Individual Details
(1834 - 1907)
Name Prefix:<NPFX> Dr. BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Alois Graettinger was a prom inent physic ian who lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for many years. H e married three times. His first wife was Ann Theresia Seil or Sells . Barbara Graettinger believes it 's probably Sell because that nam e is used as a middle name for many of their d escendants. Dr. Graett inger and his wife Anna were Catholic; however, they cou ldn't get alo ng so he divorced her and left the Catholic church when he married hi s second wife. Supposedly the nuns told daughter Anna that they didn' t blam e the doctor for divorcing wife Anna because she was "so hard t o get along with ." Dr. Graettinger migrated to Ontario, California , married a third time, beca me an Episcopalian, and passed away in 19 07. Source: Barbara Graettinger, John Graettinger Jr. BIOGRAPHY: So urce - Town of Graettinger, Iowa, Graettinger Centennial Book: "In con sideration of One and 00/100 Dollars, We Alois Graettin ger and my wif e Mary Graettinger, of Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin, here by s ell and convey unto the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls, and North Western Ra ilway Company of the County of Hardin and the State of Iowa the follo wing described premises in the County of Palo Alto, State of Iowa to w it: (approximately eight acres more or less)." Signed on the Fourt h day of May 1892 by Alois and Mary Graettinger, thus was the beginnin g of the village now known as Graettinger. T he purpose for this ac t was for the railroad to establish a depot on the proper ty donated . In turn, Dr. Graettinger employed LeRoy Grout, county surveyor o f P alo Alto County, to create a plot of streets, alleys, and lots fo r the town of Graettinger, the name bestowed upon the depot by the rai lroad. Dr. Alois Graet tinger, for whom the town was named, never liv ed in Iowa. He was a physician li ving in Milwaukee, who like many oth ers, was investing his money in the new pra irie land opened to settle rs. He purchased Section 2, 3, 4 and 9 in Walnut Town ship in 1880. D r. Alois convinced his brother Blasius to move to Palo Alto Cou nty."
Birth | 1834 | Brunndoll, Griesbach, Bavaria, Germany | | | |
Immigration | 1857 | Bavaria, Germany | | | |
Marriage | Bef 1859 | Wisconsin - Anna Theresia Sells | | | |
Marriage | Abt, 1892 | Mary Elizabeth Unknown | |  | |
Death | 1907 | Ontario, California | | | |
Burial | | Ontario, California | | | |