Individual Details

Rev. James TINDER Jr.

(26 Feb 1776 - 10 Dec 1854)

Enlisted in War of 1812 under Captain Henley Roberts in Nickolas County, Kentucky 9/10/1814. Discharged 3/9/1815 at Fort Malden Canada. On his last pay roll it was stated he was paid $8.00 per month, and that he was 325 miles from his place of residence. He was allowed 27 days traveling time to get home, and his traveling expenses were $6.96.
On November 27, 1850 James Tinder granted power of attorney to Cyrus L. Dunham for the purpose of having him to apply for any bounty land that may become available to veterans. Congress passed an Act on Sept. 28, 1850 allowing claims to be filed for Bounty Land Warrants. James Tinder's witnesses on his papers were David Peak and Hiram Willis. He received 80 acres on Warrant # 11632.
James Tinder died December 12, 1854 and his widow applied for Bounty Land under the Act of Congress March 3, 1855. Evidently there were some problems regarding her receiving Bounty Land, as correspondence in the military and pension files shows Catherine was to prove her widowhood. On March 12, 1856 a letter from J. Minot Commissioner of Pensions wrote stating Catherine's application # 159502 was suspended for proof of continued widowhood. Her application had stated she had remained unmarried from the time of her husband's death until May 14, 1855. Mr. Minot requested a full explanation of this statement , and if she remained a widow after May 14, 1855. Catherine was granted Bounty Land Warrant # 159502, but had Mr. Minot checked the marriage records in Jennings County, Indiana, the place of Catherine's residence, he would have found a marriage record in Book 5, page 338 which stated Catherine married John C. Powner on May 14, 1855.


Birth26 Feb 1776Orange County, Virginia
Marriage31 Aug 1797Woodford County, Kentucky - Tabitha REDDING
Military10 Sep 1814War of 1812
Marriage25 May 1846Johnson County, Indiana - Catherine PETTIT
Death10 Dec 1854Jennings County, Indiana
BurialReddington Cemetery, Jackson County, Indiana
Family Search ID Number2MP2-37H


SpouseTabitha REDDING (1774 - 1844)
ChildJohn Reading TINDER Rev. (1798 - 1850)
ChildJoseph TINDER (1800 - 1837)
ChildElizabeth TINDER (1802 - )
ChildMargaret TINDER (1806 - 1867)
ChildAsa B. TINDER (1806 - 1848)
ChildWilliam Jefferson TINDER (1807 - 1866)
ChildNancy A. TINDER (1808 - 1880)
ChildMilly TINDER (1810 - )
ChildCynthia Ann TINDER (1812 - 1903)
ChildTimothy P. TINDER (1816 - 1871)
ChildLucinda TINDER (1815 - 1880)
ChildElijah K. TINDER (1820 - 1846)
ChildAbigail TINDER (1804 - 1851)
SpouseCatherine PETTIT (1780 - )
FatherJames TINDER Sr. (1731 - 1813)
MotherSarah CHADWICK (1735 - 1806)
SiblingMargaret TINDER (1761 - 1840)
SiblingJames TINDER Jr. (1763 - 1836)
SiblingJesse TINDER (1765 - 1835)
SiblingAnthony TINDER (1770 - 1848)
SiblingSarah TINDER (1773 - 1854)
SiblingJeremiah TINDER (1775 - 1797)
SiblingElijah TINDER (1777 - 1864)
SiblingJenny TINDER (1780 - )

