Individual Details

John Culley

(Aug 12, 1792 - Aug 15, 1876)

Compiled by Patrick Jay Culley 9.17.2001, updated 6.25.2004 Primaril y from the records of Bonnie Flanigan Culley and wo rk by Frank Slave n John Culley (AFN: THQJ-0C) b 12Aug1792 Edgefield Co., SC m 4Mar182 1 Howard Co., MO d 15Aug1876 Johnson Co., MO Married to: Jane (Jennie ) Douglass Wright Culley (AFN: N8K0-CV) b 18Jul1789 prob VA m ca . 1808 KY? to: Unknown Wright 2m 4Mar1821 Howard Co., MO d 14Sep1869 J ohnson Co., MO Jane had two sons by Mr. Wright - George Douglass Wrig ht, b. 1810(08?) dOct1872 Elizabeth P. Cull m child: John W. Wri ght John Angel Wright, b. 1812. Jane had 5 children with John Culle y - William R. (AFN:THQJ-1J) b21Nov1821 d7Mar1899 1Mary Brown b1 826 m16Jan1849 d 1849 age 22y11mo 2Louisa C. Perry 21Oct1828 m2Jul1 857 d23Jul1891 Five children Thomas Jefferson b11Feb1823 d23Feb189 7 Susan Adline Wasson b5Oct1829 m12Dec1850 d3Mar1897 Sarah (Sally) An n bca.1825 d1901, Limestone, TX Jefferson G Harris m Johnson Co . MO child Lucy G Nancy Elizabeth b21Apr1827(28?) d24Mar1877 age 49 y11m3d William Johnson James Isom(AFN:THQJ-2P) b8Jan1828 m20Jun185 6 d25Dec1907 Don (Lou?) Martha Cull b12Oct1838 d All Culley's abov e appear to have been born in Howard Co an d died in Johnson Co. MO, w ith the exception of Sarah, wh o probably died in Limestone, TX and i s buried in Kirk Ceme tery near Ben Hur (ref 8). A notation states tha t Jane and Sarah could not read or wri te - ref. 1840 Johnson Co (Pos t Oak Township) census nos. 0 0012101 and/or 00020001 John Culley wa s born 12Aug1792 in Edgefield Co. SC and move d with his parents to Be dford Co. TN where he fought in th e War of 1812, then enlisted in th e Army Rifle Corps, Capt . Shelby's 3rd Regiment of TN. He served 5 ye ars and was di scharged 30Oct1819 in Council Bluffs, IA. As payment fo r s ervices in the war, he received land in Arkansas, which h e sold . He moved to Howard Co. MO and married Jane Wright o n 4Mar1821. Wrig ht was her married name - her first husban d vanished as he returned t o Richmond, KY to settle his fat her's estate. They then moved on to J ohnson Co, where he i s listed as one of the first settlers. In TN, h e is liste d as a "dresser of skins" and in Johnson Co, MO as a farm e r and tanner. Marriage Certificate - Married 4 Mar 1821, Howard Co T errit ory of MO by Chs. Kavannaugh. Declaration for Soldier's Pension , War 1812 lists: wifes na me - Jane Wright - to whom he was married a t Richlandbottom , Howard Co. MO on the 4th of March 1820. The "Loyal ty, cl aimant's averment and testimony of J. W. Wright and M. W. T hom pson" their signatures. This was done in the courthous e in Warrensbu rg, MO. The History of Johnson Co" pg 533:Massacre, "The followi n g is a partial list of the dead and wounded WM JOHNSON" May 7, 1865 . Pg. 571 sa ys "Some of the first neighbors were John Murray, who liv e d where the little village of Chilhowee now is: Wm Johnson, Mr. Harr is, Isam Culley, John Culley, a dresser o f skins". Record of Missour i Confederate Veterans - compiled by Unite d Daughters of the Confeder acy, Missouri Division. Informa tion given by Don [Martha] Cull Culle y wife of James Isom C ulley - a Confederate Veteran. He was dead an d she was liv ing with a daughter in Nevada, MO at the time. " Moth e r - Jennie Culley born in Virginia". 1850 census lists Jan e as 60 y ears old living with William Culley in Johnson Co . MO and born in TN . Place of burial: Jane and John are buried in Shilo Cemetery , Johns on Co. MO next to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Original Tombsto nes state (Tombstones replaced 2003 by Bonn ie and James Dudley Culley ): John Culley born 12 Aug 1792 and died 15 Aug 1876 Jane Culley bor n 18 July 1789 and died 14 Sept 1869 Related information: William R . Culley was active in the Chilhowee MO area, an d the Cumberland Pres byterian Church; archives in Memphis w hich state that he attended man y convocations on the church 's behalf. More can be found on him throu gh the Missouri ar chives. Bios of W.R. Culley and J.W. Wright (and se veral ot her Chilhowee folks) are located on the genweb web site fr o m THE HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY, MISSOURI - Some selected b iographi es Kansas City Historical Co. 1881. W. R. CULLEY, P.O. Cornelia. On e of the prominent old settl ers of Chilhowee township, was born in Ho ward County, Misso uri, in 1821. His father, John Culley was among th e pioneer s of that county. He was a native of Tennessee, born Augu s t 12, 1792, and was a soldier in the War of 1812, having se rved fiv e years, and after his discharge, settling in Old F ranklin, Missouri . He was married in 1820, and in 1836, cam e to Johnson County, and ma de it his home until his death , which occurred August 15, 1876. Willi am R. Culley was th e eldest of his father's family, and on him reste d many car es of the household. He has seen many changes in this coun t y, hardship, privation, as well as enjoyment, which rende r the memo ry of those early days especially dear. He was tw ice married, first t o Miss Mary Brown, January 16, 1849, da ughter of Samuel Brown. She di ed in about seven months afte r marriage. He was again married July 2 , 1857 to Miss Louis a C. Perry, a native of Tennessee. They have fiv e childre n yet living. Mr. Culley has ever taken great interest i n t he cause of Christianity: himself and family are closely as sociat ed with Cumberland Presbyterian Church, to which he h as been a libera l contributor. His firm stand for temperanc e and education have bee n strongly inculcated in the mind s of his family. His well cultivate d farm of 250 acres cont ains a good orchard and well appointed dwelli ng. JOHN W. WRIGHT, dealer in general merchandise, Columbus. H e wa s born near Chilhowee, this county, Oct. 28, 1839, so n of Douglass Wr ight, a native of Virginia, who, while youn g, was taken to Kentucky , and thence to Missouri, and to wh at is now Chilhowee township, abou t 1830. He died there Oct . 1872. Elizabeth P. Wright, the mother of o ur subject, i s the daughter of Thomas Cull. She still lives and resid e s with her son, John W. Wright. Mr. Wright married Anna C . Snodgras s, and four children cheer their household: Early , Ora, Charley and S tella; Lee died Oct. 1872. Mr. Wright w ent into business for himsel f in Chilhowee, succeeding J. R . Johnson in merchandising. He then en gaged in farming, an d since that time has engaged in different enterp rises fro m 1875 to 1880, merchandising in Holden, then lived fo r a t ime in Bates County. In the fall of 1881, he came to Columb us a nd bought out G. C. Wolfe, and now provided with a ful l stock carrie s on a full merchantile trade, which, thoug h good, is rapidly increas ing. The coming spring will fin d him supplied with a full stock of fa rm implements and gen eral farm supplies. Mr. Wright being a native o f Johnson Co unty, has witnessed many of the changes which have come a n d gone. He is an enterprising liberal spirited man, ever re ady to e ncourage that which is calculated to build up the t ownship and county . He is a worthy member of the M. E. Chur ch South. ftp://ftp.rootswe r1.txt <ftp://ftp.rootsweb .com/pub/usgenweb/mo/johnson/bios /wpbaker1.txt> <http://www.root> Shilo Cemetary Curious tha t there is an ISOM with a CULLEY that were parol ed at Appomattox. A s in James Isom Culley... < omattox.html> Shaffreer, L. L., 1st Serg't., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg 't. Barren, N. P., 2d Serg't, Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Ayers, J. M. , 4th Serg't, Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Anthony, E. M., Pvt., Co. B. , 17th Tenn. Reg't. Boon, J. M., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Culle y, J. W., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Holt, J. M., Pvt., Co. B., 1 7th Tenn. Reg't. Holt, E. C., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Harrison , B. W., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn Reg't. Isom, J. B., Pvt., Co. B., 17t h Tenn. Reg't. Jones, T. H., Pvt, Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. Kimbro, F . W., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't. McIntire, Reid, Pvt., Co. B., 17 th Tenn. Reg't. Troxley, S. W., Pvt., Co. B., 17th Tenn. Reg't.


BirthAug 12, 1792Edgefield, SC, USA
MarriageMar 4, 1821Howard, MO, USA - Jane "Jennie" Douglas Wright
DeathAug 15, 1876Johnson, MO, USA


SpouseJane "Jennie" Douglas Wright (1789 - 1869)
ChildWilliam R. Culley (1821 - 1899)
ChildThomas Jefferson Culley (1823 - 1896)
ChildSarah A. "Sally" Culley (1825 - 1901)
ChildJames Isom Culley ( - )
ChildNancy Elizabeth Culley ( - )