Individual Details

Alvin R. Euell

( - 25 Nov 1998)

The Jordan Tribune, 25 Dec 1998, p4, c1
Alvin R. Euell
Word has been received that former resident, Alvin R. Euell, of Gig Harbor, Washington passed away on November 25th. Alvin was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Euell. The family lived in Garfield County for many years where the children grew up and attended local schools. Larkin's proprety was later purchased by Clarke Murnion. Alvin, among other things, worked for the count for several years on the road crew.
He is survived by a brother, Jesse Euell, of Bozeman.


Death25 Nov 1998Gig Harbor WA
MarriageElma Anderson
MarriageCarrie Ellen Williams
DivorceCarrie Ellen Williams


SpouseCarrie Ellen Williams (1931 - 2008)
ChildAudrey Ellen Euell
SpouseElma Anderson
FatherJohn Larkin Euell (1891 - )
MotherStella Odessa Edgar
SiblingRuba Euell
SiblingJesse Euell (1929 - 1999)
SiblingDoyle Euell
