Individual Details


(Abt 1620 - Aft 12 Nov 1659)

Notice witness:
Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661 Page 473 Liber PCR p 485; Knowe all men by theis pesents that I William Johnson of the Province of Maryland have for and in Consideracon of five thousand weight of tobacco which I have received of James Langworth of St Wynyfrids in Maryland abovesd gent And in Consideracon that the said Langworth hath undertaken to pay certaine debts left with the said Mr Langworth, I the said Johnson for the abovesaid consideracons Have bargained and sould and delivered unto the abovesaid James Langworth all my whole Estate of land howseing Cattle hoggs and all other Goods and Chattles moveable and immoveable within the Province of Maryland and Virginea As Wittnes my hand this Eighteenth day of June 1656 William Johnson Signed and delivered in the pesence of us Ralph Crouch Hester Mathews Copia vera Exp me Walter Hall Clerk

Archives of Maryland; Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 185
Liber P. C. R.; p. 142; November 22nd, Sub pen. Mr Thomas Stone, Barnably Jackson, Richard Stone, Mr Tho: Mathews, Mrs Hester Mathews, Thomas Hawker & Bryant & Tho: Courtney to testify in ditt caa, 500 l Tub each Rd. Ut supra.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659 Page 347
Know all men by these pents tht I Anne Tilney of the Crosse in the Province of Maryland, & Executrix of Richard Hotchkeyes of the same place deceased, have constituted appoynted & ordayned doe by these pents constitute, appoynt & ordaine John Abington of the place aforesd my true & lawfull Attorney, for mee & in my name, & to my only use, to aske, demand & receive all debts, dues & demands whatsoevr now belonging to me the sd Anne Tilney, & uppon non-paymt to impleade or imprisone any peson or pesons, as my sd Attorney shall see cause, & uppon paymt made to release acquitt or discharge any peson or pesons as aforesd, as allsoe to pay all iust debts due from mee, or the aforesd Richard Hotchkeys: & whatsoevr my sd Attorney shall doe in the aforesd premises I bind my selfe to ratify & confirme in as ample manner, & as much power as all Attorneys hath or ought to have, as Wittnes my hand this 12th day of Novembr 1659 Anne Tillney Wittnesse Thomas Mathews Hest. Mathews.


BirthAbt 1620
MarriageAbt 1638Thomas Matthews , Dr.
DeathAft 12 Nov 1659St Mary's County, Md


SpouseThomas Matthews , Dr. (1620 - 1675)
ChildThomas Matthews (1642 - 1677)
ChildIgnatius Matthews (1644 - 1664)
ChildMary Matthews (1646 - 1681)