Individual Details

Adelaide of Poitou

(950 - 15 Jun 1006)

According to Wikipedia:

Adbelahide or Adele or Adelaide of Aquitaine (or Adelaide of Poitiers) (c. 945 or 952 - 1004),[1] was queen consort of France by marriage to Hugh Capet.

Adelaide was the daughter of William III, Duke of Aquitaine and Adele of Normandy, daughter of Rollo of Normandy. Her father used her as security for a truce with Hugh Capet, whom she married in 969.[2]

In 987, after the death of Louis V, the last Carolingian king of France, Hugh was elected the new king with Adelaide as queen. They were proclaimed at Senlis and blessed at Noyon. They were the founders of the Capetian dynasty of France.

Hugh apparently trusted in her judgement and allowed her to take part in government: he proposed her to negotiate for him with the regent of the German Empire, empress Theophanu, committing himself beforehand to their agreement.[1]

Adeleide and Hugh's children were:

Hedwig, Countess of Mons (or Hadevide, or Avoise) (c. 969 - after 1013), wife of Reginar IV, Count of Mons
Robert II (972-1031), the future king of France. Crowned co-king 987 in order to consolidate the new dynasty
Gisèle, Countess of Ponthieu (c. 970-1002), wife of Hugh I, Count of Ponthieu
A number of other daughters are less reliably attested.

"Women's Biography: Adelaide of Aquitaine, queen of the Franks". Epistolae: Medieval Women's Latin Letters. Retrieved 7 December 2011.
"Adelaide of Aquitaine (wife of Hugh Capet, King of France)". RoyaList Online. Archived from the original on 12 June 2012. Retrieved 7 December 2011.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

According to Wikipedia:

Adbelahide or Adele or Adelaide of Aquitaine (or Adelaide of Poitiers) (c. 945 or 952 - 1004),[1] was queen consort of France by marriage to Hugh Capet.

Adelaide was the daughter of William III, Duke of Aquitaine and Adele of Normandy, daughter of Rollo of Normandy. Her father used her as security for a truce with Hugh Capet, whom she married in 969.[2]

In 987, after the death of Louis V, the last Carolingian king of France, Hugh was elected the new king with Adelaide as queen. They were proclaimed at Senlis and blessed at Noyon. They were the founders of the Capetian dynasty of France.

Hugh apparently trusted in her judgement and allowed her to take part in government: he proposed her to negotiate for him with the regent of the German Empire, empress Theophanu, committing himself beforehand to their agreement.[1]

Adeleide and Hugh's children were:

Hedwig, Countess of Mons (or Hadevide, or Avoise) (c. 969 - after 1013), wife of Reginar IV, Count of Mons
Robert II (972-1031), the future king of France. Crowned co-king 987 in order to consolidate the new dynasty
Gisèle, Countess of Ponthieu (c. 970-1002), wife of Hugh I, Count of Ponthieu
A number of other daughters are less reliably attested.

"Women's Biography: Adelaide of Aquitaine, queen of the Franks". Epistolae: Medieval Women's Latin Letters. Retrieved 7 December 2011.
"Adelaide of Aquitaine (wife of Hugh Capet, King of France)". RoyaList Online. Archived from the original on 12 June 2012. Retrieved 7 December 2011.


Birth950Poitiers, France
Marriage969Hugh I, King of France
Death15 Jun 1006
