Individual Details

Tilman Chance Sr.

(Feb 16, 1797 - May 9, 1873)

Also Known As:<_AKA> Tilman Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY : He patented lan d from the Federal government on 20 May 1826 in Cla y County, Indiana. Other pa tents are dated 1831, 1837 and 1838. O n April 6, 1849, Tilman assumed all of t he property of his parents 'P urnal' and Starling. The court document reads as follows: "Tilman Cha nce from Purnal Chance: Know all men by these presents that I, Tilma n Chance of the County of Clay and State of Indiana am held and firml y bound unto Purnel Chance of the same place to his heirs and assign s in the pen al sum of $1,000.00 lawful money for the payment of whic h well and truly is to be made and done, I bind myself, my heirs and e xecutors and administrators firm ly by these presents sealed with my h and and dated this 6th day of April 1849. The condition of this obliga tion is such that whereas the bound Tilman Chance, has this day receiv ed of the said Purnal Chance all his Goods, Wares, Merchandi se and no tes, bills, bonds, accounts, mortgages, judgments and all things in t h e firm of Tilman Chance and Company in the Merchantile business in t he Town of Bowling Green in said County of Clay. Also Lot #8 in Bloc k 11 in the Town of Bo wling Green in said County of Clay and State o f Indiana under the following agr eement to-wit: That the said Tilma n Chance will well and truly provide the said Purnal Chance and Starl ing Chance, his wife, during their natural lives with a ll the necessa ry clothing and provisions, bedding and so forth suitable to thei r ag e and former conditions in life, allowing and permitting them and eac h or e ither of them at any and all times to visit and stay with any o f their other ch ildren at pleasure and pay all the indebtedness of th eirs necessarily incurred. Then and in that case this obligation wil l be void and of none effect, otherwi se in full force. /s/ Tilman Ch ance Signed sealed and delivered in the presenc e of /s/ John S. Beem . I, John Beem, Recorder of said County, certify that the foregoin g Instrument of writing was filed for record and duly recorded 24 Sep t ember 1849 at 9:00 o'clock A.M." Source: Clay County, Book 1, 1846-1 854, Page 1 39.


BirthFeb 16, 1797North Carolina
MarriageOct 4, 1819Owen County, Indiana, USA - Nancy Hicks
DeathMay 9, 1873Green County, Iowa
BurialGreen, Fremont, Iowa, USA
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseNancy Hicks (1801 - 1867)
ChildMary Jane Chance (1825 - 1879)
ChildDianna Chance (1825 - 1890)
ChildElizabeth Chance (1828 - )
ChildMargaret Chance (1830 - )
ChildJohn P Chance (1830 - 1865)
ChildLeonard Chance (1833 - )
ChildWilliam Chance (1839 - 1860)
ChildTilman Chance Jr. ( - 1850)
FatherPurnell Chance (1769 - 1850)
MotherStarling Barnes (1775 - 1852)
SiblingDaniel Chance (1792 - )
SiblingJohn Chance (1794 - 1863)
SiblingNancy Chance (1801 - 1893)
SiblingRandolph Chance (1802 - 1830)
SiblingSarah Chance (1806 - )
SiblingMargaret Chance (1813 - 1899)
