Individual Details


(28 May 1692 - 10 Jan 1766)

This ancestor, like his father and grandfather before him, almost made it through his life without unusual incident. But when he reached the age of 73, disaster struck with such devastating fury that the entire family was nearly destroyed.

He married Mehitable Crowell, daughter of John Crowell Jr., of Yarmouth, and Bethiah, his wife, and sister of Col. Paul Crowell of Chatham.

Following their marriage John and Mehitable removed a few miles to the east, from Yarmouth to Chatham MA, at the "elbow" of Cape Cod, and settled about 1715 on land "formerly the homestead of William Nickerson, Sen. This farm appears to have extended from Muddy Cove across to Herring River (later called Ryder's Cove) and to have bounded north on land of Paul Crowell and of Jehoshaphat Eldridge." There for the next fifty years the Rider family lived and prospered.

The Great Infection strikes the family

Then in January of 1766 the great Smallpox Epidemic struck the town of Chatham and "fell upon this family with unexampled severity." Where it came from is unclear. Nellie Rider tells us "the smallpox was imported in a package of clothing sent from the West Indies and washed in the house. Another account says the disease originated in the family of Deacon Paul Crowell, a wealthy citizen who lived near Ryder's Mill." It doesn't matter.

Just how many died is uncertain now. Hawes tells us that "not only did the father and mother succumb to this disease, but a daugther Bethiah, a son Zenas and his wife, a son Stephen, his wife, and nine of his ten children, and the wife of a son Reuben" making in all seventeen people out of this one family." And the disease was not confined to the Rider family. Nellie Rider says, "Sears genealogy says all but Simeon died. In all, 65 persons took the infection. Mr. Ryder, his wife, and 10 children were stricken down with the disease at once. The two resident doctors died of the disease."

James Covell of Chatham, kept a journal in which he recorded a partial list of Riders who died, which reads like a sad litany.

The Infection "fell upon this family with unexampled severity"

John Rider's will

John's will dated March 30, 1762, was proven March 11, 1766, when "it appears that Reuben Ryder was the only surviving executor." The will mentions his wife Mehitable, sons John and Simeon at The Oblong, sons Reuben, Stephen, Zenas, daughters Mehitable Taylor, Zeruiah Collins, Esther Nickerson, Bethiah Ryder, and names Reuben, Stephen and Zenas as executors. The inventory, taken May 23, 1766, amounted to 1,128 pounds, of which 1,000 pounds represented real estate."

The victims from the Rider family were buried in a special gravesite on the edge of the Rider property, "on a hill west of the Head of Rider's Cove, near the residence of Charles J. Jager." [MD19,49]. There, a century later, a researcher could find only a few broken and scattered headstones - a grim reminder of the devastation of 1766. John's headstone reads, "John Rider/Died with the Smallpox/ in ___ January, 1766/ in his 76th year."

Those who escaped the Great Infection

Two sons, John and Simeon, as the will mentions, escaped the ravages of Epidemic, having removed to The Oblong of New York State nearly twenty years before. The story of one of these sons, John5 Rider, is the subject of the next generation.
[Dec. 23 1765: Mercy, wife of Stephen Rider
Jan . 9 1766: Stephen Rider Jr.
Jan. 11: Mr. John Rider
Jan. 11: Hannah, wife of Reuben Rider
Jan. 12: David Rider, son of Stephen Rider
Jan. 14: Elizabeth, wife of Zenas Rider
Jan. 15: Experience, daughter of Stephen Rider
Jan. 16: Stephen Rider
Jan. 16: Richard, the son of Stephen Rider
Jan. 17: Zenas Rider
Jan. 17: Bethia Rider, daughter of John Rider
Mar. 20: Mrs. Mehitable Rider, wife of John Rider
May. 9: Mehitable Rider, daughter of John Rider]
A page from James Covell's diary, showing the devastation wrought upon this family. A later descendant says, "The victims were buried in a special gravesite on a hill west of Ryder's Cove."

References: William C. Smith, Early Chatham Settlers, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy No. 36, Yarmouthport, 1915; James W. Hawes, Genealogies: Ryder, Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy No. 98, Yarmouthport, Mass, 1911; Nellie Rider, Mayflower Descendant 9,180; "Children of John Rider and Hester" Mayflower Descendant 5, 1903, pp.159-60; Mayflower Descendant 19,1917, p.49, "Record of the Rider Family, Died of Smallpox 1766"

[Below is from Fremont Rider Book:

John moved to Chatham, Ms. where March 13, 1716-17, he signed a paper in the case of Adams v. Hawes in behalf of the defendant. He died there Jan. 10, 1766, of smallpox in the epidemic of that year. His wife died of the same disease 1766:Mr26. His will, dated 1762:Mr30, proved 1766:Mr11, gave Reuben Ryderas the only surviving executor.

The inventory, taken 1766:My23, amounted to 1,128 pounds, of which 1,000 pounds represented real estate. The following is his will in full: In the name of God Amen. The thirtieth day of March A.D. 1762. I, John Rider of Chatham in the County of Barnstable withiin the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman being in a state of health of Body and of sound mind and memory Thanks be given to the Almighty God Therefore calling to mind my mortality knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say principally & first of all I Give and recommend my soul into the hande of God that gave it and my Body. I Recommend to the earth to be buried in a Decent Christian manner att the discretion of my Executors expecting at the general Resurrection to receive the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me withall in this Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

Imprimis I Give to Mehitable my beloved wife the use and improvements of one third part of all my Real Estate so long as she lives & continues to be my widow and also one third part of all my household goods and moveable effects within doors and without exclusive of the debts due and owing to me to be used and improved att her discretion so long as she lives my widow and att her death or second marriage the remainder thereof that are then in being to be equally divided among my three sons namely Reuben Stephen and Zenas this I give her in lieu of her Right of Dower.

Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved son John Ryder att Oblong twelve pounds Lawfull money to be levyed and paid out of my personal estate by my Executrs Exclusive of what he has already had and of what is the ballance of all accounts now between us. I Give and bequeath to my beloved son Simeon Rider of said Oblong twelve pounds lawfull money to be levyed and paid out of my personal Estate by my Executors exclusive of what is the ballance of accounts betwixt us. I Give to my beloved son Reuben Rider and to his heirs and assigns all that my parcel of lands whereon his barn now stands together with all that parcel of land which I bought of Nathaniel Covell according to the known and accustomary bounds thereof and also all that my parcel of meadow att the muddy cove near to Isaac Nickersons, also the one half of all that my lott of land laying to the norward of the Rhoad near to Oaker Phelps: his house viz half on the westerly side of said lott also the one half of a small parcel of land and meadow in the Eastrely part of the land called by the name of Bathsheba's ground viz from the Barrs at the easterly end running north or something westerly to a stake and stone by the bank and so on into the harbour together with one third part of all my moveables including the debts due to me and excepting what I do hereby otherwise dispose of and also one third of my Lands not herein mentioned.

I Give and bequeath to my beloved son Stephen Rider and to his heirs and assigns all that my parcel of lands where his dwelling house now stands including all that to the southard of the Rhoad, togeather with all thatt parcel of land and meadows called Bathsheba's ground excepting the small part thereof which I herein give to Reuben and Zenas; also all that my parcel of land and meadow that is adjoining to Lancelot Clarke land and also the easterly half of that Lott near to Oaker Phillips and whereof I herein give to Reuben the westerly half; I also give to him sd Stephen one third part of all the lands and meadows that of right I own in any place whstsoever that I do not herein particularly mention or dispose of togeather with one third part of all my moveable effects including the debts due to me and excepting what I do herein otherwise dispose of. I Give and bequeath to my beloved son Zenas Rider & to his heirs & assigns all that my house lot or farm whereon my dwelling house now stands including all the buildings thereon togeather with all my several parcels of woodland which I bought of Joshua Hopkins also my sixth part of the Lott whereon Bariah Broadbrooks house now stands which hold in partnership with David Howes and others, also all that my part of a lott near to Joshua Ellise's: viz all that I bought of John Smith and of Stephen Smith and Nathan Kenney as by deeds will appear, also a parcel of fresh meadow near to Samuel Hinkleys, also all my meadow at Strong Island, and also one third part of all the lands and meadows which I do own in any place or places whatsoever and that I have not herein particularly disposed of and one third part of all my moveables of every sort including the debts due to me provided always and it is to be understood that my said son Zenas shall pay to his two brothers account of what is herein given him as followeth viz to Reuben RIder twenty pounds Lawfull money and also one third part of what my dwelling house and other building shall be apprised att after my wifes death of second marriage and also to Stephen Rider twenty pounds Lawfull money and one third part of what my Dwelling house and other buildings shall be apprized att after my wives death or second marriage and I do further give to him the one half of a small parcel of land and meadows on the easterly part of Bathsheba's ground with Reuben amd as to him described.

I Give and bequeath to my three beloved daughters namely Mehitable Taylor, Zerviah Collings and Easther Nickerson Eighty pounds lawfull money equally divided among them exclusive of what they have already had that is to say to each of them twenty and six pounds and thirteen shillings & four pence to be paid to them out of my estate by my Executors in money or moveables as they shall be apprized. I Give to to my beloved Daughter Bethiah Rider the sum of twenty & six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence lawfull money to be paid to her out of my estate by my executors in money or moveables as they shall be apprized exclusive of what she has had and I further give to my sd Daughter Bethiah the privilege of living in and using the great room in my now Dwelling house with her mother so long as her mother live therein and after to have the sole use thereof to herself so long as she lives unmarried I also further give to her the keeping of one cow to be kept out of my estate by my executors in an ordinary manner both winter and summer viz through the year and from year to year so long as she lives unmarried and I further give her and hereby order that my Executors do out of my estate procure and provide for her all necessary firewood five bushels of corn one of wheet and one bushel and half of Rye five pounds of wool yearly and every year so long as she lives unmarried, and I would be understood and my will and meaning is that my three sons Reuben Stephen and Zenas shall each of them pay One third of the Legacies herein ordered to be paid by my Executors and of my Debts & other charges, and I do hereby constitute and make my three sons Reuben Rider Stephen Rider & Zenas Rider all of Chatham my Executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby utterly revoke and make void all and every former Will and Testament Legacies and bequest and Executors by me willed or named Ratifying this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above written.

signed sealed published pronounced & declared by the said John Rider as his Last Will & Testament in presence of us the subscribers.
Barnabas Eldridg
James Covell Junr
James Covell

He was bur. at Rider's Cove, Chathamport, Ms. (Gray, Edw:25; Rider, Nellie; Ply.Col. Recds:1:108; 7:21; 8:194; 2:65; Register:62:203; Transcript:1934:Ag29:7882; Mayflower Desc:4:200; 5:121; 13:178; 19:49; Sears Gen:41; N.Y.Recd:83:224.)]


Birth28 May 1692Yarmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Marriage20 May 1713Chatham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts - MEHITABLE CROWELL
Death10 Jan 1766Chatham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
BurialNickerson Cemetery, Chatham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts


SpouseMEHITABLE CROWELL (1691 - 1766)
ChildJOHN RIDER (1714 - )
ChildREUBEN RIDER (1717 - 1773)
ChildSTEPHEN RIDER (1717 - 1766)
ChildSIMEON RIDER (1720 - )
ChildMEHITABLE RIDER ( - 1788)
ChildZENAS RIDER (1726 - 1766)
ChildBETHIA RIDER (1728 - 1766)
ChildZERUIAH RIDER (1733 - 1801)
ChildESTHER RIDER (1734 - )
FatherJOHN RIDER (1664 - 1718)
MotherHESTER HALL (1672 - 1745)
Sibling(dau) RIDER (1694 - 1694)
SiblingSAMUEL RIDER (1694 - 1811)
SiblingBETHIAH RIDER (1697 - )
SiblingHESTER RIDER (1699 - )
SiblingMERCY RIDER (1701 - )
SiblingHANNAH RIDER (1701 - )
SiblingZERVIAH RIDER (1703 - 1745)
SiblingNATHANIEL RIDER (1705 - )
SiblingTHANKFUL RIDER (1709 - )
