Individual Details
Martin Elisha Derenburger
(Abt Sep 1881 - 21 Mar 1919)
The Jordan Gazette, 27Mar1919, p4
Martin Derenburger passed to his eternal home at 5:50 o'clock a.m. on Friday,
March 21st, after having suffered from chronic nephritis for several years.
Mr. Derenburger was born in Iowa, and was 37 years, 6 months and 10 days of age
at the time of his death. He came to this locality two years ago and with his
family settled on a homestead about 13 miles north of Jordan.
Besides his grief-stricken wife, Mr. Derenburger leaves seveal children to
mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. He was an industrious
and worthy man and owing to continued illness and other misfortunes his lot has
been a hard one, and the sorrowing wife and children are extended the most
sincere and heartfelt sympathy of everyone in their great afflication.
The funeral took place on Saturday, March 22nd, and burial was made in
Greenridge cemetery.
Martin Derenburger passed to his eternal home at 5:50 o'clock a.m. on Friday,
March 21st, after having suffered from chronic nephritis for several years.
Mr. Derenburger was born in Iowa, and was 37 years, 6 months and 10 days of age
at the time of his death. He came to this locality two years ago and with his
family settled on a homestead about 13 miles north of Jordan.
Besides his grief-stricken wife, Mr. Derenburger leaves seveal children to
mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. He was an industrious
and worthy man and owing to continued illness and other misfortunes his lot has
been a hard one, and the sorrowing wife and children are extended the most
sincere and heartfelt sympathy of everyone in their great afflication.
The funeral took place on Saturday, March 22nd, and burial was made in
Greenridge cemetery.
Birth | Abt Sep 1881 | Iowa, , Ia | |||
Death | 21 Mar 1919 | ||||
Burial | 22 Mar 1919 | Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Greenridge Cemetery | |||
Marriage | Mary Ann Turner |
Spouse | Mary Ann Turner |
Child | Martin Derenberger (1910 - 1972) |