Individual Details

Soren "Samuel" Peter Olesen

(21 Sep 1858 - 13 Jun 1916)

Northern Pacific Railway Co., Personnel Dept., Index to Personnel Files, Microfilm Edition, MHS
File #60443, S. P. Olesen, Engineer (NP Company Records, Box 325, 135.D.3.8F)
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Fargo Division
Dilworth, June 13, 1916
Name: Soren Peter Olesen
Occupation: Engineer
Location: Dilworth
Died: June 13th, 1916
Date of entering service in above capacity: May 20th, 1883
Died at Brainerd Hosiptal, June 13th, 1916

In September 1909 Olesen is described as age 49, weight 180, height 5 foot 11 1/2 inches, hair color dark, color of eyes dark.

Northern Pacific RR Personnel Records, MHS, [no year]
No. 2 boarded at High Line by three hold up men, who rode on trop of train until passing Tower City, where the[y] ordered Engr. Olson [sic] to stop train when they fired two shots at before obeying command. One shot took effect but as yet cannot say how serious. After train had stopped they robbed entire train few hundred yards west of Buffalo. Fireman bring train through. Sheriff and posse going special from Valley City. Deputy and party in automobile going from Casselton. Myself, sheriff and party leaving Fargo special to look for them. We stopped No. 2 and had train searched at Casselton by Deputy Sheriff, who took three men from top of train. As they did not put up any fight it is not throught they are the parties but will be held. Later advise states condrs were held up together with all passengers but they never bothered the express or mail cars. A. M. Burt Received 1:19 A.M.

Northern Pacific RR Personnel Records, MHS, [no year]
Fargo, July 20th
Following is description of men holding up No. 2 west of Buffalo as near as can learn. Two of them about 5 foot 8 inches talle, slender built, weight about 160 or 165. The other man was not quite so tall but heavier, giving him a chunky appearance. All three men wore blue overalls with bibs, sack coats of dark material, very light, cheap dark colored new caps with visors showing black on outside and green on underside and faces covered up to eyes with blue polka dot hankerchiefs. Unable to give age of men but it is thought they were between 25 and 35 years old. A. M. Burt Received 1:40 P.M.

St. Paul, June 23, 1916
Mr. H. M. Curry, Mechanical Superintendent
Referring to telpehone conversation of this date: My file shows that Soren Peter Olesen, locomotive engineer, was employed as laborer at Fargo under the Master Mechanic May 1877; transferred to Brakeman in December 1877; transferred to Fireman in 1878; promoted to switch engineer 1882 and to locomotive engineer May 1883. File shows at the time of his death he was fifty-three years old and had a wife and four children.

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Tuesday Evening, 13 Jun 1916
Pioneer N.P. Engine Driver Dies; Sam P. Olson Answers Call
Sam P. Olson, Northern Pacific engineer with a record of 35 years continuous service, residing at the Park Apartments in this city, died at the N.P. hospital in Brainerd, Minn., shortly after midnight, following an illness of several months duration, and which had confined him to the hospital during the past five weeks.
Mr. Olson was the engineer on the North Coast Limited, No. 2, when it was held up near Buffalo, N.D., several years ago, and he was injured by a bullet, fired by one of the robbers, at that time.
Several days ago, Mr. Olson and son and daughter, Lonie Ilson and Mrs. Paul Davis, both of Fargo, were called to Brainerd by what was considered a serious turn in Mr. Olson's condition, but shortly after their arrival he began to improve.
Leaving Brainerd yesterday morning they had reached Staples, where they were waiting for a train to Fargo when they received a message that he was dying. They took the next train back to Brainerd, and were at the beside when the end came.
Mr. Olson, 57 years of age, was one of the most popular engineers who ever pulled a throttle on the Fargo division of the Northern Pacific. He was also a member of the Brotherhood of Railway Engineers.
He leaves besides a host of loyal friends and fellow workmen, a widow, two daughters, Mrs. Paul Davis and Miss Aline Olson, both of Fargo; two sons, Sam P. Olson, Jr. of Minneapolis and Lonie Olson of Fargo, to mourn his death.
The remains will be brought to Fargo. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been made.

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Wednesday Evening, 14 Jun 1916. p10
Hold Olson Rites Tomorrow Morning
Funeral services over the reamins of Sam P. Olson will take place from the English Lutheran church, corner of Fourth Avenue and Eighth street, tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. W. F. Bacher, pastor of the church, will officiate. He will be assisted by Rev. Ullrich, former pastor of the church. Interment will be made in Riverside.

The Fargo Forum and Daily Republican, Thursday Evening, 15 Jun 1916, p7
Olson Rites Held Here This Morning
Funeral services over the remains of Sam P. Olson, pioneer engineer of the Northern Pacific, were held from the English Lutheran church at 10:30 o'clock this morning. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.
Rev. W. F. Bacher, pastor of the church, officiated, and was assisted by Rev. Ullrich, former pastor of the church.


Birth21 Sep 1858Denmark
Marriage22 Jul 1882Fish Lake, Minnesota, Swedish Lutheran Church - Anna Cathrina Hawkinson
Death13 Jun 1916Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minnesota
BurialFargo ND, Riverside Cemetery

