Individual Details
Edward Grant BRILES
(18 Jul 1869 - 23 Jul 1951)
Geographic Genealogy
• Coffey County, Kansas : birth / land owner
• Woodson County, Kansas / land owner
• Lyon County, Kansas - Died in Emporia hospital
Tombstone / Find a Grave
Find a Grave, database and images, Find a Grave ( : viewed online August 2016), memorial for Edward Grant Briles (1869-1951), Find a Grave Memorial no. #110405863, created by Marcia Philbrick, citing Crandall Cemetery, Le Roy, Coffey County, Kansas; accompanying photograph by Marcia Philbrick, Edward Grant Briles.
Eddie G Briles’ tombstone says he was born July 18, 1869. The Find a Grave record indicates Edward Grant “Eddie” Briles was born in Coffey County, Kansas. Edward Grant “Eddie” Briles was buried in Crandall Cemetery, in Coffey County, Kansas.
1870 U.S. Census Neosho Township, Coffey County Kansas
1870 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 10, household 60, Briles Noah; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T132.
Grant Briles was listed as a one year old male on the 1870 U.S. census in the household of Noah Briles. According to the census, Grant was 1 year old and born in Kansas. Also listed in the household was Noah Briles, aged 28; Sarah Briles aged 26 and Ida Briles aged 2.
1875 Kansas Census – Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas
1875 Kansas State Census, Coffey County, Kansas, Kansas state census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 10-11, household 81, N W Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); Kansas State Historical Society.
E Grant Briles was listed on the 1875 Kansas census in the household of N W Briles. According to the census, E Grant Briles was 5 years old and born in Kansas. Also listed in the census was N. W. Briles, aged 35; S. J. Briles, aged 31, I A Briles, aged 1 and Harrison Briles aged 23.
1880 U.S. Census – Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas
1880 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, ED 49, Page 8, household 72, Sarah A Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T9.
Edward G Briles was listed as a 10 year old on the 1880 census in Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas in the household of Sarah Briles. According to the census, Edward G. Briles was born in Kansas. Also listed in the census was Sara Briles, aged 36, and Ida A Briles aged 12.
1885 – Kansas Census – Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas
1885 Kansas Census, Neosho County, state census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 28, household 67, Briles Sarah; digital image, ( : viewed online August 2017); Kansas State Historical Society.
Edgar Briles was listed on the 1885 Kansas Census in Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas in the household of Sarah Briles. According to the census, Edgar Briles was 15 years old and born in Kansas.
1889 – Deed – Coffey County Kansas
Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 45, page 617, Briles, Ed, 14 January 1909; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
Book 45, page 617
Angeline Myers and husband
filed for record on the 19th day of January 1889 at 2 o'clock p.m.
Wm H Rudranff, Register of Deeds Deputy
Ed G Briles
This Indenture made this 14th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine between Angeline Myers and H. O. Myers her husband of county of Coffey and state of Kansas of the first part and
Ed G Briles of the same place of the second part
Witnesseth that the parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
five hundred dollars
to them duly paid, hath bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant and convey to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land situate in Coffey County, state of Kansas, and described as follows, to wit:
the undivided one fourth interest n the west half of the northeast quarter of section twelve (12) township twenty three (23) of range fifteen (15) east
with the appurtenances and all the estate, title and interest of the said parties of the first part therein
and the said Angeline Myers and H E Myers do hereby covenant and agree, that at the delivery hereof they are
the lawful owners of the premises granted and seized of a good and indefensible estate of inheritance therein , in fee simple and that the same are free and clear of all incumbrances, and that they will Warrant and Defend the same in the quiet and peaceable possession of said parties of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
In witness whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
Angelina Myers
H. E. Myers
State of Kansas, Coffey County, SS
On the 14th day of January, A.D. 1889, before the
Notary Public is and for said county, personally came
Angeline Myers and H. E. Myers her husband
to me personally known to be the same person whose names are affixed to the foregoing confeyance as grantor and duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal, the day and year last above written.
Frank Fochele
Notary Public
1889 Feb 6 Coffey County, Kansas Book 23, Mortgages, page 362
Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 23 Mortgages page 362, E G Briles, 6 February 1889; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
E G Briles, unmarried grantor to
W H Fear, grantee
Filed for record on the 6th day of February 1889 at 5:30 o’clock p.m.
W H Rudrauff, Register of Deeds
This indenture, made this 6th day of February 1889, between E G Briles an unmarried man of ---- in the county of Coffey and state of Kansas of the first part and W H Fear of the second part.
Witnesseth, that the party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
Two hundred and fifty dollars
To him duly paid has sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and mortgage to the said party of the second part, heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract of land, situate in the County of Coffey, and State of Kansas , described as follows, to wit:
The undivided one half of the west half of the north east quarter of section no. twelve 12, township no 23 (23) range no fifteen (15)
With the appurtenances, and all the estate, title and interest of the said party of the first part therein. This grant is intended as a MORTGAGE to secure the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars
According to the terms of one note this day executed and delivered by
The said party of the first part
To the said party of the second part: and this conveyance shall be void if such payment be made as is herein specified. But if default be made in said payment, or any part thereof, or the interest thereon, as provided, or if the taxes and assessments levied against said premises are not paid at the time when they are by law made due and payable, then the whole sum hereby secured shall, at the option of the holder hereof, become immediately due and payable; and it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, at any time thereafter, to sell the premises hereby granted, or any part thereof, in the manner prescribed by law, and out of all the moneys arising from such sale, to retain the amount then due for principal and interest, together with the costs and charges of making such sale and $___ as attorney’s fee and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid by the party making such sale, on demand, to the said party of the first part heirs or assigns. Appraisement waived.
In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
E. G. Briles
State of Kansas, County of Coffee, SS
On this 6th day of February A.D. 1889, before me, a notary public in and for the county, personally came E G. Briles an unmarried man to me personally known to be the same person whose name is affixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantor and who duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
Witness my hand and official seal on the date last above written.
A Peasley
Notary Public
My commission expires Feby 21 1891
Note on side of document: For value received I hereby assign the within mortgage to Jacob Cline This 28th day of February 1889
True copy of endorsement on original note
Filed for entry Apr 183th 1891
The note secured by the within mortgage having been paid in full this mortgage is hereby released
Witness my hand this 13th day of April 1891
Jacob Cline
1890 – Marriage License --- Woodson County, Kansas
Marriage License Record, Woodson County, Kansas, page 22 (Doc. # Mentzer.KS.016), Woodson County Courthouse, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas.
Marriage License Record
State of Kansas
Woodson County
In the Probate Court of said County and State
Edward G. Briles who now here makes application for
marriage licenses, addressed to any person authorized by law to join in marriage
the said Edward G Briles
aged 20 years, and Frances R. Rickets, aged 22 years
being by me first duly sworn doth say that
they, the said Edward G Briles and Frances R Ricketts
are not related to each other in the degrees prohibited by law, to-wit: parent and child, grandparent and grand-child of any degree, bother and sister of either the one-half or of the whole blood, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, nor first cousins -- and that there exists no legal impediment to said marriage.
E. G. Briles
In testimony whereof, I the undersigned, Judge of the Probate Court
in and for Woodson County, and ex-officio clerk thereof, have hereunto
subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court of my office
this 18th day of February A.D. 1880
C Cl Clenner, Probate Judge
State of Kansas
County of Woodson
Office of Probate Judge of said County
Be it remembered, that on the 18th day of February A.D. 1890 there was issued from the office of said Probate Judge, a Marriage License, of which the following is a true copy.
Marriage License
Woodson County, State of Kansas February 18th A.D. 1890
to any person authorized by law to perform the Marriage ceremony, Greetings:
You are hereby authorized to join in marriage Mr Edward G Briles of Crandall, Kansas, aged 20 years and Miss Frances R Ricketts of Byron, Kansas, aged 22 years, and of this license you will make due return to my office within thirty days.
Seal - C C Clenenger, Probate Judge
And which said marriage license was afterwards, to-wit on the 12th day of March A. D. 1890
returned to said Probate Judge, with the following certificate endorsed thereon, to-wit:
State of Kansas, County of Woodson, ss.
I, J. J. Robinson, minister of the gospel do hereby certify, that in accordance with the authorization
of the within license, I did, on the 19th day of February
A.D. 1890, at Byron in said County, join and unite in Marriage the
within named Edward G Briles, of Crandall, Kansas and Frances A. Ricketts of Byron, Kansas
Witness my hand and seal this day and year above written
J. J. Robinson
1890 – Marriage License Issued – Yates Center News
"Local Intelligence," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 21 February 1890, page 3; digital iamges, ( : viewed online July 2018).
License issued Feb. 18, 1890, to Edward G Butes, of Crandall, Kansas and Miss Francis R. Ricketts, of Byron, Kansas.
1890 – Marriage – Yates Center News
"Married," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 28 February 1890, page 3; digital iamges, ( : viewed online July 2081).
Briles-Ricketts -- At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ricketts, of Liberty township, Woodson county, Kansas, Wednesday, February 19, 1890, Rev. J. I. Robinson officiating, Mr. Edward Briles and Miss Francis Ricketts.
1890 – U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Provo, UT: Yates Publishing, 2004), Edward Grant Briles - Frances Artlissa Ricketts / 1890.
According to the U.S. and International Marriage Records, Edward Grant Briles and Frances Artliss Ricketts were married in 1890 in Kansas.
1891 – Mortgage -- paid in full (See end of deed)
Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 23 Mortgages page 362, E G Briles, 6 February 1889; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
E G Briles, unmarried grantor to
W H Fear, grantee
Filed for record on the 6th day of February 1889 at 5:30 o’clock p.m.
W H Rudrauff, Register of Deeds
This indenture, made this 6th day of February 1889, between E G Briles an unmarried man of ---- in the county of Coffey and state of Kansas of the first part and W H Fear of the second part.
Witnesseth, that the party of the first part, inconsideration of the sum of
Two hundred and fifty dollars
To him duly paid has sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell and mortgage to the said party of the second part, heirs and assigns, forever, all that tract of land, situate in the County of Coffey,and State of Kansas , described as follows, to wit:
The undivided one half of the west half of the northeast quarter of section no. twelve 12, township no 23 (23) range no fifteen(15)
With the appurtenances, and all the estate, title and interest of the said party of the first part therein. This grant is intended as a MORTGAGE to secure the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars
According to the terms of one note this day executed and delivered by
The said party of the first part
To the said party of the second part: and this conveyance shall be void if such payment be made as is herein specified. But if default be made in said payment, or any part thereof, or the interest thereon,as provided, or if the taxes and assessments levied against said premises are not paid at the time when they are by law made due and payable, then the whole sum hereby secured shall, at the option of the holder hereof, become immediately due and payable; and it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, at any time thereafter,to sell the premises hereby granted, or any part thereof, in the manner prescribed by law, and out of all the moneys arising from such sale, to retain the amount then due for principal and interest, together with the costs and charges of making such sale and $___ as attorney’s fee and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid by the party making such sale, on demand, to the said party of the first part heirs or assigns. Appraisement waived.
In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written.
E. G. Briles
State of Kansas, County of Coffee, SS
On this 6th day of February A.D. 1889,before me, a notary public in and for the county, personally came E G. Briles an unmarried man to me personally known to be the same person whose name is affixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantor and who duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
Witness my hand and official seal on the date last above written.
A Peasley
Notary Public
My commission expires Feb 21 1891
Note on side of document: For value received I hereby assign the within mortgage to Jacob Cline This 28th day of February 1889
True copy of endorsement on original note
Filed for entry Apr 13th 1891
The note secured by the within mortgage having been paid in full this mortgage is hereby released
Witness my hand this 13th day of April 1891
Jacob Cline
1895 Kansas Census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas
1895 Kansas Census, Coffey County, state census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kanssa, page 17, E G Briles; microfilm, Kansas State Historical Society (Topeka, KS : viewed online November 2017).
E. G. Briles was listed as the head of household on the 1895 Kansas census in Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas. E. G. Briles was listed as 24 years old and born in Kansas. Also listed in the household was Artie, aged 25 and born in Ind; Osman, aged 3 and born in KS; Ethel aged 1 and born in KS.
13 August 1896 – Land Sold
Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 55 Deeds Page 611, E G. Briles, 13 August 1896; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
Coffey County Kansas Book 55 Deeds page 611
E G Briles to S J Davis
Filed for record on the 13 day of August 1896 at 1:30 o’clock p.m J H Hanna, Register of Deeds
This indenture, made tis 13 day of July A.D. 1886, between
E. G. Briles and Fa. A. Briles, his wife
Of Coffey County, in the State of Kansas of the first part and S. J. Davis of Coffey County in the State of Kansas of the second part
Witnesseth, that said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
One thousand and no dollars
The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said party of the second part her heirs and assigns, all the following described real estate, attended in the county of Coffey and state of Kansas to wit: all their undivided one half interest in the west half of the north east quarter of section twelve (12) township twenty three (23) range fifteen (15) east of the sixth p.m.
To have and to hold the same together with all and singular the [?] and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining forever
And said E. G. Briles and F. A. Briles his wife for their heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby covenant, promise and agree, to and with said party of the second part, that at the delivery of these presents they are lawfully seized in their same right, of an absolute and indefensible estate of inheritance, in fee simple, of and in all and singular the above-granted and described premises, with the appurtenances; that the same are free, clear, discharged and unencumbered of and from all former and other grants, titles, charges, estates, judgements, [?], assessments and incumbrances, of what nature or kind soever.
And that they will warrant and forever defend the same unto said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns and parties of the first part, their heirs, and all and every person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to [?} the same
In witness whereof, the said parties of the first part has hereunto set their hands the day and your first above written.
E G Briles
F A Briles
State of Kansas, Coffey County, SS
Be it remembered, that on this 15th day of July A.D. 1886, before me, the undersigned a clerk of the district court and for the county and state aforesaid cause
E G. Briles and F A Briles his wife
Who are personally known to me to be the same person who executed the within instrument of
Writing and such persons have duly acknowledged the executives of the same.
In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year best above written.
T. A. Wiseman Clerk Notary Public
1896 Coffey County Kansas Deed Book 34
15 August 1896 Coffey County Deed Book 34, page 521
S. J. Davis Grantor
E G Briles Grantee
Filed for record on the 15 day of August 1896 at 11 o’clock a.m.
J H Hanna, Register of Deeds
This indenture, made this 15 day of July 1896, between S. J. Davis and J. D. Davis her husband of Coffey in the county of ____ and state of Kansas of the first part and E. G. Briles of the second part
Witnesseth that the parties of the first part in consideration of the sum of eight hundred and no/100 dollars to them duly paid, have void and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and mortgage to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all that tract of land, situate in the county of Coffey, and State of Kansas, described as follows, to with: The west half of the north east quarter of section twelve (12) township twenty three (23) range fifteen (15) east of the sixth p.m.
With the appurtenances and all the estate, title and interest of the said parties of the first part therein. This grant is intended as mortgage to secure the payment of the sum of eight hundred.
According to the terms of one note this day executed and delivered by S. J. Davis and J. D. Davis her husband to the said part of the second part; and this conveyance shall be void if such payment be made as is herein specified. But if default be made in said payment, or any part thereof, or the interest thereon, as provided, or if the taxes and assessments levied against said premises are not paid at the time when they are by law made due and payable, then the whole sum hereby secured shall, at the option of the holder here of, become immediately due and payable; and it shall be lawful for the said party of the second part his executors, administrators and assigns, at any time thereafter, to sell the premises hereby granted, or any part thereof, in the manner prescribed by law and out of all the moneys arising from such sale, to retain the amount then due for principal and interest, together with the costs and charges of making such sale, and $____ as attorney’s fee for foreclosure and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid by the party making such sale, on demand, to the said S. J. Davis. Heirs or assigns. Appraisement waived.
In witness whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year above.
S J. Davis
J. D. Davis
State of Kansas, County of Coffey, ss.
On this 24th day of July A.D. 1896 before me a J. S. Dovert A notary Public in and for said county, personally came S. J. Davis and J. D. Davis her husband.
To me personally known to be the same persons whose name are affixed to the foregoing conveyance as grantor and have duly acknowledged the execution of the same.
Witness my hand and official seal, on the date last above written.
J. S. Covert Notary Public
Assignment: Burlington, Kansas Nov 18, 1899 For value perceived I hereby assign to R Waldren and his assigns all m right to tithe and interest
& within mortgage with recourse on me as known to me to be the same person who executed and acknowledge
State of Kansas, Coffey County, ss. E. G. Briles
Before me a notary public in and for said County personally came E G Briles who
& the assignment above
True copy of endorsement on original mortgage
Is canceled.
1900 U.S. Census – Pleasant township, Coffey County, Kansas
1900 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas, ED 432, Sheet 7A, household 124, Briles Edward G; digital imge, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA T623.
Edward G. Briles was the head of household on the 1900 census in Pleasant township, Coffey County, Kansas. According to the census, Edward was born July 1869 in Kansas. Edward Briles was a farmer. Also listed in the census was his wife, Francis A, born Mar 1869; his son Osmond Briles, born June 1891; daughter, Ethel Briles, born May 1893; his son, Allen Briles, born Mar 1895; and a daughter, Lulu B Briles, born Nov. 1899.
1901 Plat Book Coffey Count, Kansas (Kansas Memory project)
Plat Book of Coffey County, Kansas 1901, (Minneapolis, Minn.: Northwest Publishing Co., 1901), page 19 and 20.
E G. Briles is shown on the 1901 plat book for Coffey County Kansas owning 80 acres in the South ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 26, Township 21 South, Range 14E.
1902 The Burlington Democrat (Burlington, Kansas) 24 Jan 1902 page 3
"Accounts Allowed," The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 24 January 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
E. G. Briles was to be paid $11.00 for work on a bridge in January of 1902. The expense was presented to the Board of County Commissioners at the regular January meeting by W. M. Palen, County Clerk.
Feb 1902 – Burlington Republican
"Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 14 February 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
Rock Creek
February 10
Ed. Briles is digging a well for l. Cokely near Crandall.
Desmond Ricketts visited with his sister Mrs. Ed. Briles last Sunday and Monday
1902 Apr – Burlington Republican
"Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 11 April 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
page 3
Ed Briles and family visited Easter with Sarah Briles, of Crandall.
1902 May – Burlington Republican
"Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 21 May 1902, page 6; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
Anna Myers and Desmond Richetts spent Sunday with E. G. Briles and family, or Rock Creek
1903 Burlington Republican Thursday, November 26, 1903
"Rock Creek," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 26 November 1903, 'A farewell party was given to ...'; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
A farewell party was given to Mr and Mrs. H. L. rockhill last Saturday evening. A bountiful table was spread and oysters were served. About fifty guests were present and all enjoyed themselves to the greatest extent. Those present were Messrs. And Mesdames H. L. Rockhill, J. Davidson, I. Jones, Will Khant, H. Khant, J. Sharr, P. Metzler, W. Rockhill, H. Rockhill, J. Sanders, J. Houck, E. Briles, H. Stewart, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Williby, Mrs. Minich and Misses Virgie Shoup, Kate and Rose Taylor, Lulu Davidson, Mamie Stewert, Grace and Pearl Rockhill, Clara Stewart, Ethel Brils and Messrs. Sam Shoup, Allie Weigand, Henry Stontemyer, Herman Stewart, Huror Williams, Giles Cunninham, Artie Davidson, Lloyd Metzler, Mr. Rifle, Clarence Rockhill, Charlie, Earl, and Amos Carter and Osmund Briles.
1905 Kansas Census – Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas
1905 Kansas Census, Coffey County, Kansas, state census, Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 18, household 127, Briles E G; digital image, Ancestry ( : viewed online November 2017).
E. G. Briles was listed on the 1905 Kansas census as a 36 year old male. Also listed in the household was F. A. Briles, aged 37; Oscar, aged 13; Ethel aged 11; Glenn aged 10 and Lula aged 5.
1906 -The Daily Republican (Iola, Kansas) September 8, 1906
"Rock Creek Sr," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 8 September 1906, E G and Osmund Briles ..; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
E G and Osmund Briles and Miss Lulu went to Iola Saturday to visit a few days with E G's brother-in-law M. Ricketts
1907 - The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas) 27 Aug 1907, Tue page 2
"Rock Creek Sr," The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 27 August 1907, p. 2; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
Rock Creek Sr
August 25
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cokely spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Briles, D. Ricketts and wife and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ricketts and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ricketts of Kempton, Ind., were also there. Mr and Mrs. Louis Ricketts came in on the Saturday train as a surprise to his brother J. M. and his nieces, Mrs. Ed Briles and Mrs. Albert Cokely. As it has been thirty years since he saw Kansas he was a small surprise himself. He says Kansas has improved greatly and if it keeps up at the regular rate it will be as good as any eastern state by the time it is as old as they are.
1908 The Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas) 18 June 1908
"Victory," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 18 June 1908, Ed. Briles and family ...; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
Ed. Briles and family visited Sunday with his aunt Mrs. Laura Mentzer and family.
1908 Dec – Burlington Democrat
"Rock Creek," Burlington Democrat (Burlington, Kansas), 30 December 1908, page 2; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
Ed Briles has shingled the house on his farm, now occupied by Sam Shoup
1909 The Burlington Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas) 15 March 1909
"Vernon," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 15 March 1909, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Briles gave a party ...; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Briles gave a party to the young people that was well attended and all enjoyed a real good old time. Following are the names of those present:
Mr. Will Beal, Bernard Allen. Geo. Allen, Arthur Beal, Leoy Guy, Chas. Cade, Vernard Dorothy, Early Cragg, Tom Mitchell, Quill Shepard, Reuban Huffacre, Roy Green, Osmund Briles, Roy James, Jim Hildredth, Elmer Thompson, Jim Carr, Walter Briles, Grant Smith, Glenn Briles. Miss Lois James, Clara Wise, Myrle Green, Lulu Briles, Sella Carter, Ethel Briles, Lura Allen, Hattie Mitchell, Beatrix Knapp, Josie Guy, Alda Sherman, Lura Dorothy, May Webb, Goldie Myres, Myra Andrews, Nellie Briles, -- Garrison, Grace Smith, Ruby Musleman, Mr. and Mrs. John Brady, Felix Grimes
1910 U.S. Census – Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas
1910 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population schedule, Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas, ED 147, Sheet 2B, household 39, Eddie G Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T624.
Eddie G Briles was listed as the head of household on the1910 census in Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas. According to the census, Eddie Briles was 40 years old and born in Kansas. Eddie’s occupation was listed as farming. Eddie’s wife, Francis A. Briles was 42 years old and born in Indiana. Eddie and Francis had been married 20 years. Francis Briles was the mother of 4 living children. Children in the household include a son, Edward O. Briles, aged 18 and born in Kansas; a daughter, Francis E Briles, aged 16 and born in Kansas; a son Glenn Briles, aged 15 and born in Kansas; a daughter Lulu B Briles, aged 10 and born in Kansas, and a hired hand Felix Briles, aged 16.
1915 Kansas Census – Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas
1915 Kansas Census, Woodson County, 1905 state census, Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas, page 21, dwelling 1, Briles Ed; digital image, Ancestry ( : viewed online November 2017).
Ed Briles was listed as the head of household on the 1915 census in Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas. According to the census, Ed Briles was 45 years old. Also listed in the household was F. A. Briles, aged 46; E. O. Briles, aged 23; Glen Briles, aged 19; and Lulu Briles, aged 15.
1919 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, Briles E G, 1919; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas
Line 9 Briles, Felix – 2 in household
Line 11 – Briles, E G. – 4 in household
Line 12 – Briles W M – 3 in household
1920 U.S. Census, Center Township, Woodson County, Kansas
1920 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population schedule, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, ED 160, Sheet 3A, household 46, Briles Eddie G; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T625.
Eddie G. Briles is the head of household on the 1920 census in Center Township, Woodson County, Kansas. According to the census, Eddie G Briles was 50 years old and born in Kansas. Eddie’s occupation was listed as farming. Included in the household was his wife, Francis, aged 51 and born in Indiana and a daughter, Lulu, aged 20 and born in Kansas.
1922 Yates Center News – 20 Oct 1922 page 8
"X. Y. Z's," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 20 October 1922; digital images, ( : viewd online July 2018).
X. Y. Z’s.
A drilling rig was moved on the Ed Briles farm, about ten miles north of town and is busy at work.
Glen Briles bought a fine pair of colts of Earl Brewer.
1925 Kansas Census Iola, Allen County, Kansas
1925 Kansas Census, Allen County, state census, Iola, Allen County, Kansas, page 20, household 170, Briles Edward G; digital image, Ancestry ( : viewed online November 2017).
Edward G Briles was listed on the 1925 census in Iola, Allen County, Kansas. Edward G Briles was listed as 55 years old and born in Kansas. Edward G. Briles’ occupation was listed as retired farmer. Frances A Briles was listed as his wife. Frances A Briles was listed as 57 and born in Indiana. Also listed in the household was Rachel Ricketts, aged 80 and born in Ohio. Rachel was listed as ‘mother’. Also living in the household was a lodger, Carl Bodenbender, aged 27.
1930 U.S. Census, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas
1930 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population schedule, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, SD 10, ED 104-13, Sheeet 2A (image 3 of 42), household 710, Ed G. Briles; digital iamge, ( : viewed online August 2016); NARA T626.
E G. Briles was listed as the head of household on the 1930 U.S. Census. According to the census, E. G. Briles was 59 years old and born in Kansas. E. G. Briles’ occupation was listed as carpentry. Also listed in the household was his wife, F. A. Briles, age 61 and born in Indiana.
1937 Kansas, City and County Census Records – Yates Center
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, EG Briles, 1937; database with images, : viewed online October 2017. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
E G. Briles was listed on the 1937 Miscellaneous Agricultural Statistics in Yates Center Kansas. According to the census record, E. G. Briles raised 30 chickens and produced 150 eggs during the year.
1938 Kansas City and County Census Records – Woodson
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1938; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Line 3 E G. Briles – 2 in household
1939 Kansas City and County Census Records – Yates Center
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1939; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Line 5 – Briles E G – 2 in household
Line 10 – Briles, Glen – 3 in household
1940 – Feb – undated clipping
"Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, Seneca, KS 66538.
Celebrate 50 Years of Married Life
Monday, Feb. 19, 1940, being the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Briles, the children planned a family reunion on Sunday the 18th, to celebrate the occasion.
The linen tablecloth and three of the dishes were the same as were used on the table at the wedding dinner. Mrs. Briles' sister, Mrs. Cokely, of Iola, was present on both occasions. All of the four children, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren were present except one grandson, Walter Briles, and one great grandson, David Briles. The grandson belongs to the U.S. Coast Guards and is stationed at Ft. Stephens, Ore.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Briles, Letha, Roberta and Barbara Anne; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Smalling and Patricia, and Mrs. Francis Morris, all of Emporia; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Briles and Mary Francis, Mr and Mrs. J. A. Cope, of Yates Center, and Mrs. May Cokeley, of Iola. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mentzer, Lila and Billy, of Neosho Falls, were callers.
Many cards and gifts were received with congratulations for future happiness.
1940 U.S. Census, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas
1940, Woodson County Kansas, population, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, enumeration district (ED) ED 104-13, Sheet 12B, household 95, Briles E G; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); National Archives adn Recods Administration, 1940. T627.
E. G. Briles was listed as the head of household on the 1940 census in Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas. According to the census, E. G. Briles was 70 years old and born in Kansas. E. G. Briles’ occupation was listed as farming. Also listed in the household was his wife was Frances A, aged 71 and born in Indiana.
1940 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1940; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Yates Center – 1940 – E G. Briles – 2 in household
1941 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, Briles E G, 1941; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Yates Center – 1941 – line 19 – Briles, E. G. – 2 in household
1943 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1943; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Yates Center – 1943 – E G Briles – 2 in household
1944 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Bryles, 1944; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Yates Center – 1944
Line 3 E G. Bryler – 2 in household
1946 Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961
Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1946; database with images, : viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
Yates Center – 1946 – line 12 – E G. Briles – 2 in household
1948 Kansas, City and County Census Records – Yates Center, KS
Kansas, City and County Census Records 1919-1961, Yates Center, 1948; database with images, : viewed online October 2017. Original Source: Population Schedules and Statistical Rolls: Cities (1919-1961).
E. G. Briles was listed on the 1948 census in Yates Center. According to the census, there was 1 person in the household.
1951 – Emporia Gazette 24 Jul 1951 page 1
"Ed Briles Dead," obituary, The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), 24 July 1951, p. 1; ( : viewed online July 2018).
Ed Briles Dead
Ed Briles, of Yates Center, died Monday evening at 6 o’clock at St. Mary’s hospital. He was the father of E. O. Briles, 924 Constitution.
Funeral arrangements have not been announced.
Mr. Briles was born July 18, 1867 in LeRoy, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Briles. He and Artie Ricketts were married and she preceded him in death in Yates Center in May, 1947.
Survivors are two sons, E. O. Briles, 924 Constitution; Glenn Briles, of Yates Center; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Darby, of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Lulu Cope, of Yates Center; a sister, Mrs. Angie Barr, of Burlington, and seven grandchildren.
1951 – Emporia Weekly Gazette – 2 Aug 1951
"Ed Briles Dead," Obituary, The Emporia Weekly Gazette, Emporia, Kansas, 2 August 1951; ( : online September 2015).
Ed Briles Dead
Ed Briles of Yates Center, died Monday evening at 6 o'clock at S. Mary's hospital. He was the father of E. O. Briles, 924 Constitution.
Mr. Briles was born July 18, 1867, in LeRoy, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Briles. He and Artie Ricketts were married and she preceded him in death in Yates Center in May, 1947.
Survivors are two sons, E. O. Briles, 924 Constitution; Glenn Briles of Yates Center; two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Darby, of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Lulu Cope, of Yates Center; a sister, Mrs. Angie Barr, of Burlington, and seven grand-children.
Funeral Notice – Emporia Gazette
"The Briles Rites Today," The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), 25 July 1951, p. 1; ( : viewed online July 2018).
The Briles Rites Today
Funeral Services for Ed Briles, father of E. O. Briles, 24 Constitution, were to be held this afternoon at Campbell funeral home in Yates Center. Burial was to be in the Yates Center cemetery.
Funeral Book
Edward Grant Briles Funeral Book, Yates Center, Kansas, 1951, Crawford Family Papers, privately held by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS, 2016. passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles.
Personal Record
Edward Grant Briles
Birth place: Crandall Kansas
Date of Birth: July 18, 1809
Date: July 23, 1951
Place: St. Mary’s Hospital, Emporia
Age (Years-months-days) 82-0-5
Campbell Funeral Home
Yates Center, Kans
July 25, 1951 2 P.M.
Rev. M. C. Cook (Clergyman)
Coffey County, Kansas
Lad to Rest: 3:30 p.m. Wed. July 25, 1951
Ministry of Music
No Night There
Beyond the Sunset
Special Song Selections
Buddy Redfearn, Soloist
Charlene Morris, Pianist
Leonard Turner
Leonard Massoth
H. O. Ashley
Aug. Flake
Luge Lake
N. L. Briles
Friends Who Called
Mr. amd Mrs. Wesley Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Norryce Mentzer
Floral Offerings
City Officials & Employes
Methodist Church
Leonard & Loretta Turner
Mr. & Mrs. L T Israel
Mr. john Israel
Mr. & Mrs. John Schnell
Mary & Geo. Phillips
Veda Cannady
Mr & Mrs. Carl Anderson Empria, KS
Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Air
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stoll
Mr. & Mrs. M yron Rhea
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Davidson
Glen & Zola Baker
Ralph & Florence Bunegar
Mrs. Mae Cokely
Frank & Myra Leonard
Lula & Theo Starpebaum
Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Craigg
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hoag
Mr. & Mrs. Leige Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Wm Sorenson
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Orland Oswald
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Peters
Mr & Mrs. Roy Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Cox
Mary & Geo. Phillips
John Brown
Mr & Mrs Earl Thomas
Mr & Mrs Ferd Timm
Mr & Mrs Walter Moore
Mr & Mrs Fred Wemmer
Mr & Mrs Winnie Almond
Mr & Mrs Wilhite & Jay
Mr & Mrs Joe Millson
Mr & Mrs Fred Quenther
Mr & Mrs Gus Monk
Mr & Mrs Bell Dillman
Mr & Mrs Magdaline Jones
Mrs & Mrs Roy Parks
Mr & Mrs Fred Reno
Mr & Mrs Julius Toedman
Mr & Mrs Arthur Toedman
Mr & Mrs C. L. Mathews
Mr & Mrs W. L. Capps
Mr. & Mrs Merle Dixon
Mr & Mrs Leonard Massoth
Mr & Mrs E E Tuttle
Mr & Mrs H R Campbell & dale
Mr & Mrs Francis Campbell
Mr & Mrs Nelton Tipton
Mr & Mrs Jess Brooks
Mr & Mrs Virgil Bell
Mr & Mrs Ivan Goodale
Mr & Mrs Charles Leighton
Mr & Mrs S. H. Shelton
Mr & Mrs. Else Hayden
Mr & Mrs. Harold Walton & Family
Mr & Mrs Elmo Cope
Mr & Mrs C A Cope
Mr & Mrs. B S. Jackson
Mr & Mrs Ben Hollingsworth
Mr & Mrs P V Steiner
Mr & Mrs May Jones
Mr & Mrs Warren Vaught & Family
Mr & Mrs Everett Chance & Family
Mr & Mrs Harley Mentzer & family
Mr & Mrs Everett Rose & family
Mr & Mrs Arthru Bacon & Alice
Mr & Mrs C L Wade & Sarah
Mr & Mrs Russell Ransom & Gene
Mr & Mrs Perry Rhea & Anita
Mr & Mrs Lee Easum
Mr & Mrs W S McLaughlin
Mr & Mrs Roy Burke
Mr & Mrs Chas Walker Jr
Mr & Mrs W F Arnold
Mr & Mrs. C W Hanson
Mr & Mrs M M Miller
Mr & Mrs Walter Fisher
Mr & Mrs I H Jackson
Mr & Mrs H A Burns
Mr & Mrs J W Williams & Wesley
Mr & Mrs A G Mulsow
Mr & Mrs E E Mentzer
Mr & Mrs Albert Cook
Albert Arthur & Fred Weide
Chas Craigg & Ida Parker
Mr & Mrs Walter Holmquest
Mr & Mrs Lester Harding
Mr & Mrs Hosea Randolph
Mr & Mrs Gail Edward & family
Mr & Mrs Ralph Massey
Mr & Mrs W E Etter
Mr & Mrs Harry Derbyshire
Mr & Mrs Ed McNeil
Mr & Mrs Cleo Smalling
Mr & Mrs Geo Doolittle
Mr & Mrs Eugene Crawford
Mr & Mrs Walter Briles
Mr & Mrs Frances Franklin
Barbara Briles
Family Spray
Tombstone – Crandall Cemetery
Crandall Cemetery (Crandall, Coffey County, Kansas), Eddie G Briles, Latitude 38:4:6.6 Longitude 95:43:8.99999; photographed by Marcia Philbrick, May 2018.
According to the tombstone, Edward Grant “Eddie” Briles died July 23, 1951.
Find a Grave, database and images, Find a Grave ( : viewed online August 2016), memorial for Edward Grant Briles (1869-1951), Find a Grave Memorial no. #110405863, created by Marcia Philbrick, citing Crandall Cemetery, Le Roy, Coffey County, Kansas; accompanying photograph by Marcia Philbrick, Edward Grant Briles.
According to Find a Grave, Edward Grant Briles died in Lyon County, Kansas. Eddie G. Briles was buried in Crandall Cemetery, Coffey County, Kansas.
Edward Grant Briles
Birth: Jul. 18, 1869
Coffey County
Kansas, USA
Death: Jul. 23, 1953
Lyon County
Kansas, USA
Edward Grant Briles bio
Family links:
Noah W Briles (1840 - 1877)
Sarah J Briles (1843 - 1930)
Francis Artlissa Ricketts Briles (1868 - 1947)*
Edward Osmund Briles (1891 - 1956)*
*Calculated relationship
Crandall Cemetery
Le Roy
Coffey County
Kansas, USA
Created by: Marcia Philbrick
Record added: May 12, 2013
Find A Grave Memorial# 110405863
Probate Record
F. A. Briles and E. G. Briles, 25 July 1952, Woodson County, Courthouse, Yates Center, Kansas.
Comes now Glen Briles, and for his petition herein alleges
that he is a resident of Woodson County, Kansas, with his post
office address at Yates Center, Kansas.
That this petitioner is the owner of an undivided interest
in ~the following described real estate situated in Woodson
County, Kansas, to-wit:
Lots 18,19,20,21 and 22, in Yates South
Addition to the City of Yates Center, Kansas,
Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 in
Yates South Addition to the City of Yates
Center, Kansas,
and as such the petitioner has a right to maintain the proceeding
to determine the heirs of F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles
deceased; and of E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, .
(1) That F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles died intestate
on April 28,1947; that at the time of her death she was a
resident of Woodson County, Kansas, and was the owner of the
above described real estate; that no Will of said decedent was
admitted to probate and no administration has been had of her
estate within the State of Kansas; That it will be determined
as a part of this procedure that no Inheritance Tax will be
due by virtue of the descent of the said real estate from the
decedent at the time of her death; Said decedent being survived
at the time of her death by the following who were all of her
heirs at the date of her death:
1.E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, husband, of
legal age and whose residence was Woodson County, Kansas
2.E. O. Briles, son, of legal age, 645 Lincoln Street,
Emporia, Kansas;
3.Ethe1 Darby,765 S. Irola Street, Los Angeles, Ca1if.,
daughter, or legal age;
4. Glen Briles, son, of legal age, Yates Center, Kansas;
5. Lulu B. Cope, daughter, of legal age, Yates Center,
That the said decedent left no other heir; that she left no
adopted child or children nor any child or children or any
previously deceased child or children or adopted child or children..
and that all the-above-named persons were her only heirs-at-law
at the time of her death and inherited the above described real
property and all other property of the decedent in the following
I.E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, husband an
undivided 1/2 interest in and to the said decedent's
interest in said real estate;
2.E. O. Briles, son, an undivided 1/8th interest;
3.Ethel Darby,daughter, an undivided 1/8th interest;
4. Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/8th interest;
5. Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided 1/8th interest.
(2) That E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles died intestate on
July 23, 1951, in Woodson County, Kansas with his post office
address at Yates Center, Kansas; No Will of said decedent has
been admitted to probate and no administration of his estate
has been had within the State of Kansas, and that more than one
year has elapsed since the date of his death; That his said
estate and the distributive shares thereof are not subject to
any Inheritance taxes and that it will be so determined "as a
part of this procedure; And that said decedent was survived
by the following named persons, who were all of his heirs at
the time of his death:
1. E. O. Briles, son, 645 Lincoln Street, Emporia, Kansas
2.Ethel Darby, 765 S.Irola Street, Los Angeles, Calif., daughter
3.Glen Briles, son, Yates Center, Kanss
4.Lulu B. Cope, daughter, Yates Center, Kansas
That the said decedent left no other heirs and no adopted
child or children, nor child or children of any previously
deceased child or children, or adopted child or children, and
all the above named persons constitute and are his only heirs
at law and inherit the above described real property and all
other property of decedent in the following proportions:
1. E. O. Briles, son, an undivided 1/4th interest;
2. Ethel Darby, daughter, an undivided 1/4th interest;
3. Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/4th interest;
4. Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided 1/4th interest.
That on account of the premises herein stated the above
named court has full jurisdiction and authority in this proceeding
to determine the heirs of F. A. Briles, aka Frances A.
Briles, deceased, and E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, deceased,
and to determine the descent of the above described real estate.
WHEREFORE, the petitioner asks that the descent of said
real estate and all other real estate within the State of Kansas
owned by F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles at the time of
her death and by E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles at the time
of his death, be determined and that the same be assigned by
decree of this Court to the persons entitled thereto, and for
all other proper relief.
Glen Briles
Glen Briles, of lawful age, being first duly sworn,
on oath says: That he is the petitioner above named; that he
has read the above and foregoing petition to determine descent,
and knows the contents thereof, and that all the statements
therein made are true.
Glen Briles
Subscribed and sworn to before me
This 24 day of July 1952
D D MillsN~
My Comm Exp. May 6, 1956
On this 25th day of July, 1952, comes Glen Briles and
files his petition to determine the descent of the real estate
of F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles, deceased, and E. G.
Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, deceased; and the Court finds that
the same should be set for hearing and notice given thereof.
be heard and is set for hearing on the 23rd day of August,1952,
at 10 o'clock A.M., at the Probate Court Room of this court,
and that notice of said hearing be published as provided by
General Statutes Supplement, Section 59-2209.
Miles C Cook
Probate Judge
Leo W. Mills, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on
oath says: I
, That he is attorney for Glen Briles, Petitioner herein;
that he mailed notice of hearing on Petition for Determination
of Descent , a copy of which notice is hereto attached, by·
depositing copy of said notice in the United states mail,
postage prepaid, on July 31,1952, and within seven days after
the first publication thereof; addressed to each of the following
, .
E. O. Briles 645 Lincoln Street , Emporia, Kansas;
Ethel Darby, 765 S Irola Street, 'Los Angeles, Calif;
Glen Briles, Yates Center, Kansas;
Lulu B. Cope, Yates Center" Kansas,
such persons being all of the heirs of (1) F. A. Briles, aka
Frances A. Briles, deceased, and (2) E. G. Briles aka Eddie G.
Briles, deceased, and all persons who have any interest in said
proceeding, whose names and addresses are known to petitioner
or affiant.
, :
Affiant further states that he is personally acquainted
with the above named persons and that' neither of them nor any
other person interested in said estate is in the military service
of the United States as defined by the Soldiers' and Sailors'
Civil Relief Act of 1940 as amended.
Leo W Mills
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 31st day of July, 1952.
D D Mills
My. Comm. Exp. May 6, 1956
State of Kansas, Woodson County, ss.
Herry L. Covert
Being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he is the
Publisher – of The
Yates Center News – a weekly news-
Paper, published at Yates Center,
Woodson County, Kansas, and of general
Circulation in said county; which newspaper has been
Published more than fifty-two consecutive weeks, and
Has been admitted to the mail as second class matter in
Said county; and he further states that the annexed
“Notice of Hearing”
Was published in said newspaper
For three consecutive weeks
First Publication July 31st., 1952
Las Publication August 14, 1952
Harry L. Covert
Subscribed and sworn before me this 11
Day of Auguste, 1952
Miles C Cook, Probate Judge
Publishers Fee $14.70
In the Probate Court of Woodson County, Kansas
In the matter of the estate of F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles, deceased,
And E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, deceased
Order approving notice
Now on Aug. 11, 1952
Comes Glen Briles, Petitinery
Of the estate of F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles, deceased and
E.G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, deceased
And files in open court a notice of hearing
Harry L. Covert, Publisher of the Yates Center News, a weekly newspaper
Published in the County of Woodson aforesaid and of general circulation therein and asks the
Court to approve said notice and proof. Thereupon the Court examined said notice and proof and does find
From such examination, that said notice is in due form and was published in the manner and for the length of
The time required by the statute in such cases made and provided; it is therefore considered, ordered and
Adjudged by the Court that said notice and proof be, and the same are hereby approved, and ordered spread
Upon the records of this court.
Miles C. Cook
Probate Judge
Publisher’s Affidavit and Approval
State Commission of Revenue and Taxation
Director of Revenue
Inheritance Tax Division
State of Kansas
Original Proceedings
No. 186614
Estate of F. A. Briles a/k/a Frances A. Briles
County of Woodson
Decedent died intestate, April 28, 1947
Upon regular application having been filed by interested parties the Director of Revenue, State Commission
Of Revenue and Taxation, hereby assumes original jurisdiction of the above estate.
The Director of Revenue finds that at date of death decedent’s estate consisted of property within the juris-
Diction of the state of Kansas described and valued as follows:
Personal Property $650.00
Real Estate
Lots 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 in Yates South Addition to City of Yates Center $650.00
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in Yates South Addition to City of Yates Center $240.00
Total Value of Estate $1540.00
Debts, expenses of administration, etc., allowed $250
Remainder constituting the tax base $1290.00
From the evidence filed it is determined that the property passes to beneficiaries as follow:
E. G. Briles a/k/a Eddie G. Briles – husband
E. O. Briles – son
Ethel Darby – daughter
Glen Briles – son
Lulu B. Cope – daughter
Share – less that exemption allowed or less than minimum tax base
Remarks: A certified copy of this finding is issued herewith in order that it may be
Recorded in Woodson County by the parties in interest.
Cc: Leo W. Mills, Attorney at Law, Yates Center, Kansas
Hon. Miles C. Cook, Probate Judge, Yates Center, Kansas
It is, therefore, by the Director of Revenue on this 30th da of July 1952
Ordered, that no tax is chargeable against the succession to any part of the estate, and that a certified copy
Of the order of the Director of Revenue to that effect, be issued as provided bylaw.
Bert E. Mitchner
Director of Revenue
State Commission of Revenue and Taxation
Director of Revenue
Inheritance Tax Division
State of Kansas
Original Proceedings
No. 186613
Estate of E. G. Briles a/k/a Eddie G. Briles
County of Woodson
Decedent died intestate, July 3, 1951
Upon regular application having been filed by interested parties the Director of Revenue, State Commission
Of Revenue and Taxation, hereby assumes original jurisdiction of the above estate.
The Director of Revenue finds that at date of death decedent’s estate consisted of property within the juris-
Diction of the state of Kansas described and valued as follows:
Personal Property $650.00
Real Estate
An und ½ Iint in:
Lots 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 in Yates South Addition to City of Yates Center $325.00
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in Yates South Addition to City of Yates Center $120.00
Total Value of Estate $1095.00
Debts, expenses of administration, etc., allowed $250
Remainder constituting the tax base $845.00
From the evidence filed it is determined that the property passes to beneficiaries as follow:
E. O. Briles – son
Ethel Darby – daughter
Glen Briles – son
Lulu B. Cope – daughter
Share – less that exemption allowed or less than minimum tax base
Remarks: A certified copy of this finding is issued herewith in order that it may be
Recorded in Woodson County by the parties in interest.
Cc: Leo W. Mills, Attorney at Law, Yates Center, Kansas
Hon. Miles C. Cook, Probate Judge, Yates Center, Kansas
It is, therefore, by the Director of Revenue on this 30th da of July 1952
Ordered, that no tax is chargeable against the succession to any part of the estate, and that a certified copy
Of the order of the Director of Revenue to that effect, be issued as provided bylaw.
Barret Wilson
Now on this.23 day of August, 1952, comes on for hearing
the Petition of Glen Briles to determine the descent of the
real estate of (1) F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles, deceased,
and (2) E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, deceased.
The Petitioner, Glen Briles, appears by his attorney of
record, Leo W. Mills, there being no other appearances herein.
The Court finds that said Petitioner has given notice of
the time and place of the hearing as provided by law and the
orders of this Court, proof of which notice and the publication
and mailing thereof is duly filed herein and the same is approved
by the Court.
(1) Thereupon evidence is produced upon said petition and
after consideration of the evidence and being fully advised,
the Court finds that the allegations of said Petition are true
and that F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles was a resident of
Woodson County, Kansas, and a citizen of the United -States,,
died on April 28, 1947, intestate, and at the time of her death
she was the owner of the following described real estate in
Woodson County, Kansas, to-wit:
Lots 18,19,20,21 and 22, in Yates South
Addition to the City of Yates Center, Kansas,
Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 in
Yates South Addition to the City of Yates
Center, Kansas,
that no Will of said F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles has
been admitted to probate nor administration had of her estate;
And that the said F. A. Briles, aka Frances A. Briles died
intestate and that all the debts of said decedent have been
paid in full. The court further finds that it has been determined
by the Inheritance Tax Division of the State Commission of
Revenue and Taxation of the state of Kansas that no tax
liability attached to any property of the said F. A. Briles,
aka Frances A. Briles which changed ownership by reason or her
death, and that her estate is not subject to inheritance tax,
and the order of said corrnnission has been filed in this court.
The Court further finds that said decedent was survived. by the
following who were all of her heirs at the date of her death,
whose names and respective shares in her estate were as follows:
E.G.Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles, husband, an undivided
½ interest in and to the said decedent's interest
in said real estate;
E-.-0. Briles, son,-an undivided_1/8 interest:
Ethel Darby, daughter, an undivided 1/8 interest; ~--
Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/8 interest;
Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided 1/8 interest.
The Court further finds that the said F. A. Briles, aka
Frances A. Briles was married only once, and that she had no
other children or adopted children or issue of deceased children
natural or adopted, who survived her, except the heirs above
The Court further finds that the said (.2)E. G. Briles, aka
Eddie G. Briles died intestate on July 23, 1951, in Woodson
Countv Kansas and that at the time of his death he was a
resident of Woodson County, Kansas, and a citizen of the united
states and that he was the owner of an undivided interest in
and to the foilowing real estate in Woodson County, Kansas, to-wit
Lots 18,19,20,21 and 22, in Yates South
Addition to the City of Yates Center, Kansas,
Lotse,1,8,9,10,11,12;13,14,15,16 and 17 in
Yates South Addition to the City of Yates Center,
That no Will of·the said E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles has
been admitted to probate nor administration had of his estate;
That the said E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles died intestate
and that all the debts of said decedent have been fully paid
and that more than one year has passed since the time of his
death. The court 'further finds that it has been determined by
the Inheritance Tax Division of the State Commission of Revenue
and Taxation of the state of Kansas that no tax liability attached
to any property of the said E. G. Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles
which changed ownership by reason of his death, and that his
estate is not subject to inheritance tax, and the order of said
commission has been filed in this court.
The court further finds that the said E. G. Briles, aka
Eddie G. Briles left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at
law the following persons, whose names and respective shares in
his estate were as follows:
E. O. Briles, son, an undivided ¼ interest;
Ethel Darby, daughter, an undivided 1/4 interest;
Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/4 interest;
Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided1/4 interest.
The court further finds that the said E. G. Briles, aka
Eddie G. Briles had no spouse or children or adopted children
or issue of deceased children, natural or adopted, who survived
him , other than the persons above named.
that the title to all of the interest of (1) F. A. Briles aka
Frances A. Briles in and to the following described real
Lots 18,19,20,21 and 22, in Yates South Addition
to the City of Yates Center, Kansas, AND
Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 in Yates
South Addition to the City of Yates Center, Kansas
and all other real estate owned by the said F. A. Briles aka
Frances A. Briles descended from her on the 28th day of April,
1947, the date of her death to her heirs at law as follows:
E.G.Briles, aka Eddie G. Briles,husband an undivided
1/2 interest;
E. 0. Briles, son, an undivided 1/8 interest;
Ethel Darby, daughter, an undivided 1/8 interest;
Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/8 interest
Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided 1/8 interest,
----- "----
and that the t1tle thereto is assigned to said heirs as of
said date.
that the title to all of the interest (2) E.G.Briles aka Eddie
G. Briles in and the following described real estate:
Lots 18,19,20,21 and 22, in Yates South Addition
to the City of Yates Center, Kansas, And
Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17 in Yates
South Addition to the City of Yates Center, Kansas,
and all other real estate owned by the said E. G. Briles, aka
Eddie G. Briles descended from him on the 23rd day of July,1951,
the date of his death to his heirs at law as follows:
E. O. Briles, son, an undivided 1/4 interest;
Ethel Darby, daughter, an undivided 1/4 interest;
Glen Briles, son, an undivided 1/4 interest;
Lulu B. Cope, daughter, an undivided 1/4 interest,
and that the title in and to said real estate is hereby assigned
to the said heirs as of said date.
Miles C Cook
Probate Judge
The Briles Family (as printed in the publication: In The Beginning)
The Briles Family -
While there were many families of the Briles family mostly
coming to the southern part of Coffey and the northern part
Woodson, this story just deals with one of the many families.
We hope we can tell about more of them in a short time. This
story deals with a part of the seventh generation, starting with
the sixth generation, Noah and Sarah Briles, who were both
born in Randolph County, North Carolina, Noah was born in
1840 and Sarah was born in 1830. Of their children we will tell
about Edward Grant Briles.
Edward G. Briles was married in Coffey Co. to Miss Frances
Artlisa Ricketts. Their children were all born in Coffey Co.
where the family lived until moving to the old Phelps farm,
eight miles north and a mile east of Yates Center, in 1908.
The children of Edward and Artlisa were all born in Coffey
County and were as follows:
Osmond Edward Briles born June 2,1891, died 195-. He married
Pauline Mentzer, Oct. 9, 1915. Pauline was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mentzer. Children were: Walter, born Aug.
7,1917, Kenneth born Aug. 8,1918. Died when about a year aid.
Letha Marie Briles Doolittle, born Sept. 14, 1924. Roberta Adell
Briles Crawford, born June 29, 1930. Barbara Ann Briles
Thompson, born Aug. 22, 1934. Ethel Briles Smith-Darby, born
June 2,1893. Glenn Briles, born March 6,1895. Married Marcia
Ruth Lynn,' April 19, 1919. They had one daughter, Mary
Frances, born Dec. 25, 1922.
Lulu Belle Briles, born Nov. 2, 1899. On April 18, 1923 Lulu
was married to Mr. Judge Cope, who was born on his parents
homestead, April 18, 1888. They had no children.
Before her marriage Lulu taught several terms of school in
the rural schools of the county. Besides farming Judge Cope
ran a threshing machine especially over the northwest part of
the. county and was road man for North Twp.
For many years Osmond Briles operated a moving picture
business along the main street in Emporia.
Glenn Briles spent most of his life farming. He also worked
several years for the city of Yates Center on the street department.
Alexander Briles and his wife Sarah, and a cousin Bronson
.Briles and wife Dorcus were the leaders of this large group of
Briles that came here in 1857. Sarah and Dorcus were sisters.
Alexander settled in Coffey and Bronson in Woodson County
-both on Turkey Creek with the county line between them.
Spouse | Frances Artlissa "Artie" RICKETTS (1868 - 1947) |
Child | Edward Osmond BRILES (1891 - 1956) |
Child | Ethel Frances BRILES (1893 - 1982) |
Child | Glen BRILES (1895 - 1983) |
Child | Lulu Belle BRILES (1899 - 1987) |
Father | Noah Washington BRILES (1840 - 1879) |
Mother | Sarah Jane THOMPSON (1843 - 1930) |
Sibling | Ida Angelina BRILES (1868 - 1959) |
Grant Briles was listed on the 1870 census in the household of Noah Briles. According to the census, Grant was 1 year old and born in Kansas.Residence
E. Grant Briles was listed on the 1875 Kansas census in the household of N. W. Briles. According to the census, E. Grant was 5 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
Edward G. Briles was listed on the 1880 census as the son of Sarah Briles. According to the census, Edward G. Briles was 10 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
Edgar Briles was listed on the 1885 census in the household of Sarah Briles. According to the census, Edgar was 15 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
E. G. Briles was listed as the head of household on the 1895 Kansas census. According to the census, E. G. Briles was 24 years old. He was a farmer who owned 80 acres.Residence
Edward G. Briles was listed on the 1900 census as a head of household. According to the census, Edward was 31 years old and born in Kansas. Edward was a farmer.Residence
E. G. Briles was listed on the 1905 census as a head of household. According to the census, E. G. was 36 years old and born in Kansas.Miscellaneous
Rock Creek SrAugust 25
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cokely spent Sunday with Mr. andMrs. Ed Briles, D. Ricketts and wife and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ricketts andMr. and Mrs. Louis Ricketts of Kempton, Ind., were also there. Mr and Mrs.Louis Ricketts came in on the Saturday train as a surprise to his brother J. M.and his nieces, Mrs. Ed Briles and Mrs. Albert Cokely. As it has been thirtyyears since he saw Kansas he was a small surprise himself. He says Kansas hasimproved greatly and if it keeps up at the regular rate it will be as good asany eastern state by the time it is as old as they are.
Eddie G. Briles was listed on the 1910 census as a head of household. According to the census, Eddie was 43 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
Ed Briles was listed on the 1915 census as a head of household. According to the census, Ed was 45 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
Eddie G. Briles was listed on the 1920 census as a head of household. According to the census, Eddie was 50 years old and born in Kansas.Residence
Edward G. Briles was listed on the 1925 Kansas census as a head of household. According to the census, Edward G. was 55 years old and born in Kansas. Edward was a retired farmer.Residence
E. G. Briles was listed as the head of a household on the 1930 census. According to the census, E. G. Briles was 59 years old and born in Kansas. He was working as a carpenter.Residence
E. G. Briles was listed as the head of a household on the 1940 census. According to the census, E. G. Briles was 70 years old and born in Kansas. E. G. Briles was a farmer.Endnotes
1. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 7
2. 1900 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, , ; digital image, ( : accessed ); NARA T623.
3. Find a Grave, database and images, Find a Grave ( : viewed online August 2016), memorial for Edward Grant Briles (1869-1951), Find a Grave Memorial no. #110405863, created by Marcia Philbrick, citing Crandall Cemetery, Le Roy, Coffey County, Kansas; accompanying photograph by Marcia Philbrick, Edward Grant Briles.
4. Ancestry, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012).
5., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; 1905 Kansas Territory Census; Roll: ks1905_31; Line: 24.
6., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; 1875 Kansas Territory Census; Roll: ks1875_4; Line: 18.
7. Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004), Source number: 434.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: MP1.
8., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; 1925 Kansas Territory Census; Roll: KS1925_1; Line: 18.
9., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; 1895 Kansas Territory Census; Roll: v115_27; Line: 12.
10. Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001), Edward Grant Briles.
11. Edward Grant Briles Funeral Book, Yates Center, Kansas, 1951, Crawford Family Papers, privately held by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS, 2016. passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles.
12. Crandall Cemetery (Crandall, Coffey County, Kansas), Eddie G Briles, Latitude 38:4:6.6 Longitude 95:43:8.99999; photographed by Marcia Philbrick, May 2018.
13. "Obituary," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, , Seneca, KS 66538.
14. "E. G. Briles", Yates Center News, (Yates Center, Kansas), 2 August 1951, page 5, microfilm; Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS.
15. "E. G. Briles", Yates Center News, (Yates Center, Kansas), 2 August 1951, page 5, microfilm; Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS.
16. 1870 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 10, household 60, Briles Noah; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T132.
17. 1875 Kansas State Census, Coffey County, Kansas, Kansas State Census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 10-11, household 81, N W Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); Kansas State Historical Society.
18. 1880 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, ED 49, Page 8, household 72, Sarah A Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T9.
19. 1885 Kansas Census, Neosho County, State Census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 28, household 67, Briles Sarah; digital image, ( : viewed online August 2017); Kansas State Historical Society.
20. Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 45, page 617, Briles, Ed, 14 January 1909; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
21. Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 23 Mortgages page 362, E G Briles, 6 February 1889; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
22. Lineage application of , , Newspaper Clipping "Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life" (Briles.KS.069).
23. Marriage License Record, Woodson County, Kansas, page 22 (Doc. # Mentzer.KS.016), Woodson County Courthouse, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas.
24. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 database, ( Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 : accessed .
25. Kansas County Marriages, 1855-1911: Wilson Marriage Records 1872-1880 , v. B, Woodson County, Kansas, Edward Grant Briles, 19 Feb 1890; digital image, FamilySearch . viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Marriage Record Vol. B 1872-1880. Found online at
26. "Married," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 28 February 1890, page 3; digital images, ( : viewed online July 2081).
27. "Local Intelligence," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 21 February 1890, page 3; digital images, ( : viewed online July 2018).
28. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 7
29. "Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, saved by Pauline Briles and passed down to Marcia Philbrick; privately held 2000 by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS. (Briles.KS.069).
30. "Mrs. Artie Briles," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, , Seneca, KS 66538.
31. Lineage application of , , Newspaper Clipping "Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life" (Briles.KS.069).
32. Marriage License Record, Woodson County, Kansas, page 22 (Doc. # Mentzer.KS.016), Woodson County Courthouse, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas.
33. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 database, ( Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 : accessed .
34. Kansas County Marriages, 1855-1911: Wilson Marriage Records 1872-1880 , v. B, Woodson County, Kansas, Edward Grant Briles, 19 Feb 1890; digital image, FamilySearch . viewed online July 2018. Original Source: Marriage Record Vol. B 1872-1880. Found online at
35. "Married," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 28 February 1890, page 3; digital images, ( : viewed online July 2081).
36. "Local Intelligence," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 21 February 1890, page 3; digital images, ( : viewed online July 2018).
37. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 7
38. "Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, saved by Pauline Briles and passed down to Marcia Philbrick; privately held 2000 by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS. (Briles.KS.069).
39. "Mrs. Artie Briles," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, , Seneca, KS 66538.
40. Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 23 Mortgages page 362, E G Briles, 6 February 1889; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
41. Pauline Mentzer Briles family, The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments King James Version (: The World Publishing Company, ); Letha Doolittle, San Bernadino, California, Transcription (Charles Mentzer Notebook). Hereinafter cited as The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments.
42. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 23
43. "Edward O. Briles Dead," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, E. O. Briles Notebook; privately held 2015 by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS.
44. Edward O. Briles Dead, The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), Emporia, Kansas, 28 May 1956. (Briles.KS.068)
45. "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database with images, Family Search ( : online 15 February 2016), Osmund Edward Briles; citing , image 48 of 1757; NARA microfilm M1509.
46. 1900 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas, ED 43, Sheet 7A, household 124, Edward Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017); NARA T623.
47. "Family Data Collections - Births,", ( : viewed online (Oct 2017), Edward Osmund Briles.
48. Ancestry, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012).
49., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; Roll: ks1915_258; Line: 3.
50., U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010), The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; World War II Draft Cards (Fourth Registration) for the State of Kansas; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System, 1926-1975; Record Group Number: 147; Box or Roll Number: Box 276.
51., Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009), Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, Kansas; 1925 Kansas Territory Census; Roll: KS1925_1; Line: 18.
52., U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005), Registration State: Kansas; Registration County: Woodson; Roll: 1643943.
53., U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015).
54. Edmund West, comp., Family Data Collection - Births (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2001).
55. "Kansas, Births and Christenings Index, 1885-1911," database on-line, ( : viewed online October 2016), Ethel Briles.
56. Social Security Administration, "U.S. Social Security Death Index," database, Ancestry, ( : viewed online October 2016), Ethel Darby, 514142329, before 1951.
57. "Kansas, Births and Christenings Index, 1885-1911," database, ( : viewed online October 2017), Briles.
58. Coffey County, Kansas, Register of Marriages and Births Vol. 4, page 138, Briles, 2 June 1893; digital images, Family Search . viewed online July 2018. Original Source: film #007579782 DGS 7579782 item 4.
59. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 23
60. , (Briles.KS.002), Crandall Cemetery, , .
61. "World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," database, Ancestry ( : viewed online October 2016), Glen Briles.
62. "Obituaries - Glen Briles", Yates Center News, (Yates Center, Kansas), 7 July 1983, p. 7, microfilm; Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS.
63. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 23
64. 1895 Kansas Census, Coffey County, State Census, Neosho Township, Coffey County, Kansas, p 17, E G Briles; microfilm, Kansas State Historical Society (Topeka, KS : viewed online January 2019).
65. Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Book 55 Deeds Page 611, E G. Briles, 13 August 1896; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
66. Coffey County, Kansas, Deeds, Bood 34, page 521, S. J. Davis, 15 August 1896; Recorder of Deeds, Burlington, Kansas.
67. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 23
68. Edmund West, comp., "Family Data Collection -- Individual Records," database online, ( : viewed online October 2016), Lulu Belle Briles.
69. "Family Data Collections - Births,", ( : viewed online (July 2017), Lulu Belle Briles.
70. Social Security Administration, "Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007," database on-line, Ancestry, ( : viewed online September 2018), Lulu B Cope.
71. 1900 U.S. Census, Coffey County, Kansas, population schedule, Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas, ED 432, Sheet 7A, household 124, Briles, Edward G; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA T623.
72. Plat Book of Coffey County, Kansas 1901, (Minneapolis, Minn.: Northwest Publishing Co., 1901), page 19 and 20.
73. "Accounts Allowed," The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 24 January 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
74. "Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 14 February 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
75. "Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 11 April 1902, p. 3; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
76. "Rock Creek," Burlington Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 21 May 1902, page 6; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
77. "Rock Creek," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 26 November 1903, 'A farewell party was given to ...'; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
78. 1905 Kansas Census, Coffey County, Kansas, State Census, Pleasant Township, Coffey County, Kansas, page 18, family 130, Briles, E G; digital image, Ancestry ( : viewed online January 2019).
79. "Rock Creek Sr," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 8 September 1906, E G and Osmund Briles ..; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
80. "Rock Creek Sr," The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 27 August 1907, p. 2; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
81. "Victory," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 18 June 1908, Ed. Briles and family ...; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
82. "Rock Creek," Burlington Democrat (Burlington, Kansas), 30 December 1908, page 2; digital image, ( : viewed online July 2018).
83. "Vernon," local news, The Daily Republican (Burlington, Kansas), 15 March 1909, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Briles gave a party ...; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2017).
84. 1910 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population schedule, Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas, ED 147, Sheet 2B, household 39, Eddie G Briles; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T624.
85. 1915 Kansas Census, Woodson County, 1905 State Census, Liberty Township, Woodson County, Kansas, page 21, dwelling 1, Briles Ed; digital image, Ancestry ( : viewed online November 2017).
86. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, Briles E G, 1919; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
87. 1920 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population schedule, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, ED 160, Sheet 3A, household 46, Briles Eddie G; digital image, ( : viewed online November 2017); NARA microfilm publication T625.
88. "X. Y. Z's," The Yates Center News (Yates Center, Kansas), 20 October 1922; digital images, ( : viewd online July 2018).
89. 1925 Kansas Census, Coffey County, Kansas, Kansas State Census, Iola, Allen County, Kansas, page 20, family 172, Briles Edward G; digital image, ( : viewed online January 2019); Kansas State Historical Society.
90. 1930 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population Schedule, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, SD 10, ED 104-13, Sheeet 2A (image 3 of 42), household 710, Ed G. Briles; digital iamge, ( : viewed online August 2016); NARA T626.
91. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, EG Briles, 1937; database with images, ( : viewed online October 2017). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
92. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1937; database with images, ( : Viewed online August 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
93. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1938; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
94. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1939; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
95. "Celebrates 50 Years of Married Life," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, , Seneca, KS 66538.
96. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1940; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
97. 1930 U.S. Census, Woodson County, Kansas, population Schedule, Yates Center, Woodson County, Kansas, SD 10, ED 104-13, Sheeet 2A (image 3 of 42), household 710, Ed G. Briles; digital iamge, ( : viewed online August 2016); NARA T626.
98. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, Briles E G , 1941; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
99. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1943; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
100. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Bryles, 1944; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
101. Kansas, City and County Census Records, 1919-1961, E G Briles, 1946; database with images, ( : viewed online July 2018). Original Source: Kansas State Board of Agriculture.
102. Kansas, City and County Census Records 1919-1961, Yates Center, 1948; database with images, ( : viewed online October 2017). Original Source: Population Schedules and Statistical Rolls: Cities (1919-1961).
103. Briles Genealogy (Crandall, Kansas: Max Briles, aft 1952), p. 7
104. "Ed Briles Dead," Obituary, The Emporia Weekly Gazette, Emporia, Kansas, 2 August 1951; ( : online September 2015).
105. Find a Grave, database and images, Find a Grave ( : viewed online August 2016), memorial for Edward Grant Briles (1869-1951), Find a Grave Memorial no. #110405863, created by Marcia Philbrick, citing Crandall Cemetery, Le Roy, Coffey County, Kansas; accompanying photograph by Marcia Philbrick, Edward Grant Briles.
106. Ancestry, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012).
107. "Ed Briles Dead," obituary, The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), 24 July 1951, p. 1; ( : viewed online July 2018).
108. F. A. Briles and E. G. Briles, 25 July 1952, Woodson County, Courthouse, Yates Center, Kansas.
109. Edward Grant Briles Funeral Book, Yates Center, Kansas, 1951, Crawford Family Papers, privately held by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS, 2016. passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles.
110. "Obituary," undated clipping, from unidentified newspaper; Crawford Family Papers, passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles; privately held 2018 by Marcia Crawford Philbrick, , Seneca, KS 66538.
111. Crandall Cemetery (Crandall, Coffey County, Kansas), Eddie G Briles, Latitude 38:4:6.6 Longitude 95:43:8.99999; photographed by Marcia Philbrick, May 2018.
112. "E. G. Briles", Yates Center News, (Yates Center, Kansas), 2 August 1951, page 5, microfilm; Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS.
113. Find a Grave, database and images, Find a Grave ( : viewed online August 2016), memorial for Edward Grant Briles (1869-1951), Find a Grave Memorial no. #110405863, created by Marcia Philbrick, citing Crandall Cemetery, Le Roy, Coffey County, Kansas; accompanying photograph by Marcia Philbrick, Edward Grant Briles.
114. Ancestry, U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012).
115. "The Briles Rites Today," The Emporia Gazette (Emporia, Kansas), 25 July 1951, p. 1; ( : viewed online July 2018).
116. Edward Grant Briles Funeral Book, Yates Center, Kansas, 1951, Crawford Family Papers, privately held by Marcia Philbrick, , Seneca, KS, 2016. passed down to Marcia Philbrick by Pauline Briles.
117. Crandall Cemetery (Crandall, Coffey County, Kansas), Eddie G Briles, Latitude 38:4:6.6 Longitude 95:43:8.99999; photographed by Marcia Philbrick, May 2018.
118. "E. G. Briles", Yates Center News, (Yates Center, Kansas), 2 August 1951, page 5, microfilm; Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS.
119. F. A. Briles and E. G. Briles, 25 July 1952, Woodson County, Courthouse, Yates Center, Kansas.