Individual Details

William H. "Bill" Searls

(Abt 1881 or 1884 - Abt 1954)

BIRTH: 1920 U.S. Census, School District 36, Garfield Co MT; 1920; ED122,
Page 8A; Lines 30-31; William H. Searls, farmer, age 36, born Wisconsin, and
wife, Nellie M., age 16, born Nebraska, (enumeration date 10Apr1920).

MARRIAGE: "Searls-Haney", THE JORDAN TRIBUNE, 6Nov1919;
Copy in possession of Nancy & Art Hawkinson.

W. H. Searls was a famous rodeo rider known as "The Montana Kid" and "Kid

The Jordan Gazette, Jordan MT, 1Jul1915, p5

William Searls received a telegram Tuesday evening announcing the serious
illness of his mother in a hospital in Deadwood, S.D. The message gave no
particulars, but requested his presence at her bedside. Mr. Searls went into
Miles City during the night to catch a morning train on his journey to

The Jordan Gazette, Jordan MT, 15Jul1915

Searls returned, his mother much improved.

The Jordan Gazette, 1Jun1916, p5

William Searls made final three year proof on his homestead on Hell creek on
Monday of this week. Mr. Searls has one of the best homesteads in that
locality and during the time he has resided on the place has made some very
substantial and permanent improvements.

The Jordan Gazette, 6Jul1916, p1

[Rodeo Results]

In the finals of the Wild West Bill Searls won the first prize of $50 and Harry
Miller won the second prize of $25.00.

"O Hell", the horse owned by Jack Ginther, rode by Searls in the finals, won
the Chamber of Commerce prize of $25.00 for the hardest bucker, and "Rusty"
owned by Walter Winfield and rode by Harry Miller in the finals won the $15.00
prize made up by Jack Ginther and Floyd Tollefson.

A purse was made up among the crowd and Bill Searls won it for riding the
"Spinning Horse," owned by George McKinnon of Hell creek, which made a splendid
exhibition. This horse had been one of the "bad ones" in the "Roundup."

The Jordan Tribune, 10Jul1919, p1

[Rodeo Results]

Potato race-- William H. Searls

Best Rough Rider-- William H. Searls, first; Earl Evans, second.

Jordan Tribune [about 1954]

William H. Searls Dies in Miles City

A former horse-breaker and frontier showman, William H. Searls, formerly of the
Hell Creek community of this county, passed away in Miles City June 24th
following a brief illness. Mr. Searls was 73 years of age at the time of his

Born in Richland County, Wisconsin, Mr. Searls came to Montana at the age of
16. Since his retirement he had made his home in Miles City. He was an active
member of the Range Riders. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lillian Pike
of San Francisco and Mrs. Mary Weinthal of Santa Clara, Calif.

Interment was in Custer County Cemetery.


BirthAbt 1881 or 1884, Richland Center, Wisconsin
Marriage4 Nov 1919Jordan, Garfield, Montana - Nellie M. Haney
Marriage13 Nov 1928Jordan, Garfield, Montana - Nellie "Aunt Nell" Williams
DeathAbt 1954Miles City, Custer, Montana
DivorceNellie M. Haney
BurialMiles City, Custer, Montana, Custer County Ce
