Individual Details

John Austin

(1664 - Abt 1708)

John Austin was by occupation a ship carpenter, and was early settled in Pennsylvania. He received from the Proprietor xIf Pennsylvania, November 1, 1683, a patent of confirmation for a lot of ground, 50 by 178 feet, (No. 151), on Chestnut Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. On August 20, 1686, he sold a portion of this ground, when he is styled " of the Town and County of Philadelphia, ship carpenter." He probably removed to Bucks County about this time, as at the time of his marriage on Nov. 11, of that year, he is styled as of Bucks County. On August 4, 1687. he sold another portion of the Chestnut Street lot, and is then styled '' ship carpenter of the County of Bucks.'' He subsequently returned to Philadelphia, where he purchased of Francis.Rawle, on January 30, 1696, a " bank lot," 102 by 250 feet, on the north side of Mulberry Street, from Front Street to the River, where he carried on the business of ship building.

John Austin, produced to the Board of Property, a warrant dated 7 mo 12, 1684, and signed by Thomas Lloyd and James Claypole "for 100 acres of Land to ELiz'th Pott, near the Welch, being her and her Daughter's head-right" and requested a resurvey in order for confirmation.

John Austin—sometimes called John Astin—was in Philadelphia in 1683, receiving on November 1 of that year a patent of confirmation of a lot of ground. Part of this land he sold in August, 1686, and in the deed he is styled "Of the Town and County of Philadelphia, shipcarpenter." In a later deed, August 4, 1687, he is styled "ship carpenter of the County Bucks." He married, November 11, 1686, by Friends ceremony, Jane Potts of Philadelphia and probably removed to Bucks county soon after. He returned to Philadelphia in a few years and followed the business of ship-wright, having a yard on the banks of the Delaware river. He died before February 25, 1708, that being the date of the granting of letters of administration on his estate.


Birth1664Bucks Co., Pennsylvania
Marriage11 Sep 1686Bucks County, Pennsylvania - Jane Potts
DeathAbt 1708


SpouseJane Potts (1668 - 1734)
ChildElizabeth Austin (1687 - )
ChildMargaret Potts (1689 - 1725)
ChildAnn Austin (1691 - )
ChildMary Austin (1693 - )
ChildSamuel Austin (1697 - 1767)
