Individual Details

John Larkin Euell

(23 Jan 1891 - 25 Jul 1959)

The Jordan Tribune, Thursday, 30Jul1959

John Euell Dies Here

John Larkin Euell, 68, died Saturday evening at his home in Jordan.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Presbyterian Church in
Jordan with burial in the Pioneer Cemetery here. The Hinther-Janssen Mortuary
is in charge of arrangements.

Mr. Euell was born at Dudley, Mo., Jan. 23, 1891, and was married on August 31,
1909, in Arapaho, Okla. He came to the Jordan area in 1917 where he
homesteaded west of Jordan. Mr. Euell was engaged in ranching until he retired
five years ago due to ill health.

Surviving are his wife, Stella Odessa Euell; two daughters, Mrs. Guy Barnes of
Houston, Texas, and Mrs. Harold Andrews of Sheridan, Wyo.; four sons, Ruba and
Alvin of Jordan, Doyle of Great Falls and Jesse of Glasgow; a sister, Julia
Richardson, Tipton, Okla.; 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.


Birth23 Jan 1891Dudley, MO
Death25 Jul 1959Jordan, Garfield, Montana
MarriageStella Odessa Edgar
BurialJordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery


SpouseStella Odessa Edgar
ChildRuba Euell
ChildAlvin R. Euell ( - 1998)
ChildJesse Euell (1929 - 1999)
ChildDoyle Euell