Individual Details

Thomas Tant

(1645 - Bef 1707)

Mary Lee Dante
There are Dants and Fenwicks in Northumberland, England, today, but we're not sure whether we are originally from Northumberland, just south of Scotland, or from the city of Dee, in Yorkshire. According to family lore, the first Dant came over with Lord Baltimore on the Ark or the Dove in 1635 and was among the first Marylanders. We don't know if that is strictly true, as the first mention we can find of a Dant is one William Dant, who patented a plantation named "Hopewell" in 1659. (We believe this is the same "Hopewell" conveyed to John Baptist Dant by John Dant's will of 1763.) We also discovered that in 1669, John Pile laid claim to 700 acres for having transported 13 people to the MD colony, one of whom was Thomas Dant(e). In 1680, Thomas Coverdale, another of the 13, claimed his 50 acres for working out his indentured servitude, and conveyed it to Thomas Dant. On 28 September, 1680, Thomas Dant patented 100 acres as "Peterborough". This plantation later shows up in the possession of Peter Mills.

9/23/1680: Thomas Dant, St Mary's Co.: "Peterborough", 100 ac., (including land for time of service of Thomas Coverdale of St Mary's County. (Settlers of MD, Coldham.)

Thomas Dant died some time after 1701 and before 1707. The last record I found was dated 3/20/1706 showing Thomas Dant on a list of persons who owed the estate of Robert Mason (Mason died in 1701).


MarriageBef 18 Mar 1685St Mary's County, Md - Mary Shircliffe
DeathBef 1707


SpouseMary Shircliffe (1647 - 1726)
ChildThomas Dart ( - 1729)
ChildJohn Tant (1621 - 1702)
ChildWilliam Tant ( - 1715)