Descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy
This family tree is the result of research on the Pomeroy family on North America and documents the descendants of Eltweed Pomeroy (1585-1673) who emigrated from Beaminster, County Dorset, England to Massachusetts in 1630. Information found in “The History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family”, A.A. Pomeroy, 1912 and 1922, is included.
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American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association492 Brighton Avenue
Syracuse NY 13120
Email: j061CmjvioJYB_nUApvtLNbyaWEdnc38xLtGBrU@V4BeaMdulpVpCuhS0JTgFdefamOE5.B5Caovvjzrk8S3g