Individual Details

David Potts

(May 1700 - 25 May 1768)

farmer, quaker
David Potts was born about 1700 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co., Pennsylvania. He died on May 1, 1768 in Loudoun Co., Virginia. The Potts Family in American, 1901, T. M. Potts page 226 - was born about the year 1700, as nearly as can be e stimated. He was without doubt the son of Jonas and Mary Potts, of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, though no record of birth has been found. All the traditions and statements of aged members of differenet lines of the family point to that conclusion. These allegations, summed up, may be included in the following . The Potts family came to Pennsylvania from Wales - some allege, with William Penn. They lived at or about Pottsgrove, where their ancestor owned a plantation to which the Viriginia descendants were heirs. (Note: Jonas Potts owned and occupied a farm in Gilberts Manor, which adjoined Pottsgrove. It is not certain that he ever secured a full title to this land, and no deed of conveyance from him or his legal representatives has been found. Such a tradition might easily grow from such a foundation). One tradition, in a collateral line, alleges that Jonah or Jonas Potts came to Pennsylvania from Wales. Another tradition allege s that the Potts' were driven from Wales by reason of religious oppression.

The first notice of David Potts is as subscribing witness to the marriage certificates of the two daughters of Jonas Potts in 1719.

The "Pennsylvania Gazette," of May 27, 1731, contains the following advertisement. "Run away from David Potts, as Socken above the Great Swamp, (NOTE: The Great Swamp was a marshy tract of land in the upper end of Bucks County, including the village of Quakertown. Saucon is the name of a creek emptying from the south-west into the Lehigh River, a few miles below Bethlehem. Before the year 1730, some Philadelphia speculators bought up large tracts of the rich lands in the Saucon valley and sold it out in smaller parcels. It seems quite likely that David Potts was then living in the Saucon Valley, within limits of either the present Lehigh or Northampton County). A Servant Boy named John Williams, about seventeen Years of Age, of swarthy complexion, has black Hair, and two Molds on his Forehead. Had on a brown linsey-woolsey Jacket, Leather Breehes, a pair of Shoe packs, and Stockings footed White. He is supposed to have with him a Big Bay Horse, with a Switch Tail, and a Star in the Forehead, a helf crop and a half penny in the Ear, and branded on the near Shoulder I P with a Dagger, over it. Whoever secures him and gives notice to George Shoemaker, Innkeeper, in Philadelphia, so that his Master may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and Reasonable Charges paid, by DAVID POTTS." The brand I P may have been the initials of Jonas Potts, who probably contributed to his son's start in life.
David Potts of Loudoun County, Virginia and his
He is believed to have moved to that region around 1735, settling in the area where
Cabletown now stands.
He was married twice, first to Elizabeth Lane, daughter of Edward Lane of Perkioman,
now Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. . Elizabeth was born about 1699 and died about 1734
in Cabletown, Jefferson Co. Virginia. His second wife was Ann R. Roberts(?) familiarly known
as Nancy. She was born about 1715 and died after 1771. David Potts died about 1 May 1768 and
is believed to have been buried in the family graveyard on his property in Loudoun County,
Virginia. According to TMP, "...the family attained to considerable wealth and high social
position in northern Virginia, but was greatly impoverished by the ravages of the Civil War."
he was in Fairfax County in 1746, when he leased a tract of land from Catesby Cocke, for five shillings in hand paid, with power to purchase. The lease wasdated, November 16, 1746, and covered a tract of 866 acres on Kittockton Run, in Fairfax County. The annual rental was one ear of Indain corn. Subsequently Catesby Cocke and Mary, his wife, conveyed the same by deed to David Potts, who is therein described as yeoman. (Note: These abstracts have been taken from the Land Office records of Fairfax County, Virginia.) On June 9, 1747, David Potts leased for one year, 333 acres, part of this same tract, to William Williams, at an annual rental of one ear of Indian corn. Subsequently David Potts, and Ann R., his wife, sold the same to Williams.
David Potts was taken under the care of Fairfax Monthly Meeting on 10 mo. 31, 1748, as shown by the following minute of that date. "David Potts having been for a considerable time under the care and notice of Friends, now requests to be received as a member in unity, and nothing appearing to obstruct, his request was granted." At the same meeting his sons Jonas and Jonathan Potts were also received into membership, and his daughter Ann Potts appeared in the declaration of inteded marriage with John Vestal. As David's other children were afterwards recognized as members of the meeting, it is probable that his own acciptance carried with it that of his minor children.

Abstract of the Will of David Potts of Loudoun County, VA.6
In his will, dated 25th day of 4th Month A. Domini 1768, David made the following bequests:
1. To sons Ezekiel and Nathan Potts—273 acres, the plantation where I now live.
2. To my Wife Ann Potts my half of the Mill until she marries or dies, then to Ezekiel and
Nathan. Also a Negro lad, horse, cows and various furniture and household items.
3. To son Jonas Potts—one half of the Mill and 150 acres where he now lives
4. To son Samuel Potts—195 acres where he now lives, and my Negro lad after my wife
marries or dies, then he shall pay £15 to my Grand Daughter Christian Pearson and £10 to be
distributed among all my daughters.
5. To son Jonas Potts—I give the plantation which I formerly gave to my son Jonathan,
situated at the Gap of the Short Hill containing 155 acres, since purchased of Jonathan by Jonas.
6. To son David Potts—310 acres where he now lives.
7. To my daughter Mary Bagus—the Sorrel Mare, one cow, saddle and various household
8. To my daughter Rachel Potts—a horse and saddle, two cows and various household items.
9. To my daughter Susanah Potts—the same items given to Rachel.
10. To my son Jonathan Potts—40 acres in Fredericks County near Warm Springs known by
the name Biles Cabbin, and 50 acres adjoining
11. Appoints his sons Samuel and David Potts his Executors.
Proved at a court held for Loudoun County May 9, 1768.

David Potts was twice married. He first married Elizabeth Lane, probably in Pennsylvania. She was, evidently, a daughter of Edward Lane, of Perkioman. (NOTE: The Lane Family. Edward Lane, son of William Lane of Bristol, England, was a landholder and resident of Perkiomen, (Now in Montgomery County). He married Ann Richardson, and died in 1710, leaving a widow, and the following children, 1. James, 2. William, 3. Samuel, 4. Elizabeth, 5. Christian, (or Christiana), 6. Ellinor, 7. Ann. Perkiomen was in the neighborhood of Gilberts Manor, and the Lanes and Jonas Potts family did not live far apart. There was no other Lane family in the neighborhood. Among the descendants of David and Elizabeth (Lane) Potts are found such names as Edward, Christian, etc., evidently introduced from the Lane fmaily, as they are not found in the Potts family prior to this marriage.) She is said to have been a woman of fair complexion, and was familiarly known as "Betty." His second wife was Ann R., whose maiden name has not come to notice. She was a woman of dark complexion, and was familiarly know as "Nancy."

This will was proven and recorded May 9, 1768. John Osburn and William Dillon were the Executors' bondsmen, who were held in the sum of L1000. Anne Potts, (widow), of the Parish of Cameron, County of Loudoun, was still living on May 13, 1771, when she executed a deed of gift to her son Samuel Potts, for "a negro Lad, named Austin."

Though the family were of the peaceful Society of Friends, some of them were given to settling disputes in a worldly, and sometimes in a summary manner. Some went so far as to join military companies, and to engage in light amusements, contrary to the teaching and practice of the Scoiety. For these "outgoings" they sometimes made acceptable acknowledgments. At present all or nearly all are adherents of other religious denominations. The family attained to considerable wealth and high position in northern Virginia. They were, however, greatly impoverished by the ravages of the Civil War.

The Potts Family in Great Britain and America, 1901 by Thomas Maxwell Potts

He removed to Virginia, perhaps about 1745.



BirthMay 1700Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Marriage1725Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Elizabeth Jane Lane
Event27 May 1731Pennsylvania
Marriage1736Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, British America - Ann Roberts
Event16 Nov 1746Fairfax County, Virginia, British America
Event9 Jun 1747Fairfax County
Event31 Oct 1748Fairfax Monthly Meeting in Virginia
Event24 Dec 1750Fairfax
Event16 Jul 1753Fairfax County
Event30 Aug 1755Fairfax
Event8 May 1759Loudoun County
Event8 Apr 1760Loudoun County
BurialMay 1768Potts Cemetary, Loudoun Co,Virginia
Death25 May 1768Cabletown, Loudoun, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Jane Lane (1704 - 1735)
ChildJonas Potts (1726 - 1769)
ChildJonathan Potts (1728 - 1805)
ChildAnn Potts (1727 - 1768)
ChildMary Potts (1732 - 1834)
SpouseAnn Roberts (1702 - 1771)
ChildChristina Potts ( - 1762)
ChildSamuel Potts (1736 - 1801)
ChildDavid Potts (1738 - 1809)
ChildElizabeth Potts (1740 - 1815)
ChildEzekiel Potts (1743 - 1809)
ChildNathan Potts (1745 - 1809)
ChildJane Potts (1746 - 1788)
ChildSusanna Potts (1751 - 1782)
ChildRachel Potts (1753 - 1782)
FatherJonas Potts (1680 - 1754)
MotherMary Mercy ( - )
SiblingJonas Potts Jr ( - )
SiblingMary Rachel Potts (1702 - 1752)
SiblingHannah Potts (1705 - )

