Individual Details

Ignatius Matthews

(Abt 1644 - Aft 9 Jun 1664)

Archives of Maryland, Volume 3, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1661-1675. Page 501; To the Rt honnorble Charles, Calvert Lieut of this province of Maryld dd. St Mary's. this 9th of June 1664.
Upon Munday last the Indeans of Pascattaway sent to my Brother & mee, word tht they had taken two prisonrs of the Johnadoes (Oniedas) upon the North side of Patomake river desiring tht some of the English would come & heare their Confession & see their pceedings agt them which should be the next day by noone if wee would come or else send thm word that wee or I would not come where upon I requested my brother Ignatius & Henry More to goe along with mee & wee went thither according to the tyme they appointed & after I came they presently began to Torter the man & gave mee this Relacon from him by an Interpreter who undrstood him tht there was sixty of them upon the North side of Patomacke River for to Warr & kill the English & the Indeans & doe what mischeife they could & he confessed they had Cumm of one house & tht the English had killed thm six men but what had been don since hee came from them he could not tell & he sd there was a hundred more which were gone to the head of the bay to kill English there & Sasqehanoes to if they can light of them & tht this Summer they did intend to come into our Necke to kill English if they could but passe the Indeans & not be discouered this I thought good to acquaint yor lop wth tht you may use what meanes you can to give thm notice at Baltemore County tht they may looke to themselves, as for the Relacon & maner of from Potobacco their tortering thm I omitt till I shall see yor honor, from yor humble servt.
Tho: Mathews
My brothr Adams pnrth his seruice unto yor honnor; For the Rt honrble the Lieut genrall. These from the Indian Interpreto Mr Thomas Mathewes for the safty of this pvince from howse to howse post haste
1664 June 27th Then a Comcon issued to Lewis Stockett to bee Coll: and Comander in Cheife of all the fforces to bee raysed betweene the Coues of Riuer to the head of the Bay on both sides as allsoe uppon the Isle of Kent, and to enlist for his owne Company such and soe many of the Inhabitants in any part of the said diuisione as hee shall thinke ffitt, mutatis mutandis Ut est in folio 27d Comcon for Collonell Nathaniell Utyes.


BirthAbt 1644
DeathAft 9 Jun 1664


FatherThomas Matthews , Dr. (1620 - 1675)
MotherHester (1620 - 1659)
SiblingThomas Matthews (1642 - 1677)
SiblingMary Matthews (1646 - 1681)