Individual Details

Elizabeth Holland

(Abt 1660 - Bef 14 Jun 1717)

p. 68, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber I, Page 309
4 Jun 1682; Deed of Gift from Elizabeth Wyne, widow, of Burton plantation, relict of Francis Wyne, dec'd. to her children, Henry Wyne, Elizabeth Wyne, and Jno. Wyne (not yet 21 years old), gift of cattle, goods and household stuff; /s/ Elizabeth Wyne (mark); wit. Meverell Hulse, Cleborne Lomax

Early Families of Southern Maryland, Vol. 6, by Elise Greenup Jourdan, Family Line Publications, 1997
Aug 1682; Elizabeth Hawkins, wife of Henry Hawkins, registered cattle mark (CCLR I#1.342)

p. 107, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber M, Page 212
9 Nov 1685; Quit Claim from William Pryor, planter, and Marie his wife, d/o Nicholas and Elizabeth Emerson, dec'd to Henry Hawkins and Elizabeth his wife, relict of Francis Wine; for 1,200* tobacco; a parcel of land called Glovers Point on the north side of the Potomac on Nanjemy Creek; formerly sold by Elizabeth Emerson to Francis Wine 16 Jun 1671; /s/ William Pryor (mark), Mary Pryor (mark); wit. Clebo. Lomax, Wm. Hacorte, Jno. Hawkins

p. 119, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber P, Page 178
5 Oct 1688; 4th year of the reign of James II; Henry Wine, now of Pitchley, Northamptonshire, exchanges a parcel of land left him by his father, Francis Wine, in Wicomico called Burton of 90 acres with his mother, Elizabeth Hawkins, /s/ Henry Wine; wit. Nicholas Colborne, Siscillya Bradley

p. 50, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 160
15 Nov 1704; Deed of Gift from Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins a Negro girl named Elley age 13 or 14 to her dau. Ruth, wife of James Keech, Jr.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) And Roberta Bolling Henry; Wills From 1713 To 1720; Volume IV, Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland; 1988, p. 137
Hawkins, Eliz., widow, Charles Co., 12th June, 1716; 14th June, 1717.
To three grandchildren, Francis, Eliz. and Mary Wine (son and daus. of Henry Wine, late of Gr. Britain, deceased), each £10.
" dau. Eliz. Lewis, wife of --- Lewis, of Gr. Britain, 5s.
" granddaus, Eliz. and Martha Keech, personalty. Shd. either of sd. granddaus. die before reaching age of 16 or without issue, their interest in certain personalty to pass to survivor. Shd. both die, to son Henry Holland Hawkins and hrs.
" grandson Henry Holland Hawkins, son of H. H. H. afsd., personalty.
" granddau. Eliz. Hawkins and hrs., 500 A., "Jamaica," in Pr. Geo. Co., and personalty.
" grandson John Hawkins, personalty.
" Richard Tubman, son of Rev. Geo. Tubman, personalty.
" kinswoman Eliz. Middleton (wife of Wm. Middleton), personalty.
" son Henry Holland Hawkins, ex., residue of estate, real and personal, for life; at his death to be divided equally among his children. Shd. he die before any of his child. attain age of 21 yrs., estate to be put in hands of Michael and John Martin for use of child. of sd. son. Shd. any child of his be of age at his death, estate to be put in hands of that child during minority of others, or be divided as before directed.
Test: Martha Stone, Wm. Howard. 14. 510.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717
438: Elizabeth Hawkins decd 1717

Abstracts of the Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of MD. 1715-1718 Libers 37A, 37B, 37C, 38A, 38B, 39 A, 39B, 39C, Volume 10-11. Compiled by V.L. Skinner. Published by Family Line Publications., p. 61
Elisabeth Hawkins (widow) 39C.82 I CH £211.19.7 1717
Appraisers: John Hanson, Michael Martin.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
161. Eliza Hawkins dec'd acct of Henry Hawkins Exr. Will of Eliza Hawkins. Paid to Mr. Maconchie for surmon, legacy of Eliz(a) Keech & Martha Keech in all to their father Ja(s) Keech. 18 Sept 1718.

Abstracts Of The Administration Accounts Of The Prerogative Court; Libers 1 Through 5; 1718-1724; V. L. Skinner, Jr. Brookeville, Maryland 20833; September 1995, p. 8
Elisabeth Hawkins 1.129 A CH £211.19.7 £46.3.3 Sep 18 1718
Received from: Capt. Thomas Dent, Benjamin Borgess, Thomas Martin, John Brooks, John Lambert, Peter Harrett.
Payments to: John Lowe, Charles Mosgrove, Robert Harrison, Mr. Maconchie.
Legatees: Elisabeth & Martha Keech paid to their father James Keech.
Residue to: executor.
Executor: Henry Hawkins.

Genealogies of Pennsylvania Families, Vol.II; Robert Middleton of Maryland and Some of His Descendants by John Goodwin Herndon, Ph.D, F.A.S.G., F.G.S.P.
He (Hugh Teares) is known to have married twice. His first wife was Ruth Holland whose sister Elizabeth Holland was the second wife of Henry Hawkins. The mention of "Holland sheets which I have with Mr. Hawkins" in the Will of Hugh Teares is interesting and important. They were not Dutch sheets, but were family linen. The father of Ruth and Elizabeth Holland was probably named Henry Holland, and he may have been, as one student of family records claimed *10 "a grandson of Philemon Holland (1552-1637) who was called 'translator-general' in his age."
*10 Hugh C. Middleton; notes in Genealogical File, Genealogical Society of PA
Notes On Elizabeth (Holland) [Wine] Hawkins, of Charles Co., MD
Let us now return to consider further data concerning blood relatives of Elizabeth (Teares) Middleton, the first wife of William Middleton. Her mother, for example, is identified in the following recital: 13 13: Charles County Land Records Book P-1:78
Know all men by these presents that I Henry Wine of Pitchley in ye County of Northamptonshire doe by these presents exchane a parcell of land left to me by my father Francis Wine in Maryland in Wiccocomico River near ye head there of the quanity of ninety acres of ground commonly called by ye name of Burton something below William Marshalls with my mother Mistress Elizabeth Hawkins wch [she] is free to dispose of at her own pleasure and I am content, [and I ] do by these presents forever quit any title or claime whatsoever to ye above menconed ninety Acres of Land commonly called Burton. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this fifth day of October 1688 in ye fourth yeare of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord James ye Second of England Scotland France & Ireland King defender of ye faith etc. /s/ Henry Wine (Seal); Witness: Nicholas Colborne, Priscillya Bradley.
The above Mrs Elizabeth Hawkins came here and freely acknowledged in open Court all her right title and interest in ye above menconed land [and conveyed it] unto her sister Ruth Teares wife of Hugh Teares and to ye heirs of her [Ruth's] body lawfully begotten. This June Court Annoq Domi 1689 /s/ Rd. Boughton Clerke


BirthAbt 1660Charles County, MD
MarriageAbt 1675Charles County, MD - Francis Wine
MarriageBet Jun 1682 and Aug 1682Charles County, MD - Henry Hawkins
DeathBef 14 Jun 1717Charles County, MD
Ancestral File NumberMNKV-X6


SpouseHenry Hawkins (1643 - 1699)
ChildHenry Holland Hawkins (1683 - 1750)
ChildRuth Hawkins (1684 - 1707)
SpouseFrancis Wine (1635 - 1681)
ChildHenry Wine (1676 - )
ChildElizabeth Wine (1678 - )
FatherHenry Howland Holland (1630 - )
SiblingRuth Holland (1664 - 1689)
SiblingJane Holland ( - 1694)
SiblingMiss Holland ( - )