Individual Details
Sidney "Sam" Turkel
(20 Sep 1898 - Jan 1982)
In 1930 Census he was registered as Sam
Spouse | Dorothy "Dotty" "Dotty" Wacks (1901 - 1981) |
Child | Muriel Turkel (1920 - 1988) |
Child | Harvey E Turkel (1929 - 2000) |
Father | Joseph Pinchas "Izer / Juer / Fuer" Turkel (Tailor) (1872 - 1944) |
Mother | Ruchel Beile "Rose / Bella" Dacher (1877 - 1954) |
Sibling | Aane Chanci Turkel (1897 - ) |
Sibling | Abraham Ber Turkel (1900 - 1902) |
Sibling | Pesie "Pauline" Turkel - Seifstein (1902 - ) |
Sibling | Henie Jachad Turkel (1904 - 1905) |
Sibling | Elichai Eli "Eli / Al" Turkel (1906 - 1982) |
Sibling | Efraim Frank "Frank" Turkel (1911 - 1995) |
Sibling | Karl Abe (Abraham) Turkel (1913 - 1971) |
Sibling | Frieda Turkel (1916 - 2010) |
Mikulince PSA AGAD Births 1870,73-98: Syg 2021; Akt 92 OLD URL: License
Certificate #: 1409Residence
StreetAddress: 24 Street; Age: 32; AbleToSpeakEnglish: Yes; AttendedSchool: No; CanReadWrite: Yes; ClassofWorker: Wage or salary worker; EnumerationDistrict: 1445; HomeOwnership: Rented; IsEmployed: Yes; LanguageSpoken: Polish; LiveOnFarm: No; NaturalizationStatus: Naturalized; OwnedRadio: Yes; RegistrationDistrict: 1445; ValueOfHome: 75; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: Head; Occupation: OperatorResidence
StreetAddress: West 36th Street; Age: 42; Occupation: Butcher; AttendedSchool: No; CityWard: 16; ClassofWorker: Wage or salary worker in private work; EmploymentCode: 1; EmploymentDetails: No; EmploymentHistory: No; EnumerationDistrict: 24-1921; GradeCompleted: Elementary school, 4th grade; HomeOwnership: Rented; HoursWorked: 50; Income: 2100; IncomeOtherSources: No; IsEmployed: Yes; MonthsUnEmployedPastYear: None; OwnsFarm: No; PublicEmergencyWork: No; ResidenceFarmNineteenThirtyFive: No; SeekingWork: No; ValueOfHome: 47; WeeksWorked: 52; MaritalStatus: Married; RelationToHead: HeadResidence
StreetAddress: W 35 St; Age: 50; Occupation: Butcher; ApartmentNumber: Wfl; Citizenship: Yes; ClassofWorker: Private; EnumerationDistrict: 24-2510; HoursWorked: 40; Industry: Retail Meat Market; LiveOnFarm: No; OccupationCategory: Working; ThreeOrMoreAcres: No; RelationToHead: Head; MaritalStatus: MarriedEndnotes
1., U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011), National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; WWII Draft Registration Cards for New York City, 10/16/1940 - 03/31/1947; Record Group: Records of the Selective Service System, 147.
2., New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; NAI Title: Index to Petitions For Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: Rg 21.
3., New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; NAI Title: Index to Petitions For Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: Rg 21.
4., New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; NAI Title: Index to Petitions For Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: Rg 21.
5., New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; NAI Title: Index to Petitions For Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: Rg 21.
6., New York, New York, U.S., Marriage License Indexes, 1907-2018 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2017), New York City Municipal Archives; New York, New York; Borough: Bronx.
7., New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013), The National Archives in Washington, DC; Washington, DC; NAI Title: Index to Petitions For Naturalizations Filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts in New York City, 1792-1906; NAI Number: 5700802; Record Group Title: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009; Record Group Number: Rg 21.
8., 1930 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2002), Year: 1930; Census Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 1445; FHL microfilm: 2341261.
9., 1940 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012), Year: 1940; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02596; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 24-1921.
10., 1940 United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012), Year: 1940; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02596; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 24-1921.
11., U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011), National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; WWII Draft Registration Cards for New York City, 10/16/1940 - 03/31/1947; Record Group: Records of the Selective Service System, 147.
12., 1950 United States Federal Census (Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2022), National Archives at Washington, DC; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Year: 1950; Census Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: 3382; Page: 29; Enumeration District: 24-2510.