Individual Details

Charity Henley

(Abt 1660 - Bef 21 Aug 1708)

Died before the will of John Contee.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717
384: Charity Courts decd 23 Apr 1713

Charity Courts 35A.109 I CH £30.0.0 Apr 23 1713
Appraisers: Walter Story, Samuell Hanson.

Buttrune, William, Chas. Co, 3rd June, 1692; 16th Dec, 1692.
To kinswoman Charity Courts and hrs, 400 A. on Patuxent R. in Calvert Co, with which testator is possessed in right of his father.
Ex. not given.
Test: Randolph Brandt, Mary Towers, Jeffery Cole, Retornd Cannon. 6. 66.

Buttrum, Nicholas, father in law and guardian of Henry Bussey, son of Henry Bussey; dec'd. Mar 1683. (Arch. of MD, v. 70, p.366).

Nicholas BUTTRUM
Sex: M
Birth: abt 1599 Rishangles, Suffolk, England
Spouse: Elizabeth BROWNE
Marriage: 8 Feb 1624 Rishangles, Suffolk, England

Hinely, John, Cecil Co, 20th Nov, 1727; 16th Dec, 1727.
To John Buttrum, ex, entire estate.
Test: Thomas Simper, Peter Picott (Peiott). 19,311.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 51, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679-80. Page 314;
Inquisition of Hindrson's and Buttrums Land: An Inquisition Indented taken the three and Twentieth day of Janry in the fifth year of the Dominion of Charles &ca Annoq Dom 1679 at the house of Thomas Cosden in Calvertown in Calvert Coty in the Province of Maryland before us Charles Boteler and Samuell Boarne Gent By virtue of a Commission in the nature of a Mandamus issued out of his Lordships Court of Chanry to us directed by the Oaths of Twelve Good & Law full men of the Said County diligently to Enquire what Lands & Tenemts Andrew Hinderson & Elizabeth Buttrum late of Calvert Coty deceased held of the Right Honble the Lord Propry in their or either of their Deameasne as ffee at the time or times of their or either of their Deaths, and of what mannor and by what Services and how much those Lands and Tenements are of value by the year in all issues and at what time or times the Said Andrew Hinderson and Elizabeth dyed and who is their or either of their next heir or heirs and who those Lands and Tenemts from the time of the Deaths of the Said Andrew and Elizabeth hath or doth occupy and the issues and profits thereof hath and doth Receive and by what Title and how & in what manner, By the Oaths of John Broom Rich Smith, William Barton, Christopher Baynes Thomas Sedwick Thomas Arnold Edward Cowdrey, Thomas Jessup, Joseph Williams Thomas Edwards William Collingwood and Joseph Dawkins, who being by us duely Sworn Say upon their Oaths as followeth
That the Sd Andrew Hinderson dyed in the month of January Annoq Domini 1671 Seized and possessed of two hundred acres of Land in his Demeasne as of ffee in the County of Calvert being the one half of a parcell of Land formerly Granted to John Ashcombe Lying on the north Side of Putuxent River near Hollowing Point and that the sd Land was held by the Said Andrew Hinderson in fee Comon Soccage by ffealty only for all Services under the yearly Rent of four Shillings Sterling Said Land with the Houses thereupon Built in all issues and profits is worth Two hundred pounds of Tobacco by the year And the Said Jurors Say that the Said Andrew Hinderson dyed Seized & possessed as aforesd without any heir to whom the sd Land might or could descend as they know of, But do Say that the sd Andrew Hinderson did in his life time make his last will & Testamt in writeing under his hand and Seale bearing date the Twenty third day of January in the year of our Lord 1671 and thereof make his Loveing wife Elizabeth Hinderson his Exrx to his whole Estate Lands & all, nothing Excepted. also he did will all his Estate moveables and imoveables to his well beloved wife onely one hundred acres of Land and two Cowes wch he did Give and bequeath to his wife's Son Roger Moore if alive & that he come into this Province, If not that is to Say if the Said Roger Moore Come not into this province or be dead then the Same also to his wife, he did bequeath, as by a Transcript of the sd Will more at Large appeareth
But the Said Jurors do not find that ever the Said Roger Moore Came into this Province but the Said Elizabeth Hinderson By virtue of the Said Will & Testament Entered into and tooke possession of the premisses & afterwards did Intermarry one Nicholas Buttrum who in her Right hath held and kept possession of the premisses and Received the Rents issues & profits thereof untill the month of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Seventy Six at which time the sd Elizabeth did make her last will and Testamt in writeing under her hand and Seale bearing date the fourth day of January 1676 by wch Said will she did bequeath the Same Land & all nothing Excepted unto her dear husband Nicholas Buttrum But if it Should happen that her Son Roger Moore be alive that then her Said Son to have one half of the Land with what else is already bequeathed in her deceased husband Andrew Hinderson's Will, but if her Said Son be dead, then She did bequeath all to her Dear husband Nicholas Buttrum as by the Same will hereunto annexed appeareth, And the Said Elizabeth haveing made her last will& Testamt as afd in the month of January afd dyed & that Since her death the Said Nicholas Buttrum by Colour of the Said Last will & Testamt into the Said Land did Enter & the Same doth possess and the issues and profits thereof doth Receive and that the Said Nicholas hath paid the Rent of the Same In Testimony whereof as well the Said Commissionrs as the Said Jurors have hereunto Set their hands and Seals the day & year first above written C Boteler sealed Samll Bourne sealed Rich Smith Junr Xtopher Baynes Tho Jessup Wm Barton Edward Cowdry Wm Collingwood Joseph Dawkins sealed Jn° Brome sealed Thomas Edwards Thomas Arnold Joseph Williams Thomas Sedwicks
Which being read and heard it is the Judgemt of the Court here this day to witt the Seventh day of ffebruary in the fifth year of the Dominion of the Rt Honble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Domini 1697 That the Two hundred acres of Land in the afore going Inquisition menconed whereof the Said Andrew Hinderson dyed Seized of at the time of his Death is Escheated unto his Said Lordship for want of heirs Nic: Painter Cl Cur Provalis

Hensey, William, Chas. Co, 23rd Mar., 1684; 12th May, 1685.
To Susanna Abbott, John Courts, Jr, Robert Powell, Thomas Harris, Richard Smith and Anne Brown, personalty.
" grandson William Chapman, ex, and hrs, residue of estate, real and personal.
" grandson Richard Chapman, sd. estate should sd. William die without issue.
Test: Jas. Phelps, Henry Tannerd, Jno. Bosley, Philip Jones, 4. 138.

p.83: Recorded for Robert Yates 17 Apr 1744. 1 Mar 1743, Charles Bruce of Charles Co, gent. Robert Yates & Sarah Yates his wife for 15,000 # tob. Robert Yates & Sarah Yates relinquish right of dower in two tracts & sell one tract for natural lives, land near Wicomico River, being moiety in which originally belonged to William Marshall assigned to Walter Bayne 20 Sept 1664 conveyed by Walter Bayne & Martha Bayne his wife to Mary Contee by deed 3 Oct 1709 divided between Coll. John Fendall & John Bruce natural guardian of Charles Bruce, lines Charles Yates 225 acres, (450 acres were divided during the moriety of Charles Bruce, it may be divided again between heirs of Coll. John Fendall, Robert Yates or Sarah Yates his wife or survivor of them, Charles Bruce sells to Robert Yates & Sarah Yates his wife 1 moiety of whole, "Hemsleys March" N.W. Wicomico River adjoining land Coll. John Fendall & Charles Yates 70 acres patent of Madam Mary Hemsley 2 May 1723. "Hensley Meadows" W. Wicomico River adjacent Coll. John Fendall & Thomas Marshall patent granted to Madam Mary Hemsley 2 May 1723. Wit: Peter Wood & Mary Neale.

p.106: Charles Bruce 3 May 1744, Robert Yates & Sarah Yates his wife exex of John Bruce for consideration Charles Bruce son & heir of John Bruce land John Bruce to Robert Yates moriety which was conveyed by Robert Baynes & Martha Baynes his wife to Maria Contee assigned by deed 3 Oct 1709 after divided between Coll. Fendall & John Bruce natural guardian Charles Bruce 225 acres. Also "Comsley Marsh", also "Hensley Medow" 80 acres relinquished dower right. "Hattons Point". Wit: Peter Wood & Mary Neale.

p.107: Recorded for William Chapman 12 May 1744. Jane Chapman for love to son William Chapman & grandchildren sundries goods. Son William Chapman 1/6 part, daughter Hanny's children, Ann & Zachariah 1/6 part, daughter Elizabeth children Jan & Lucritia 1/6 part, daughter Suezette children Elizabeth, Jane & Chloe 1/6 part, daughter Janes children Mary, Ann & Luca 1/6 part, daughter Sophia children William & John 1/6 part if said suppose husband should waist any of goods.

Will of ELINOR BAYNE, Charles Co.; written 5 Nov 1701; probate 11 Nov 1701
To Walter and Ebsworth Bayne, Ellinor Hubbard, Eliza. Stone, Ellinor Stone, Elisa. Dutton and each of her child. and sister (unnamed) in England, Mrs. Charity Courts, and to daus. Ellinor Beale and Ann Bayne, personalty
Ex:: Son John Bayne in event of his return from Eng.; otherwise grandson Walter Bayne to be ex. at 21 yrs. of age and to be advised by his father (unnamed), or Col. John Courts
Test: Philip Briscoe, Wm. Richardson, Wm. Howells (MCW II.S; Wills, 11.298)


BirthAbt 1660Md
MarriageAbt 1675John Courts
DeathBef 21 Aug 1708Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathBef 21 Aug 1708Charles County, MD
MarriageJohn Contee , Col.
MarriageJohn Contee


SpouseJohn Courts (1654 - 1702)
ChildHenley Courts (1678 - 1704)
ChildCharity Courts (1680 - 1711)
ChildCharles Courts (1685 - 1760)
ChildWilliam Courts (1687 - 1711)
ChildJohn Courts (1690 - 1747)
ChildAnne Courts (1693 - 1717)
SpouseJohn Contee (1665 - 1708)
SpouseJohn Contee , Col. (1665 - 1708)
FatherRobert Henley (1621 - 1684)
MotherSarah (1627 - )
SiblingJohn Henley (1670 - )
FatherRobert Henley (1621 - 1684)
MotherSarah (1627 - )
SiblingJohn Henley (1670 - )