Individual Details
(Feb 12, 1823 - Feb 23, 1896)
This message was sent to me via e-mail April 2005. Don, I am really sh ort of time just now as we are leaving tomorr ow for a genealogy conve ntion in Nashville, TN. I hope to g et to the archives to do a littl e research on the Culleys t here. I still haven't found where the Will iam Culley fathe r of our John (1792-1876) died. I hope to find someth ing wh ile in Nashville!! I will have to check where I got the middl e name of Caleb . We decorate the graves of the Culleys in Chilhowee e ver y May and will be there again the last week in May. I hav e a cop y of one of the original "When I Was a Boy" books. M y husband's aun t told us about it and we traveled to Fayett e MO to get our copy. Tha t must have been at least 30 year s ago. I worked at MO Vital Record s office for a while an d got into the Death Records on my break time . We live in J efferson City, MO By the way, Susan Tadlock McLin is th e daughter of Alexande r B. Mc Lin. They were married 6 Feb 1879. Th e first wife P auline W. Askew is buried in Shilo Cem where John C. Cu lley 's parents and grandparents are buried. I have a picture o f tha t tombstone. It's really old. John C. is the son of Thomas Jefferson C ulley (I have a pic ture) b. 11 Feb 1823 in Howard Co. MO and died 2 3 Feb 189 7 in Johnson Co, MO (Chilhowee area) buried in Shilo Cem. Hi s wife Susan Adline Wasson b. 5 Oct 1829 in Ohio and die d 3 Mar 189 7 Chilhowee also buried in Shilo ( Jim and I pur chased and put up ne w stone for them and T.J.'s parents las t year) Susan parents are Clab urn Wasson and Mary Harris. I hav e a little more on this family. Tom as Jefferson is the son of John Culley b. 12 Aug 1792 Ed gefield Co. S C and died 15 Aug 1876 in Chilhowee MO burie d Shiloah Cem He marrie d 7 Mar 1821 in Howard Co. MO. to Ja ne Douglas Wright a widow wit h 2 sons. She was b. 18 Jul 17 89 TN (some say KY but census says TN ) died 14 Sep 1869 i n Chilhowee buried Chiloah (This is the correct s pelling o f the cemetery!!) John was in the War of 1812 and has lo t s of military records. Applied for bounty land. Lots of rec ords fo r him. Susan was married to John Wesley Wright who went bacl Eas t fp r something and didn't return. John's father is William Culley. He bo ught land in Orange C o SC in 1793 and in Barnwell Co. SC in 1806 In B arnwell Co . SC 1800 census and Rutherford Co. TN in 1820. I have n o t checked Georgia yet but he was suposed to be there in 182 0 as on e of the children were born there. I have no wife li sted for him bu t have 7 probable children who seem to fit t he census John b. 1792 Ed gefield Co. SC Zacharian b. 3 Nov 1803 SC William b. 16 Jan 1800 SC Ma ry E. b. ca 1807 d. Mar 1857 Johnson Co. MO m. Apr 11 182 9 to Willia m Johnson. Buried in Shiloah Cem and is listed a n J.C.'s book as an A unt but is really a great aunt. I lear ned this the hard way from th e Johnson's. Thomas Jefferson (not our Thomas Jefferson but a brothe r o f John (1). b. ca 1810 GA Bennet b. ca 1817 TN Martha b. 21 Feb 17 96. They last two might not be children of Wm.s Got to go for now. Th is will give you enough to keep you bu sy for a couple of days. We wil l be back home next week . I would like to see what you have on your l ine and what w e differ in. Thanks for writing. Bonnie Culley PS My hu sband descends from Thomas Jefferson Culley throug h Samuel Porter Cul ley and then his son Charles STewart Cul ley. More later.
Birth | Feb 12, 1823 | | | | |
Marriage | Dec 12, 1850 | Chilhowee, Johnson, MO, USA - Susan Adline Wasson | | | |
Death | Feb 23, 1896 | | | | |
Marriage | | Susan Adline Wasson | | | |