Individual Details
Louis van As b1
(Abt 1670 - )
Spouse | Helena Janse (1672 - 1695) |
Child | Catharina van As b1c2 (1695 - 1758) |
Census (family)
Vrouens verskyn nie in die 1691-monsterrol nie, Louis van As verskyn alleen. Sy naam word deurgaans op dieselfde wyse gespel, wat merkwaardig is vir die tydperk.Marriage
Den selfen dito (11 November)Louis van As, van Harlingen jongman, en
borger alhier, met Helena Janse van Leiden
Census (family)
"Louris van As en Lena Jansz"Miscellaneous
Het wijv van den vrijwagemaker Louis van As op den 22 deser maand in matroose kleederen hier op 't strand met pak en sak betrapt en in arrest gebragt zijnde, als hebgende willen kwaadaardiglijk haar man verlaten en na 't vaderland met een der retourschepen vertrekken, is vandaag op ordre van M:r C:J: Simons Fiscal uijt arrest ontslagen buijten kennisse van den Ed: Heer Gouv:r dewelke haar strafbaar beoordeelde, omdat de man van opgemelde wijc bekende dat sij dese daad met kennisse, raad en hulp van den vrijman Joost Lons en desselvs wijv gedaan hadde, en dewijl sij 't selve niet bekend gemaakt hadde, om daardoor voor te komen de vlugt van geseide Joost Lons met sijn wijv na 't vaderland, so oordeelde sijn Ed: dat die saak anderen ten spiegel behoorde gestraft te werden.Census (family)
"Louijs van As en Elena Jansz 1 k."Census (family)
Alhoewel vrouens en kinders wel in die 1695-monsterrol opgeneem is, verskyn "Louis van As" alleen.Christen-shared
31 dito (Julii) een kind van Louis van As en Leenavan As, gent. Catharina, getuijgen Joost
Strijdom en Catharina Groenewalt.
Hierdie is 'n verwarrende inskrywing:"We send you, besides the names mentioned in a former minute, J. Boudewyn v. d. Bosch, as wood cutter and wagon maker; Louis van As, ex-freeman, as wagonmaker; Hans C. Werver, Martinus Matthysz, H. v. Nieuwrode, H. Gense, Theodoor Rosa of Bruges, Huibert J. v. Oldenzeel, Jan Hendriksz of Strasbourgh, Beuve Jansz of Amsterdam, J. Pietersz of Bergen, J. v. Laan of Utrecht; and as freemen : Barend B. Schoevaart of Delft, C. W. Ponsen, H. J. Tol, Jac. de Groot, Huybert Breda, W. Wilde, J. v. Geldren, Piet and Laurensz or Hitmore, J. Jansz of Middelburg, H Scholt of Kesterein. As convicts: Jan de Brouwer, Christoffel Plank, W. Haan, Cl. Pietersz, Jan Jurgen of Burstel. All to be employed at hard labour without pay according to their sentences. The latter has been banished thither for life, but you must quietly let him go to earn his own living. The others are to the kept chained in couples and particularly watched when ships arrive."
Dit is nie duidelik of die instruksie ( "all to be employed... ") verwys na die die "convicts " of na die hele groep mense nie.
16999th February
"The master wagonmaker, Louis van As, begs for his discharge."
"169918th June.
Next year we will consider the request of the master wagonmaker, Louis van As, whose time is far from expired."
Dit wil voorkom dat Louis van As na die Kaap gestuur is as straf (Sien ook ander 1699-inskrywing).
1. Corney Keller, Richard Ball, Transcriber, "Cape Town Marriages 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 603 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1665-1695, which is a photocopy the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-1/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series)..
2. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
3. Corney Keller, Richard Ball, Transcriber, "Cape Town Marriages 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 603 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1665-1695, which is a photocopy the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-1/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series)..
5. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
6. Tracing History Trust; Helena Liebenberg, Dagregister : der dagelijkse voorvallen gehouden an Cabo de Goede Hoop (N.p.: n.p., n.d.), 1692: p183.
7. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
8. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
9. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696..
10. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), p15.
11. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Received, 1695-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), p198.
12. H.C.V. Leibbrandt, Letters Despatched 1696-1708: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, 1896), p121.