Individual Details
George Gardiner
(February, 1599 - 1677)
George Gardiner was born in England, 2 different theories on parents, neither proven in 2018. He married 3 times. First wife Sara has little info, 2nd wife Herodias has books written about her. 3rd wife Lydia Ballou and George were married in Providence where they stayed. George was respected in the community and part of Courts and Appointments.
Spouse | Lydia Ballou (1640 - 1723) |
Child | Lydia Gardiner (1669 - 1723) |
Spouse | Sarah Slaughter (1600 - 1637) |
Spouse | Herodias Long (1623 - 1722) |
Child | George Gardiner (1648 - 1723) |
Father | Michael Gardiner (1552 - 1630) |
A common law marriageCivil
George is one of the men who signed a land deed, land sale with Indian Socho, the true owner of Misquanacock.Marriage
Despite the notoriety of the trial Gardiner does not appear to have lost his standing in the colony, he married Lydia Ballou, dau. of Robert Ballou of Portsmouth by whom he had several children, his widow married 2nd William Hawkins of Providence.Civil
Lydia's dad's will, "unto my truly well beloved wife Susannah all my worldly estate, two daughters and sonn twelve pence apiece, and also my son in law George Gardiner, I leave to the protection of Almighty God dated the second of June in the year 1668"Endnotes
1. (2008). || Volume 1 page 597.
2. (2008). || Volume 1 page 597.
3. (1835). || Page 242 Land purchase text and witnesses.
4. (2008). || Volume 1 page 597.
5., Massachusetts, Wills and Probate Records, 1635-1991 (Provo, UT, USA:, 2015), Suffolk County Probate Records, 1636-1899; Page 27, 28. Page 28 marked ‘page 17 in original volume’. Image 212 of 922.
6. , "," online database, Find a Grave ( : accessed ), .