Individual Details

John Wright

(18 Aug 1838 - 5 May 1864)

Correspondence from Edma M. Miller, Cedaredge CO and Marvin R. Miller, Butte
MT (1995)

MILITARY: Company H, 7th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry. Died 5May1864 at the
Battle of Wilderness, Wilderness VA.

Soldiers from Wisconsin rivaled those from other Northern states in giving the
"last full measure of devoltion" to the Union cause. Yet, as among
themselves, the Badger boys in blue bore quite unequally the burden of war
service and sacrifice. Some, including many of the early volunteers, served as
long as three and even four years, saw a great deal of battle action, and were
frequently exposed to the risk if disablement, or death.

Of approximately 2,000 regiments in all the Union armies, 200 were afterward
listed as "fighting regiments" that had lost 10 per cent or more of their
numbers in killed, or mortally wounded. Among the 200 were ten from Wisconsin.
Of forty-five that had lost more than 200 men in battle, three were Wisconsin
Infantry regiments: the Seventh (third on the list, with 281 killed), the
Sixth, and the Second. ("The History of Wisconsin", Volume II, Richard N.
Currant, 1976 SHSW, p351-352).


Birth18 Aug 1838Mercer or Van, West, OH
Death5 May 1864Wilderness, VA


FatherAjolon J. Wright (1812 - )
MotherSarah "Sally" Bolenbaugh (1812 - )
SiblingCyrus Wright (1841 - 1922)
SiblingElizabeth Wright (1840 - )
SiblingOwen Wright (1847 - )
SiblingAbigail "Abbie" Wright (1849 - 1944)
SiblingJames Wright (1851 - )
SiblingMargaret "Maggie" Wright (1853 - 1937)
SiblingWilliam H. Wright (1856 - 1937)
SiblingThomas A. Wright (1861 - )