Individual Details

James Elmore Haltom

(Mar 18, 1869 - May 16, 1941)

BIOGRAPHY: According to "The History of the Haltom Family" published i n 1999: J ames Elmore Haltom was born March 18, 1869, Owen County, Ind iana and "...marrie d on January 2, 1890, in Owen County, Indiana to S usan Anne Query, born 1872 in Owen County, Indiana and died 1954, Owe n County, daughter of Solomon and Mary (Dobson) Query. James died Ma y 16, 1941 in Owen County. Both are buried in the Carolina Cemetery . They were residents of the Atkinsonville, Indiana area." Obituary : James Elmore Haltom Dies: Funeral Rites Held Sunday. James E Halto m , 72 years old, a farmer of Morgan Township, died Friday morning a t his home ne ar Jordan Village following a long illness. He was a so n of Levi and Roann (Ch aney) Haltom and was born March 18, 1869. H e is survived by the widow, Mrs. An nie Haltom, and two sons, Henry E . at home and Orville Haltom living near Vanda lia. Also two grandchi ldren and several brothers and sisters. Mr. Haltom was trustee in Mor gan Township from January, 1919 to January, 1923. Funeral servic es we re held Sunday at Carolina Church, of which he was a member, and buria l wa s made in the adjoining cemetery.


BirthMar 18, 1869Owen County, Indiana, USA
MarriageJan 2, 1890Owen County, Indiana, USA - Susan Anne Query
DeathMay 16, 1941Owen County, Indiana, USA
BurialCarolina Cemetery, Morgan Township, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseSusan Anne Query (1872 - 1954)
ChildEustace H Haltom (1891 - 1968)
ChildEttie Pearl Haltom (1898 - 1909)
ChildOrville Haltom ( - )
FatherLevi J Haltom (1844 - 1897)
MotherRoann R Chaney (1847 - 1925)
SiblingElwood Alonzo Haltom (1867 - 1890)
SiblingThomas Orlando Haltom (1870 - 1941)
SiblingClarence Jay Haltom (1871 - 1954)
SiblingLouisa Elizabeth Haltom (1873 - 1917)
SiblingEmma Florence Haltom (1878 - 1900)
SiblingEdward Ross Haltom (1881 - 1975)
SiblingWilliam Cleveland Haltom (1884 - 1965)
SiblingAlvira Haltom (1888 - 1889)
SiblingNellie Virgil Haltom (1891 - 1963)
