Individual Details

Richard Gardiner

(29 Apr 1592 - 1651)

Richard and his son Luke, appear to have spent time in Old Rappahanock Co, VA before moving to SMC, MD according to the Combs researchers.

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Richard Gardiner, a Catholic, Immigrated into the province of Maryland onAugust 8, 1637 with his wife Elizabeth, son Richard Gardiner age 21, sonJohn Gardiner, age 4, Daughter Elizabeth age 19, daughter Juliana age 6,servant Elias Bench age 23, and maid servant Mary Derrick age 19 on theship called
"The Unity" of the isle of Wright. His son Luke Gardiner was transportedinto the province on August 9, 1637, by the Reverend Thomas Copley, S.J.Luke Gardiner was completing his education with the Jesuits beforejoining his parents in the new Colony of Maryland.

Source: Colonial Settlers St. Clements Bay 1634 -1780 St. Mary's County,Maryland by Mary Louise Donnely.
(Richmond Deeds, 1692-1694, pp. 146-151 (77))
Clement Hill of St. Mary's County in the Province of Maryland Gent: toElizabeth Gardiner, Widow and Relict of Richard Gardiner, late of St.Mary's County, Maryland, deceased, plantation on North side of RichmondRiver als: Rappa. River, together with:
all houses buildings orchards gardens feeding pastures woods &commodities to the said Plantation belonging containing 2502 acres & 30perches granted unto Major John Weire formerly of the said County ofRichmond als. Rappa: and Parish of Sitten Burne by Patent bearing datethe 6th day of Jun 1666 all which was by him /Clement Hill of latepurchased by Deed Indented & enrolled at James City of the a fore saidRichard Gardiner and Elizabeth, his wife, as by a certain Indenture ofbargain & sale bearing date 9th day of April 1686' and said Clement HILLhath made & appointed in his stead his trusty and well beloved FriendsCapt. George Taylor & Mr. James Harrison, both of Richmond county signed2nd Jun 1693. Clement Hill.
Witnesses: Mary Werkes, Ann Goodman. Rec. 7 Jun 1693.

Richard Gardiner acquired a 200 acre tract called "Sacaweykitt" whichbecame home Plantation and 1,000 acre tract on Patuxent River which henamed " St. Richard's". St. Richard's Manor was granted in 1640,adjoining the Sewell property "Mattapany," and one of the first Manorsestablished under the conditions set forth by Lord Baltimore, with "CourtLeet and Court Baron," The following Year "St. Joseph's Manor" wasgranted to Nicholas Harvey, a Passenger on the Ark and the dove, on theother side of " St. Richard's Manor." These Manors are all listed withthe 29 Manors which make up the Society known as " The Son of Lors ofAmerican Manors." Until 1642 Richard Gardiner was a member of the Generalassembly and Meetings were held in his home. He also served as Justice ofthe Peace in
St. Mary's County.

In 1642 when the Puritans had their rebellion in Maryland, the Manor andPlantation of Richard Gardiner, a Catholic, was seized. The Gardiner'stook refuge in Rappahonnock, Virginia during the rebellion. Luke Gardinerand his Sister Juliana returned to Maryland in 1647 and Luke Gardinertried to obtain his father's property which had been confiscated, alongwith other Catholics' property. In 1650 Luke Gardiner transported RichardGardiner, his Father, and his 2nd wife and their young daughter Juliana,his Brothers and sisters, and two servants back to the province ofMaryland. The record states "Luke Gardiner's mother was deceased".Because of the hardships they suffered while in exile, all of the familydied shortly after returning to Maryland except Luke. On Aug. 26, 1651,Lord Baltimore instructed Governor William Stone to re-Grant "St.Richard's" to Luke Gardiner, the son and heir of Richard Gardiner.


Birth29 Apr 1592Basing, Peckham, Surrey, England
Marriage23 Jan 1614St. Martin of the Fields Church, London, England - Elizabeth Hume
Immigration8 Aug 1637Maryland
Death1651St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's Co., Md


SpouseElizabeth Hume (1595 - 1649)
ChildMary Gardiner (1615 - 1693)
ChildRichard Gardiner (1616 - 1694)
ChildJoan Gardiner (1617 - )
ChildElizabeth Gardiner (1618 - 1648)
ChildLuke Gardiner (1622 - 1674)
ChildJuliana Gardiner (1628 - )
ChildJohn Gardiner (1633 - )
FatherThomas Gardiner Sir (1564 - 1632)
MotherEllyn Smyth (1564 - 1617)
SiblingMargaret Gardiner (1588 - )
SiblingWilliam Gardiner (1589 - )
SiblingFrances Gardiner (1595 - 1669)
