Individual Details


(12 Aug 1807 - 21 Mar 1881)


Birth12 Aug 1807Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1829was shown as a voter in the township records book
Miscellaneous6 Jul 1829received a quit claim deed to lot 6 from his father, Spencer Pomeroy, for $1 - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
ResidenceAbt Jun 1830(possibly) in the Benjamin Junkins household - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Occupation1830employee for a Norwalk newspaper - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous9 Dec 1830posted bail for his mother in the sum of $20 - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1 Oct 1831has a letter remaining at the Post Office - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous16 Dec 1833paid fine of $1.37 1/2 for being delinquent in the Ohio Militia - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous3 May 1834had 1829 quit claim deed to lot 6 he received fr Spencer Pomeroy recorded in Huron County Deed book - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous11 Oct 1834paid $500 for a quit claim on lot 6 from David and Mary Ann Powers, his mother - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Occupation28 Aug 1835journeyman printer at the Milan Times - Milan, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous2 Feb 1837bought part of lot 67 for $1,000 from David Powers - New Haven, Huron County, Ohio
Marriage2 Apr 1837by Thomas Johnston Justice of the Peace, New Haven, Huron County, Ohio - Matilda Ann BROWN
Miscellaneous10 Oct 1837voted in Portland Township at the state election held at the mayor's office - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous22 Oct 1838was requested to attend the probate of his brother-in-law Libbeus Brown's will - Batavia, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous14 May 1839took John Beardsley to court for $14.06 - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1840, David & Mary Ann Powers were defendants in a case brought against them by Mary Powers - Huron County, Ohio
Residence1840& was employed in manufacture and trade - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous29 Dec 1840Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous11 Mar 1842started work for John G. Camp - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous6 Aug 1842completed the work for John G. Camp and charged him $192.00 for his labor & $400 for materials - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousSep 1842was a plaintiff in a suit against John G. Camp for damages of $400 - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous13 Mar 1843was a plaintiff in an assumpsit case against John G. Camp - Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousMar 1843was a plaintiff in a suit against Charles Watrous & George Johnsons entered in an Appearance Docket - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous17 Jun 1843was a plaintiff against Charles H. Watrous & Geo W. Johnson and was awarded damages of $7.95 - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous21 Jun 1843was awarded damages of $34.63 in the assumpsit case against John G. Camp - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous22 Jul 1843was served a summons to appear in court for a writ of Error filed by John G. Camp on previous case - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousOct 1843was awarded damages of $34.63 by the Supreme Court in the assumpsit case and to pay 1/2 their costs - Erie County, Ohio
Affiliation3 Mar 1844was a member of the Clay Club - Portland, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous17 May 1845was appointed to the office of marshal and clerk of the markets after Alonzo Wade resigned - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousJun 1845was a defendant in a suit brought by Alex Barber & Charles Barney for damages of $300 - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous24 Mar 1846was a defendant in a suit brought by Barber & Barney where he was to pay $8.00 in damages - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1 Apr 1846was paid by the City of Sandusky for his service as collector of taxes, marshall & clerk of markets - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous14 Apr 1846was a Whig candidate for Constable receiving 91 votes but lost - Portland Township, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousJul 1846Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousMay 1847Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous31 Aug 1848and mother Mary Ann gave a quit claim to Marcia Rice for part of lot 67 - New Haven, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous6 Dec 1849was initiated into the Science Lodge No. 50 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous6 Jan 1850had been very sick but was recovering - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous8 Feb 1850health had not improved and David Powers wrote he feared it never would - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation20 Sep 1850engineer - Portland, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1850was putting up boarders in his house - Portland, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous4 Nov 1850Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1852Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1852Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousMay 1853owed a judgment to David Powers in the amount of $189.81 - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1853was a Junior Deacon at Science Lodge No. 50 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousBet 1853 and 1858was cited as having a suit against David Powers on the recording of mtg of 10/05/1853 on lot 54 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous21 Dec 1853and Matilda mortgaged an unknown property for $1000 from Ebenezer B. Sadler - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousMay 1854recovered a judgement against David Powers for damages and costs amounting to $340.77 - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous28 Oct 1854was a defendant in a suit that was brought by David Powers where he was found not indebted to David - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous28 Oct 1854was a defendant in a suit that was brought by David Powers where he was found not indebted to David - Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1855was a plaintiff in a case against David Powers in which David owed him $125.37 - Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1855had a civil action against David Powers & others in which the court said the property would be sold - Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1855was a plaintiff in a case against David Powers in which David owed him $125.37 - Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1855had a civil action against David Powers & others in which the court said the property would be sold - Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1855machinist - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1855at 212 Market - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousFeb 1856was the plaintiff in a case in Partition vs David & Edson Powers in the Court of Common Pleas - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous19 May 1856had the best bid of $334 at public auction for part of lot 54 on Washington St. - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous5 Jun 1856bought & was deeded Lot 54 Washington St by Master Commissioner in case against David Powers - Sandusky Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous13 Oct 1856was suspended from the Science Lodge No. 50 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous16 Jan 1858was reinstated in the Science Lodge No. 50 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous10 Feb 1858was mentioned in this suit for Lot 54 Washington St as being first lien due to be paid - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous12 Jun 1858was ordered to pay 1/2 the court costs and this suit was to be taken off the Docket - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous19 Jun 1858received title to part of lot 54 on Washington St. from Frederick W. Cogswell, Master Commissioner, - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous19 Jun 1858and Matilda mortgaged lot 54 Washington St for $400 payble to EB Sadler guardian of L D Johnson
Residence1860at 54 Washington and was a machinist - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence20 Jun 1860& was a printer - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous23 Aug 1861was named a supporter of the Union State Convention with many others - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt 1862Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt 1862Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt 1862Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt 1862Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous29 Jul 1862received a letter from his son Edwin
Miscellaneous1863 - 1864Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1863 - 1864Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1863 - 1865Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1863 - 1865Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1863 - 1964had bad headaches and sometimes had blind spells according to his son Francis A - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous17 Mar 1863received a letter from his son Edwin
Miscellaneous2 Apr 1863received a letter from his son Edwin
Miscellaneous22 Jun 1863received a letter from his son Edwin
MiscellaneousAbt Jul 1863Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt Jul 1863Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous22 Nov 1863received a letter from his son Edwin
Miscellaneous1864 - 1866Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1864 - 1866paid taxes of 100 a year on lot #54 Washington St, valued at $850, 40% of the value of the property - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1864 - 1866Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1864brass turner at C S & C R R in the machine shop - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous29 Jun 1864had a letter sent to him about Edwin's death from Stacy B Mershon, Medical Cadet, - Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennesee
Occupation1864employee at the Mad River Machine Shop - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous4 Jul 1864left for Chattanooga, TN to check on the health of his son Edwin, not knowing he had already died - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous6 Jul 1864returned from Louisville after learning there his son Edwin had died in Chattanooga, TN - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousAbt 13 Jul 1864received the letter from Stacy B. Mershon, a medical cadet who cared for his son Edwin - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1865employed with C S & C R R and his wages were $610.54 for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1866was employee with C S & C R R and earned $842.73 for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous6 Aug 1866made the final payment on the mortage for $400 held by E B Sadler on lot 54 Washington St - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1867 - 1869Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1867 - 1869Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1867employee of C S & C R R and earned $805.20 for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1867machinist at C. D. & E. R. R. shops - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1868employee of C S & C R R and earned $645.73 for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1869employee of C S & C R R and earned $544.07 for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1869at 54 Washington and was a machinist - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1870 - 1876Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1870 - 1876Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1870employee of C S & C R R and earned $545.32 in wages for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1870employee of C S & C R R and earned $545.32 in wages for the year - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation23 Jun 1870machinist - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
OccupationJan 1872 - Jul 1872employee of C S & C R R and earned $373.90 in wages - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
OccupationJan 1872 - Jul 1872employee of C S & C R R and earned $373.90 in wages - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous8 Jul 1872mortgaged a property in the amount of $2000 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous16 Jul 1872mortgaged lot 54 on Washington St. for $1700 from Sandusky Building & Loan Association - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous13 Aug 1872received patent for turning lathe - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1873 at southside of Washington west of Hancock and was a brass turner - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous5 Jul 1873and Matilda mortgaged an unknown lot for $800 from Bay City Building & Loan Assoc. - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous29 Oct 1873Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation4 Dec 1873sewing machine repairman with his "headquarters" at Bixby's Jewlery store on Market St - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1874at 54 Washington - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Occupation1874partner in Pomeroy & Fogwell sewing machine adjusters at 86 Market - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous18 Jul 1875mortgaged lot 54 on Washington St for $5000 from Francis A. Pomeroy - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1876at south side Washington west of Hancock and was a machinist - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1877paid $200 in tax on lot 54 Washington St valued at $1054 which was 40% of the value of the property - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous8 May 1877mortgaged lot 54 Washington Street for $1225 which was held by Truman B Taylor - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence1878at 516 Washington St - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous3 Apr 1878visited the Norwalk Reflector newspapaer - Norwalk, Huron County, Ohio
Occupation4 Dec 1878sewing machine repairman - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous9 Sep 1879was declared insane by a court proceeding and sent to the Insane Asylum in Columbus - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence16 Oct 1879at the Insane Asylum this being the day of his commitment - Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Miscellaneous24 Jan 1880's son Francis A applied for and was appointed his guardian - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence24 Jan 1880as an inmate at the Columbus Ohio Hospital for the Insane - Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Miscellaneous12 Apr 1880was a defendant in a case against Frank A. Pomeroy his guardian to sell lot 54 on Washington St. - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous12 Apr 1880was listed as an insane person on a case where his son Frank A. Pomeroy is named as his guardian - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence28 Apr 1880at the Columbus Asylum for the Insane - Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Miscellaneous29 Apr 1880Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous1 Jun 1880was an inmate in an Insane Assylum - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Residence14 Jul 1880in the Columbus Assylum for the Insane - Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Miscellaneous28 Sep 1880'son Francis as F W's guardian was granted permission to sell F W's real estate - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous2 Oct 1880lost guardianship of himself to his son Francis - Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous2 Oct 1880sold lot 54 on Washington St to Henry Jacobs for $2700, his son Frank A acting as his guardian - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous27 Nov 1880paid the mortgage of $2,000 from 1872 and one from 1877 for $1225 - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Death21 Mar 1881Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
Burial22 Mar 1881at Oakland Cemetery - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousNov 1884Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
MiscellaneousNov 1884Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous26 Feb 1891and Matilda's mortgage for $1000 from Ebenezer Sadler was cancelled - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous26 Feb 1891satisfied the mortgage on lot 54 for $1700 from Sandusky Building & Loan Assoc. - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
Miscellaneous26 Feb 1891and Matilda satisfied the mortgage for $800 from Bay City Building & Loan Assoc. - Sandusky, Erie County, Ohio
OccupationEngineer (1850 census), Pmrler (1860), Merchant (1880 census), CD&E RR (machinist and brass turner)


SpouseMatilda Ann BROWN (1815 - 1896)
ChildInfant Daughter POMEROY (1838 - 1840)
ChildMary Ann POMEROY (1839 - 1882)
ChildJulia A POMEROY (1841 - 1919)
ChildEdwin C POMEROY (1843 - 1864)
ChildFrancis Austin "Frank" POMEROY (1846 - 1932)
ChildCharles M POMEROY (1849 - 1923)
FatherSpencer POMEROY twin (1780 - 1833)
MotherMary Ann COE (1790 - 1852)
SiblingEdwin V POMEROY (1809 - 1834)