Individual Details

Elizabeth Brawner

(Abt 1712 - Bef 6 Jan 1792)

This may not be the correct lineage for Elizabeth. John Grant, father of Andrew and Elizbeth Parker Grant could be her husband.

TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book 1775-1782; V#3
Page 5. Deed of Trust. I, James Grant of CC, for the love I have for Anne Smallwood, my daughter, and her children, and for making a provision for them independent .. consideration of 5 shillings .. do grant, for the express trusts, intents, purposes, and limitations hereafter specified and none other, do grant to sd John Grant (in trust as afd) 1 Negro woman named Nell, aged about 22 years, and all her future issue, and a Negro girl child named Mill or Milly, the daughter of sd Nell, and all her increase. Sd John Grant is to permit my sd daughter Anne Smallwood, during her natural life, and to her own use and behoof, independent of her husband, to take the labors arising from the labors or otherwise of sd Nell, and after the death of sd Anne Smallwood, that Nell and her increase are to be equally divided among all Anne's children. Sd John Grant shall be possessed of or hold sd Mill or Milly to the use and behoof of Betty Smallwood, my granddaughter, daughter of the sd John Smallwood and Anne, to permit her to take the use and profits of sd Negro Mill or Milly until age 16 or marriage, at which time Mill or Milly to be to the use and behoof of sd Betty Smallwood. But if Betty dies before age 16 or marriage, then Mill or Milly to the use and behoof of sd John Grant. Signed Jun 1, 1775-James (I his mark) Grant. Wit-Walter Clements, James Wallace, G.R. Brown (CC JPs). Recorded Jul 10, 1775.

Maryland State Archives; MARYLAND INDEXES; (Assessment of 1783, Index) 1783, Charles County; MSA S 1437
John Grant. lease. CH 5th District, General p. 4.

p. 73, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records Book Z #3 1782-1786
Page 220. Feb 16, 1786 from Joseph Nelson of CC, planter, to John Grant of CC, Gentn, for 13,000 lbs of crop tobacco, part of a tract of land called Moors Rest, lying in CC, containing and laid out for about 100 acres. Signed-Joseph Nelson. Wit-Jno Dent, Richd Barnes (CC JPs). Eleanor, the wife of the sd Joseph Nelson, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Feb 16, 1786.

p. 51, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records Book D #4 1786-1790
Page 223. Bond and award, recorded at the request of John Grant. We, Josias Smoot, Peter Farnandis, and John Smallwood, son of John, are bound to John Grant in the just sum of 40,000 £ common money to be paid to sd John Grant, to which payment truly to be made we bind ourselves, this Nov 23, 1780. The condition of the above obligation is such that if sd Josias Smoot, Peter Farnandis, & John Smallwood, will abide by the determination of Richard Barnes & Benjamin Douglass, and abide by their determination in settling all matters relating to the estate of Mr. James Grant deed, which now appear to them to be unsettled, then the above obligation to be void. Signed-Josias Smoot, Peter Farnandis, John Smallwood of Jno. Wit-Benj. Douglass, Walter Pye.
We, being chosen by consent of the parties, after examining all papers relating and allegations of both parties, do give in this, our award, that John Grant do pay to Josias Smoot
54 £ 19 shillings and 5 pence hard cash, Peter Farnandis 42 £ 5 shillings and half penny hard money, and to John Smallwood, 33 £ 18 shillings and 9 pence half penny hard cash. Signed Dec 9, 1780-Rich Barnes, Benj. Douglass. Recorded Mar 13, 1788.

p. 137, TLC genealogy, Charles Co Land Records Book D #4 1786-1790
Page 589. Sep 18, 1789 from Hector Ross and Alexander Henderson of Prince William County, Virginia, two of the executors of Henry Moore decd, and Cleon Moore of Fairfax County, Virginia, son and heir at law of the sd Henry Moore, and another of the executors of sd will, to Andrew Grant & Elizabeth Parker Grant, coheir and heiress of John Grant, late of CC, decd. Whereas Henry Moore, father of the afd Henry, obtained a grant from the Lord Proprietor of Maryland on Jun 20, 1732, for 400 acres in CC called Moores Rest, and by his will, devised 100 acres of the same, in fee, to his son, Henry, and in his lifetime sold 300 acres thereof which sd Henry, the son, by his will, directed that his executors should sell his Maryland lands of which the residue unsold of the sd tract, was a part, and apply the money arising from sd sale to certain purposes mentioned in his will. And whereas in pursuance of sd will, sd Cleon Moore entered into an agreement with the sd John Grant, for 120 £ current money of Virginia, to convey to sd John Grant the sd residue of land with general warranty as to sd Cleon Moore and special warranty as to the other executors of sd Henry, the son, which sd residue was, at the time of sd agreement and for many years before, had been in the tenure and occupation of John McAttee, and sd John Grant, having in or about May, 1789, died without making a will and obtaining a conveyance from sd executors according to the tenor of the sd agreement, by which the sd Andrew Grant & Elizabeth Parker Grant have only an equitable title to the sd residue, which otherwise, by a late Act of the Maryland Assembly, would have descended to them and their heirs as tenants in common. Now this deed witnesses that sd Hector Ross, Alexander Henderson, and Cleon Moore, in pursuance to sd will, and for 35 £ current money of Virginia paid to sd Cleon Moore on the day of sd agreement and of the residue of sd 120 £ to be paid to sd Hector Ross, Alexander Henderson, and Cleon Moore or either of them, they, sd Hector Ross, Alexander Henderson, and Cleon Moore have granted to sd Andrew Grant and Elizabeth Parker Grant, the residue of the sd 400 acres of land, containing about 100 acres, to have and to hold as if sd residue of land had been conveyed according to sd agreement in his lifetime. Signed-H. Ross, Alex Henderson, Cleon Moore. Wit-Jno Dent*, Geo. Lee*. Recorded Oct 12, 1789.

p. 85, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records 1790-1792; Book K#4
Page 375. Deed of Gift. I, Horatio Middleton of CC, for and in consideration of a verbal promise made to my late wife, Elizabeth Grant, and also for 5 shillings, I have given Elizabeth Parker Grant and Andrew Grant, to be equally divided between them, all my third part of the Negroes belonging to the estate of the late John Grant. Signed-Jan 6, 1792-Horatio Middleton. Wit-Jno Dent*, Wm Tyler. Recorded Jan 23, 1792.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Summer 1984 Volume 25 Number 3; Charles County, Maryland Probate Records, Inventories PART III: 1791-1808; Compiled by Ruth King & Carol Mitchell. The following was extracted from LDS microfilm #13742. The first number is the page number the document begins on upon the microfilm.
Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1791-1797
87 John Grant-7 May 1792

p. 130, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book N#4, (1792-1796)
Page 60. Valuation of Land. CC, Jan 2, 1793. Per the appointment of us by John Dent, a CC JP, to estimate the annual value of the lands and plantations of Elizabeth and Andrew Grant, orphans under the guardianship of Horatio Middleton, we met today, and we fix the annual value at 2000 lbs of tobacco. Also noted is that there is an unfinished mansion house thereon, 34X26, and a shed, 1 framed tobacco shed 32X22, 1 corn house 20X18, a shed new or in good repair, a meat house 12 feet square in good repair, a logged kitchen 16X16KX12, a hen house 16X10 all in bad repair, and 762 panels of fence in tolerable repair, 669 do in bad repair. Sd guardian is permitted the cutting up the swamp or any wood for the use of sd plantation within the enclosure, but nothing without the same except hogshead timber. Signed-Richard B. Mitchell, Walter Jameson. Wit-Jno Dent. Recorded Apr 8, 1793.

p. 165, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records Book N#4, (1792-1796)
Page 234. Valuation of land. Per an appointment by John Dent, a CC JP, appointing us to estimate the annual value of the lands and plantation of Elizabeth and Andrew Grant, under the guardianship of William Halkerston and Horatio Middleton, do estimate the same at the rate of 2000 lbs of tobacco, with the same restrictions as in the late valuation made by Bennett Mitchell and Walter Jameson. Signed Mar 4, 1794-Walter Jameson, Benjn Benson. Wit-Jon Dent*. Recorded Mar 17, 1794.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Summer 1984 Volume 25 Number 3; Charles County, Maryland Probate Records, Inventories PART III: 1791-1808; Compiled by Ruth King & Carol Mitchell. The following was extracted from LDS microfilm #13742. The first number is the page number the document begins on upon the microfilm.
Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 17
363 Horatio Middleton-24 Oct 1795-George Ward & Joanna Ward his wife surviving Admx

From: "Al & Cheryl Stephens"
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:30 AM
Subject: [MDCHARLE-L] Brawner Family
I have been following the mailings with descents of Henry Brawner. Has anyone come across an Elizabeth Brawner? Elizabeth was born abt. 1725 who married John Bowye (Bowie) 1725-1781 of Charles Co. The children of Elizabeth Brawner & John Bowye are:
Oswell, John, William, Alexander, Matthew & Rhodi Bowie
John Bowie also married Isabel Peel and had 9 children with her. I'm not sure who was the first wife as I don't have birth dates for any.

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 11:34:08 -0800
From: "Norma Lundgren"
Subject: Re: [MDCHARLE-L] Brawner Family
I can tell you my "guesses". She is another of the persons that I have been keeping an eye on. Your John Boye was one of the Scots in the Jacobite rebellion, was he not, shipped over as prisoners in 1719? Right now, the only candidate I have for this Elizabeth Brawner, would have to have married John Boye after 1766. Then the Elizabeth Grant named in Edward the Elder's will would fit for this series of marriages.
First to William Boucher Franklin,
second to James Grant,
third to John Boye.

I don't have all of the dates for the first two men, so it could be all wrong. These are just my guesses, based on who was there with no wife or a wife "Elizabeth" or someone else gave Elizabeth Brawner as a wife and she is the only candidate. The Franklins and Grants are also given as Scots, but they were in Charles county before 1719.

This may be the same Elizabeth who married William Boucher Franklin. If so she is the daughter of Edward Brawner.


BirthAbt 1712Charles County, MD
MarriageAft 1727
MarriageAbt 1746
MarriageAbt 1750
DeathBef 6 Jan 1792Charles County, MD


FatherEdward Brawner , The Elder (1682 - )
MotherElizabeth Farnandis (1683 - 1723)
SiblingEdward Brawner , The Younger (1705 - 1760)
SiblingHenry Brawner (1710 - 1744)
SiblingWilliam Brawner (1719 - 1784)
SiblingThomas Brawner (1721 - 1727)
SiblingJohn Brawner (1723 - 1798)
SiblingAbigail Brawner (1727 - 1809)