Individual Details

Robert II "The Pious," King of France

(27 Mar 972 - 20 Jul 1031)

Robert II, by name Robert The Pious, French Robert Le Pieux (born c. 970, Orléans, Fr.-died July 20, 1031, Melun), king of France who took Burgundy into the French realm.

The son of Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty, and Adelaide of Aquitaine, Robert was educated at the episcopal school of Reims under Gerbert of Aurillac, later Pope Sylvester II. Soon after his own coronation (July 987), Hugh prudently arranged the election and coronation (December 987) of Robert, thus facilitating his son’s eventual succession (October 996) as sole ruler. His excommunication as a result of his marriage within the prohibited degrees of relationship was eventually lifted after the repudiation of the childless Bertha in 1001. Constance of Arles, whom the King married two years later, was the mother of his successor, Henry I.

Robert’s domain was not extensive; and, to increase his power, he vigorously and tenaciously pressed his claim to fiefs as they became vacant. Thus, when the duke of Burgundy died without an heir (1002), Robert went to war against a rival claimant. Only in 1015, however, did he finally succeed in subduing the rich duchy. (The gain was transitory, for in 1032 Henry I granted Burgundy to his brother, Robert, and it thereafter remained for centuries outside royal control.) Encyclopedia Britannica.

A patron of the Cluniac monastic movement, Robert apparently ruled firmly and judiciously in his own lands.Robert was King of France 996-1031, educated at Reims under the French scholar Gerbert, who later became Pope Sylvester II. In 996 he married his second wife, his cousin, Bertha of Burgandy. Two years later Pope Gregory V excommunicated him and annulled the marriage which the church considered incestuous. In 1003 he submitted to the Pope and married Constance of Arles by whom he had four sons. The eldest son, Hugh, he recognized as his successor. After Hugh's death in 1025, the other sons, aided by their mother, rebelled against Robert and he was still fighting them at his death. He was called Pious because of his humility and charity. Pious and learned, he tried to strengthen royal power and acquired the duchy of Burgundy for the crown. He was succeeded by his son Henry I.
(The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia-3rd Ed., 1994)

According to Wikipedia:

Robert II (27 March 972 - 20 July 1031), called the Pious (French: le Pieux) or the Wise (French: le Sage), was King of the Franks from 996 to 1031, the second from the House of Capet. He was born in Orléans to Hugh Capet and Adelaide of Aquitaine. Robert distinguished himself with an extraordinarily long reign for the time. His 35-year-long reign was marked by his attempts to expand the royal domain by any means, especially by his long struggle to gain the Duchy of Burgundy. His policies earned him many enemies, including three of his sons. He was also known for his difficult marriages: he married three times, annulling two of these and attempting to annul the third, prevented only by the Pope's refusal to accept a third annulment.

Co-rule with father

Denier of Robert II the Pious, struck at Soissons
Immediately after his own coronation, Robert's father Hugh began to push for the coronation of his son. "The essential means by which the early Capetians were seen to have kept the throne in their family was through the association of the eldest surviving son in the royalty during the father's lifetime," Andrew W. Lewis has observed, in tracing the phenomenon in this line of kings who lacked dynastic legitimacy.[2] Hugh's claimed reason was that he was planning an expedition against the Moorish armies harassing Borrel II of Barcelona, an invasion which never occurred, and that the stability of the country necessitated a co-king, should he die while on expedition.[3] Ralph Glaber, however, attributes Hugh's request to his old age and inability to control the nobility.[4] Modern scholarship has largely imputed to Hugh the motive of establishing a dynasty against the claims of electoral power on the part of the aristocracy, but this is not the typical view of contemporaries and even some modern scholars have been less sceptical of Hugh's "plan" to campaign in Spain.[5] Robert was eventually crowned on 25 December 987.[6] A measure of Hugh's success is that when Hugh died in 996, Robert continued to reign without any succession dispute, but during his long reign actual royal power dissipated into the hands of the great territorial magnates.

Robert had begun to take on active royal duties with his father in the early 990s. In 991, he helped his father prevent the French bishops from trekking to Mousson in the Kingdom of Germany for a synod called by Pope John XV, with whom Hugh was then in disagreement.

Marital problems
As early as 989, having been rebuffed in his search for a Byzantine princess,[7] Hugh Capet arranged for Robert to marry Rozala, the recently widowed daughter of Berengar II of Italy, many years his senior, who took the name of Susanna upon becoming queen.[8] She was the widow of Arnulf II of Flanders, with whom she had two children. Robert divorced her within a year of his father's death in 996. He then married Bertha, daughter of Conrad of Burgundy, around the time of his father's death. She was a widow of Odo I of Blois, but was also Robert's second cousin. For reasons of consanguinity, Pope Gregory V refused to sanction the marriage, and Robert was excommunicated.[9] After long negotiations with Gregory's successor, Sylvester II, the marriage was annulled.

Finally, in 1001, Robert entered into his final and longest-lasting marriage-to Constance of Arles, the daughter of William I of Provence. Her southern customs and entourage were regarded with suspicion at court. After his companion Hugh of Beauvais, count palatine[10], urged the king to repudiate her as well, knights of her kinsman Fulk III, Count of Anjou had Beauvais murdered in 1008. The king and Bertha then went to Rome to ask Pope Sergius IV for an annulment so they could remarry.[11] After this was refused, he went back to Constance and fathered several children by her. Her ambition alienated the chroniclers of her day, who blamed her for several of the king's decisions. Constance and Robert remained married until his death in 1031.

Robert was a devout Catholic, hence his sobriquet "the Pious." He was musically inclined, being a composer, chorister, and poet, and made his palace a place of religious seclusion where he conducted the matins and vespers in his royal robes. Robert's reputation for piety also resulted from his lack of toleration for heretics, whom he harshly punished. He is said to have advocated forced conversions of local Jewry. He supported riots against the Jews of Orléans who were accused of conspiring to destroy the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.[12] Furthermore, Robert reinstated the Roman imperial custom of burning heretics at the stake.[13]

In 1030-1031, Robert confirmed the foundation of Noyers Abbey.[14]

Military career
The kingdom Robert inherited was not large and, in an effort to increase his power, he vigorously pursued his claim to any feudal lands that became vacant, usually resulting in war with a counter-claimant. In 1003, his invasion of the Duchy of Burgundy was thwarted, and it would not be until 1016 that he was finally able to get the support of the Church to be recognized as Duke of Burgundy.

The pious Robert made few friends and many enemies, including three of his own sons: Hugh, Henry, and Robert. They turned against their father in a civil war over power and property. Hugh died in revolt in 1025. In a conflict with Henry and the younger Robert, King Robert's army was defeated, and he retreated to Beaugency outside Paris, his capital. He died in the middle of the war with his sons on 20 July 1031 at Melun. He was interred with Constance in Saint Denis Basilica and succeeded by his son Henry, in both France and Burgundy.


Effigies of Robert II (middle) and Constance d'Arles (front) at Basilique Saint-Denis
Robert had no children from his short-lived marriage to Susanna. His illegal marriage to Bertha gave him one stillborn son in 999, but only Constance gave him surviving children:

Hedwig (or Advisa), Countess of Auxerre (c. 1003 - after 1063), married Renauld I, Count of Nevers[15] on 25 January 1016 and had issue.
Hugh Magnus, co-king (1007 - 17 September 1025)
Henry I, successor (4 May 1008 - 4 August 1060)
Adela, Countess of Flanders (1009 - 5 June 1063), married (1) Richard III of Normandy and (2) Count Baldwin V of Flanders.
Robert (1011 - 21 March 1076)
Odo or Eudes (1013-c.1056), who may have been intellectually disabled and died after his brother's failed invasion of Normandy
Constance (1014-1052), married Count Manasses de Dammartin.
Robert also left an illegitimate son: Rudolph, Bishop of Bourges.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Robert II, by name Robert The Pious, French Robert Le Pieux (born c. 970, Orléans, Fr.-died July 20, 1031, Melun), king of France who took Burgundy into the French realm.

The son of Hugh Capet, founder of the Capetian dynasty, and Adelaide of Aquitaine, Robert was educated at the episcopal school of Reims under Gerbert of Aurillac, later Pope Sylvester II. Soon after his own coronation (July 987), Hugh prudently arranged the election and coronation (December 987) of Robert, thus facilitating his son`s eventual succession (October 996) as sole ruler. His excommunication as a result of his marriage within the prohibited degrees of relationship was eventually lifted after the repudiation of the childless Bertha in 1001. Constance of Arles, whom the King married two years later, was the mother of his successor, Henry I.

Robert`s domain was not extensive; and, to increase his power, he vigorously and tenaciously pressed his claim to fiefs as they became vacant. Thus, when the duke of Burgundy died without an heir (1002), Robert went to war against a rival claimant. Only in 1015, however, did he finally succeed in subduing the rich duchy. (The gain was transitory, for in 1032 Henry I granted Burgundy to his brother, Robert, and it thereafter remained for centuries outside royal control.) Encyclopedia Britannica.

A patron of the Cluniac monastic movement, Robert apparently ruled firmly and judiciously in his own lands.Robert was King of France 996-1031, educated at Reims under the French scholar Gerbert, who later became Pope Sylvester II. In 996 he married his second wife, his cousin, Bertha of Burgandy. Two years later Pope Gregory V excommunicated him and annulled the marriage which the church considered incestuous. In 1003 he submitted to the Pope and married Constance of Arles by whom he had four sons. The eldest son, Hugh, he recognized as his successor. After Hugh's death in 1025, the other sons, aided by their mother, rebelled against Robert and he was still fighting them at his death. He was called Pious because of his humility and charity. Pious and learned, he tried to strengthen royal power and acquired the duchy of Burgundy for the crown. He was succeeded by his son Henry I.
(The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia-3rd Ed., 1994)

According to Wikipedia:

Robert II (27 March 972 - 20 July 1031), called the Pious (French: le Pieux) or the Wise (French: le Sage), was King of the Franks from 996 to 1031, the second from the House of Capet. He was born in Orléans to Hugh Capet and Adelaide of Aquitaine. Robert distinguished himself with an extraordinarily long reign for the time. His 35-year-long reign was marked by his attempts to expand the royal domain by any means, especially by his long struggle to gain the Duchy of Burgundy. His policies earned him many enemies, including three of his sons. He was also known for his difficult marriages: he married three times, annulling two of these and attempting to annul the third, prevented only by the Pope's refusal to accept a third annulment.

Co-rule with father

Denier of Robert II the Pious, struck at Soissons
Immediately after his own coronation, Robert's father Hugh began to push for the coronation of his son. "The essential means by which the early Capetians were seen to have kept the throne in their family was through the association of the eldest surviving son in the royalty during the father's lifetime," Andrew W. Lewis has observed, in tracing the phenomenon in this line of kings who lacked dynastic legitimacy.[2] Hugh's claimed reason was that he was planning an expedition against the Moorish armies harassing Borrel II of Barcelona, an invasion which never occurred, and that the stability of the country necessitated a co-king, should he die while on expedition.[3] Ralph Glaber, however, attributes Hugh's request to his old age and inability to control the nobility.[4] Modern scholarship has largely imputed to Hugh the motive of establishing a dynasty against the claims of electoral power on the part of the aristocracy, but this is not the typical view of contemporaries and even some modern scholars have been less sceptical of Hugh's "plan" to campaign in Spain.[5] Robert was eventually crowned on 25 December 987.[6] A measure of Hugh's success is that when Hugh died in 996, Robert continued to reign without any succession dispute, but during his long reign actual royal power dissipated into the hands of the great territorial magnates.

Robert had begun to take on active royal duties with his father in the early 990s. In 991, he helped his father prevent the French bishops from trekking to Mousson in the Kingdom of Germany for a synod called by Pope John XV, with whom Hugh was then in disagreement.

Marital problems
As early as 989, having been rebuffed in his search for a Byzantine princess,[7] Hugh Capet arranged for Robert to marry Rozala, the recently widowed daughter of Berengar II of Italy, many years his senior, who took the name of Susanna upon becoming queen.[8] She was the widow of Arnulf II of Flanders, with whom she had two children. Robert divorced her within a year of his father's death in 996. He then married Bertha, daughter of Conrad of Burgundy, around the time of his father's death. She was a widow of Odo I of Blois, but was also Robert's second cousin. For reasons of consanguinity, Pope Gregory V refused to sanction the marriage, and Robert was excommunicated.[9] After long negotiations with Gregory's successor, Sylvester II, the marriage was annulled.

Finally, in 1001, Robert entered into his final and longest-lasting marriage-to Constance of Arles, the daughter of William I of Provence. Her southern customs and entourage were regarded with suspicion at court. After his companion Hugh of Beauvais, count palatine[10], urged the king to repudiate her as well, knights of her kinsman Fulk III, Count of Anjou had Beauvais murdered in 1008. The king and Bertha then went to Rome to ask Pope Sergius IV for an annulment so they could remarry.[11] After this was refused, he went back to Constance and fathered several children by her. Her ambition alienated the chroniclers of her day, who blamed her for several of the king's decisions. Constance and Robert remained married until his death in 1031.

Robert was a devout Catholic, hence his sobriquet "the Pious." He was musically inclined, being a composer, chorister, and poet, and made his palace a place of religious seclusion where he conducted the matins and vespers in his royal robes. Robert's reputation for piety also resulted from his lack of toleration for heretics, whom he harshly punished. He is said to have advocated forced conversions of local Jewry. He supported riots against the Jews of Orléans who were accused of conspiring to destroy the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.[12] Furthermore, Robert reinstated the Roman imperial custom of burning heretics at the stake.[13]

In 1030-1031, Robert confirmed the foundation of Noyers Abbey.[14]

Military career
The kingdom Robert inherited was not large and, in an effort to increase his power, he vigorously pursued his claim to any feudal lands that became vacant, usually resulting in war with a counter-claimant. In 1003, his invasion of the Duchy of Burgundy was thwarted, and it would not be until 1016 that he was finally able to get the support of the Church to be recognized as Duke of Burgundy.

The pious Robert made few friends and many enemies, including three of his own sons: Hugh, Henry, and Robert. They turned against their father in a civil war over power and property. Hugh died in revolt in 1025. In a conflict with Henry and the younger Robert, King Robert's army was defeated, and he retreated to Beaugency outside Paris, his capital. He died in the middle of the war with his sons on 20 July 1031 at Melun. He was interred with Constance in Saint Denis Basilica and succeeded by his son Henry, in both France and Burgundy.


Effigies of Robert II (middle) and Constance d'Arles (front) at Basilique Saint-Denis
Robert had no children from his short-lived marriage to Susanna. His illegal marriage to Bertha gave him one stillborn son in 999, but only Constance gave him surviving children:

Hedwig (or Advisa), Countess of Auxerre (c. 1003 - after 1063), married Renauld I, Count of Nevers[15] on 25 January 1016 and had issue.
Hugh Magnus, co-king (1007 - 17 September 1025)
Henry I, successor (4 May 1008 - 4 August 1060)
Adela, Countess of Flanders (1009 - 5 June 1063), married (1) Richard III of Normandy and (2) Count Baldwin V of Flanders.
Robert (1011 - 21 March 1076)
Odo or Eudes (1013-c.1056), who may have been intellectually disabled and died after his brother's failed invasion of Normandy
Constance (1014-1052), married Count Manasses de Dammartin.
Robert also left an illegitimate son: Rudolph, Bishop of Bourges.


Birth27 Mar 972Orleans, France
Fact 1Bet 996 and 1031King of France
MarriageOct 996Bertha of Burgundy
Annulment1000Bertha of Burgundy
Marriage1003Constance of Arles
Death20 Jul 1031Melun, France
Interredburied at St. Denis


SpouseConstance of Arles (986 - 1032)
ChildHedwig of France (1003 - 1063)
ChildHenry I, King of France (1008 - 1060)
ChildAdela, Princess of France (1009 - 1079)
ChildRobert I "The Old," Duke of Burgundy (1011 - 1076)
SpouseBertha of Burgundy (964 - 1010)
SpouseRozala, Princess of Italy (950 - 1003)
FatherHugh I, King of France (938 - 996)
MotherAdelaide of Poitou (950 - 1006)
SiblingHedwig of France (970 - )