szabolcs de Vajay , "Let us speak again of Étiennette", in  Onomastics and Kinship in the Medieval West , Oxford, Linacre College, Unit for Prosopographical Research, coll.  "Prosopographica and Genealogica / 3",2000, 310  p. ( ISBN  1-900934-01-9 ) , p.  2-6.
See also the article Étiennette de Bourgogne .


MarriageAbt 1010Gersande de Bigorre, Countess of Bigorre
