Individual Details

George Gardiner

(February, 1599 - 1677)

George Gardiner was born in England, 2 different theories on parents, neither proven in 2018. He married 3 times. First wife Sara has little info, 2nd wife Herodias has books written about her. 3rd wife Lydia Ballou and George were married in Providence where they stayed. George was respected in the community and part of Courts and Appointments.


BirthFebruary, 1599London, England
MarriageAbt, 1633Sarah Slaughter
WidowAbt, 1637
MarriageAbt, 1645Rhode Island, British America - Herodias Long
CivilJune 29, 1660Land deed - Rhode Island, British America
Divorce1664Herodias Long
MarriageAbt, 1665Providence, British America - Lydia Ballou
CivilJune 2, 1668Robert Ballou will - Suffolk, British America
Death1677Newport, British America


SpouseLydia Ballou (1640 - 1723)
ChildLydia Gardiner (1669 - 1723)
SpouseSarah Slaughter (1600 - 1637)
SpouseHerodias Long (1623 - 1722)
ChildGeorge Gardiner (1648 - 1723)
FatherMichael Gardiner (1552 - 1630)

