Individual Details

Arthur Clyde Query

(May 4, 1918 - )

Nickname:<NICK> Art BIOGRAPHY: As of April 2002, Arthur is alive a nd well and living in Florida. He's a joy to talk with. He's now 83 , has had five heart a ttacks and says that "everyday is a gift". H e enjoys hearing from long lost re lations, and has many stories to te ll. Here's a bit of his life, in his own wo rds, that he wrote whil e he lived in Cloverdale, Owen County, Indiana: "Arthur C. Querry be came one member of the first small group of students to be publicl y b used to high school at Quincy from Jennings Township, Owen County (193 2). T he school bus was a Model A Ford. He went on to graduate fro m Indiana State Te achers College at the same time as did one of his g rade school teachers. Arthu r worked in an office for International H arvester Company at Indianapolis (a tr uck engine manufacturer) at a t ime when trucks were supplanting the railroads. He is now, at this ti me, retired". Arthur was married for a short time during the early 1 950s. He and his wife of the time, Anna May Reed, were childless. Art hur now resides in West Palm Beach, Florida.


BirthMay 4, 1918Owen County, Indiana, USA
Marriage1951Indiana - Anna May Reed
Divorce filed1955Anna May Reed


SpouseAnna May Reed ( - )
FatherEzra C Query (1890 - 1941)
MotherMellie Lucille Comer (1891 - 1957)
SiblingRussell Maurice Query (1920 - 1968)
