Individual Details

Mary Louise Redford

(Nov 23, 1866 - May 30, 1945)

(Submitted by Paddy McCullough) Grandmother Mary Louise Redford McCul lough was born on November 23, 1866 in Moniteau County Missouri to Jes se Eli Redford and Louisa Glover Redford.


BirthNov 23, 1866Moniteau County, MO
MarriageJul 17, 1883Dade County, MO - John Adelbert McCullough
DeathMay 30, 1945unknown


SpouseJohn Adelbert McCullough (1861 - 1946)
ChildRalph Murphy McCullough (1903 - 1986)
FatherJesse Eli Redford ( - )
MotherLouisa Glover ( - )