Individual Details

John Hussey

(Abt 1625 - )

Archives of Maryland, Volume 65, Proceedings of the Provincial Court 1670/1-1675, Appendix, Page 673; Liber P.C. R., p. 323;
Know all men by these prnts that I John Hussey of Harby in ye County of Lincolne Clarke am held firmely bownd to Thomas Hussey mercht, Sonne of ye sd John in Two hundd pownds of law full money of England. To bee payd to ye sd Thomas, or to his Certaine Attorney, his Executors or Admistrators. To ye wch paymt well & truly to bee made I bind mee my heyres, Executors and Admistrators firmely by these presents. Sealed wth my Seale, dated the Eight day of Septembr in ye yeare of Our Lord God, according to ye computacon used in England, One Thowsand Six hundd fifty & Six.
The Condition of this Obligaon is such. That if the heyres, Executors Admistrators or Assignes of ye abovesd John Hussey, shall well & truly pay or cause to bee payd unto ye above named Thomas Hussey, his Executors Admistrators or Assignes the Summe of One hundd pownds of lawfull money of England wthin three months next after the Death of ye sd John Hussey, if hee ye sd Thomas Hussey, or any Child, or Children of his Body lawfully to be begotten shall bee then living. Then this present Obligaon to bee voyd: or else to remaine in force and virtue.
Signed John Hussey Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us Locus Sigilli. Thomas Sturges George Done Wm Reade his servants.
This is a True Copp[y] ...
me, & desyred to be ...
hee intending to ...
& as such ...


BirthAbt 1625
Alt nameJohn Hussey , Rev.
BirthHarby Parish, Lincoln, England
ReligionRoman Catholic


ChildJames Hussey ( - )
FatherJohn Hussey ( - )
MotherMary Wroth ( - )
SiblingThomas Hussey (1634 - 1700)
SiblingNathaniel Hussey (1620 - )
SiblingRobert Hussey (1628 - )