Individual Details

Juel V Huber

(Dec 23, 1909 - May 1, 1963)

Obituary: "Juel Huber, son of Charles and Tressie (McCullough) Huber w as born i n Owen County, December 23, 1909 and passed away on May 1, 1 963 at the age of 5 3 years, 4 months and 8 days. Most of his life wa s spent in the Millgrove Comm unity, except for a few years in the Arm y in California, where he met his wife. When a young man, Juel unite d with the Millgrove Methodist Church. On Februa ry 14, 1950, he wa s united in marriage with Mae Tolasano. Juel was a kind and generou s person, bore all his suffering with patience and without complaint . T hose surviving are his wife Mae; his mother, Tressie; one brother , Roy of Detro it, Michigan, three step-children, Jack McNulty, Tom Mc Nulty and Mrs. Ed Hannib al, all of California. Also several Aunts, u ncles, cousins, and many friends."


BirthDec 23, 1909Owen County, Indiana, USA
MarriageFeb 14, 1950Mae Tolasano
DeathMay 1, 1963Owen County, Indiana, USA
UnknownUS Army, where he met his wife Mae - California
Event (I)US Army, where he met his wife Mae - California


SpouseMae Tolasano ( - )
FatherCharles Ross Huber (1878 - 1958)
MotherTressie P McCullough (1879 - 1969)
SiblingRoy Huber ( - )