Individual Details
Rose Matilda Hunsicker
(Jan 17, 1884 - Mar 2, 1930)
Nickname:<NICK> Rosie Obituary: Rose Matilda Query was born Januar y 17, 1884 i n Owen County, near Poland, Indiana and departed this lif e, March 2, 1930, at t he age of 46 years, 1 month and 13 days. She w as the daughter of Minnie and El i Hunsicker, and was the third of chi ld of a family of five children, two sons and three daughters. One si ster and one brother, having preceded her in death. She was marrie d to Fred (Daniel Boone Webster) Query on August 10, 1902, who still s urvives her. To this union were born five children, two sons and thre e daughters. The oldest Beulah Bedelia, who was married to Cecil Stee le, precede d her mother in death on June 16 1925, at the age of 20 ye ars. Violet McHenry of Quincy, Indiana, Mildred, Chester and Herman , at home, who mourn the loss of a mother and two, and two grandchild ren, Gene and Rose Mary, whom she loved ve ry tenderly. She also leav es to mourn, a Father, Mother, and one sister, Nelli e Sendmeyer of In dianapolis, one brother, Alva Hunsicker of Waveland, Indiana a nd man y other relatives and a host of friends. The deceased has suffered fo r s everal years with a goiter, and the time finally came when she rea lized the fig ht as for life or death. She decided to submit to a su rgical operation. She went to the hospital on Friday, February 21 an d after a week's treatment, under went a surgical operation, which pro ved to be more than she could stand, at the close of the third day, " Her Savior called her to come up higher." And she pa ssed peacefull y away at 12 o'clock on Sunday, March 2, 1930 at St. Vincent's Ho spit al at Indianapolis. The family was all present when the end came, exc eptin g her father. Her last words were, "I am going, Good Bye." Sh e united with th e M.E. Church at Mt. Pleasant at the age of 14 year s under the pastorate of Rev . Freeman. In 1919 she moved her members hip to Mill Grove, and had tried all t hese years to live a faithful C hristian live, attending church services when he alth and opportunit y would permit. In 1921 she became affiliated with the Quin cy Chapte r of the Eastern Star, No. 298. Our loved one will be sadly missed b y her family and all who knew her as a neighbor and friend. She wa s of a sunny disposition, bearing her suffering with much patience. S he was a faithful comp anion and a loving mother, and always greetin g everyone with a smile. Death ca me as thief, And stole our loved on e away, Not ours to ask the reason why, but ours to say Thy will be do ne, With a gentle smile and a Wave of the hand, She w andered into a n unknown land. And left us dreaming how very fair, It needs mus t b e done since she lingers there. Funeral services held at M.E. Churc h at Qui ncy on Wednesday, March 5 at 1 o'clock and burial in Cloverda le cemetery.
Spouse | Daniel Boone Webster Query (1881 - 1947) |
Child | Beulah Bedalia Query (1904 - 1925) |
Child | Violet Carmen Query (1907 - ) |
Child | Mildred Vernona Query (1912 - 1963) |
Child | Chester Fredrick Query (1915 - 1985) |
Child | Herman Eugene Query (1920 - 1978) |
Father | Eli Hunsicker (1854 - 1937) |
Mother | Minnie J Hollenberg (1857 - 1930) |
Sibling | Alva Hunsicker ( - 1930) |
Sibling | Nellie Hunsicker ( - 1930) |
Sibling | Clara Angeline Hunsicker (1881 - 1896) |
Sibling | Roy Hunsicker (1887 - 1918) |
1. Indiana Marriages, Vigo County, Book 16, OSP: 426.
2. Cloverdale Cemetery, Cloverdale Township, Putnam County Indiana.