Individual Details

Roger I "the Old," Count of Carcassonne

(930 - 1012)

According to Wikipedia:

Roger I (died 1012) was the count of Carcassonne from c. 1000 and, as Roger II, count of Comminges (from 957) and Couserans (from 983).

Associated with the government of Comminges in 957, he inherited the county of Couserans in 983 at the death of his father, Count Arnaud I. At around 1000 he inherited the county of Carcassonne from his mother. In 969 he married Adelaide of Rouergue.[1]

After sharing the government with his son Ramon Roger in Carcassonne, part of the county of Couserans and of the county of Razès and Bernard I Roger in Couserans, he was succeeded by his nephew William I of Carcassonne. His son Peter Roger was Bishop of Girona in 1010-1050, while his daughter Ermesinde married Ramon Borrell, count of Barcelona.

Fredric L. Cheyette, Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours, (Cornell University Press, 2001), 26.

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According to Wikipedia:

Roger I (died 1012) was the count of Carcassonne from c.?1000 and, as Roger II, count of Comminges (from 957) and Couserans (from 983).

Associated with the government of Comminges in 957, he inherited the county of Couserans in 983 at the death of his father, Count Arnaud I. At around 1000 he inherited the county of Carcassonne from his mother. In 969 he married Adelaide of Rouergue.[1]

After sharing the government with his son Ramon Roger in Carcassonne, part of the county of Couserans and of the county of Razès and Bernard I Roger in Couserans, he was succeeded by his nephew William I of Carcassonne. His son Peter Roger was Bishop of Girona in 1010-1050, while his daughter Ermesinde married Ramon Borrell, count of Barcelona.

Fredric L. Cheyette, Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours, (Cornell University Press, 2001), 26.

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According to Wikipedia:

Roger I st of Carcassonne , also known as Roger the Old , was Count of Carcassonne , the Razes , of Couserans , of Comminges and lord of Foix , approximately the end of the 950 to 1012.

Biography [ edit | modify the code ]

Roger is the son of a Count Arnaud and probably of his wife Arsinde. It is assumed that this Arnaud could come from the entourage of the Dukes of Aquitaine , but there is no certainty about this. Arsinde would belong to the count family of Toulouse .
Dominating the counties of Carcassès and Razès, he notably extended his possessions over the entire south of the county of Toulouse (part left as an inheritance to his son Bernard Roger, originally from the county of Foix ), one third of the county of Comminges , the Volvestre , in Couserans , on the Quercorb as well as on Minerve and the abbey of Caunes . He was in conflict with the count of Toulouse and the count of Cerdagne and Besalú Oliba Cabreta , against whom he won two military victories, although he had to definitively give up to the latter his suzerainty over the entire south of the county of Razès: Country of Sault ,Donezan , Capcir and Fenouillèdes .
Children [ edit | modify the code ]

From his marriage to Azalaïs (or Adelaide), attested by his side for the first time in April 970 1 , he had at least four children:
Raymond Roger de Carcassonne (died before his father);
Pierre Roger de Carcassonne, Bishop of Girona  ;
Bernard Roger de Foix  ;
Ermessende of Carcassonne .Notes and references [ edit | modify the code ]

↑ Stasser 1996 , p.  166.Appendices [ edit | modify the code ]
Bibliography and sources [ edit | modify the code ]

Marie-Christine Bailly-Maître Marie-Elise Gardel (nd), stone, metal, water and wood: castrale economy territory Aude ( xi th  -  xiv th  centuries) , Carcassonne, scientific studies Society the Aude,2007, 262  p. ( ISBN  978-2-9531120-0-9 ), pp.  18-20.
Thierry Stasser, "  Around Roger the Old: the matrimonial alliances of the counts of Carcassonne  ", Annales du Midi , vol.  108, n o  214,1996, p.  165-187 ( e-ISSN  2496-7068 , read online  [ archive ] )
Hélène Débax, The counties of Carcassonne and Razès and their margins (9th-12th century) read online )  [ archive ]


Marriage969Adelaide of Rouergue
