Individual Details

Ithamar COE

(10 Sep 1755 - 26 Aug 1826)


Birth10 Sep 1755Durham, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Baptism14 Sep 1755at the Congregational Church, by Reverend Nathaniel Chauncey - Durham, Middlesex County, Connecticut
ResidenceAbt 1775with his parents - Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts
Military23 Sep 1776Granville, Hampshire County Massachusetts
Military16 Nov 1776& was discharged after 2 months 1 day service - North Castle, Westchester County, New York
Military9 Jul 1777enlisting in Capt William Cooley's Co., Col John Moseley's regiment of the Hampshire County militia
Military12 Aug 1777& was discharged
Residence5 Jun 1780Granville, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States
Military10 Jul 1780as a private in the 4th Massachusetts Regiment of the Continental Army arriving - Springfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts
Description11 Jul 17805'7", complexion light - Springfield, Hampshire, Massachusetts, United States
Military11 Aug 1780wrote a letter to his father, Capt. Aaron Coe, in Granville from the army in "Camp Orange" - Tappan, Orange County, New York
Military25 Oct 1780& was on a muster roll - Camp Totoway, New Jersey
Military7 Dec 1780and was discharged
Marriage20 Jun 1783Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts - Sarah BALL
Residence1783Ballstown, Albany County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Jul 1783purchased 1 acre of land from John Doney for £4 - Granville, Hampden County, Massachusetts
Miscellaneous1784deeded land to Titus Hubbard - Hampden County, Massachusetts
Military1786ensign of the 9th Company of Light Infantry, John Ball Captain - Albany County, New York
Residence11 Apr 1787Ballstown, Albany County, New York
Census2 Aug 1790Ballstown, Albany County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Jul 1792was chosen a trustee of Paris Religious Society and witnessed the covenant in Court of Common Pleas - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Occupation2 Apr 1793assessor - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Feb 1794was on committee that petitioned for legislative action regarding uncertainty of 10-year land leases - Brothertown, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Jul 1794pledged £5 to build a church and £2 to build a steeple as a subscriber of Paris Religious Society - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous4 May 1795bought Lot 37 containing 600 acres from Jeremiah Gould for £360 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 May 1795sold part of Lot 37 containing 387.5 acres to Jonas Platt & Erastus Clark for £387 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
ResidenceAbt 1795Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous7 Jul 1795pledged £3.40 as a subscriber of the Paris Religious Society to pay Rev. Eliphet Steel to preach - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous7 Jul 1795pledged £3.40 as a subscriber of the Paris Religious Society to pay Rev. Eliphet Steel to preach - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Religion15 Nov 1795admitted to the First Church at Paris Religious Society - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Apr 1796had land adjoining lot 79 according to sale ad placed by Erastus Clark of Paris - Brothertown, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous1796was a justice who took an oath of Law - Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Nov 1796chaired the meeting to select a committee to promote James Cochran, Esq. as a candidate for Congress - Paris, Herkimer County, New York
Occupation21 Mar 1797appointed justice of the peace - Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Apr 1797was appointed a commisioner of highways at the annual town meeting - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Sep 1797was listed as a surveyor of a road on lot 38 and Commissioner of the town - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1798was commissioned a Justice of the Peace at the organization of the county - Oneida County, New York
Religion3 Jul 1798was elected a Deacon - Paris, Oneida County, New York
Occupation1799appointed Justice of the Peace - Paris, Oneida County, New York
Occupation1 Apr 1799justice of the peace - Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous-shared1 Apr 1799(Sarah Phoebe "Sally" COE) was a witness on a document where Joseph Eastman Sr. gave power of attorney to Joseph Eastman Jr - Paris, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous1799was paid $12.50 as a commissioner of the roads - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Aug 1799was listed on the tax assessment for Pompey - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
MiscellaneousJun 1800was listed as a non-resident on the tax roll owning lot 37, 130 acres valued at $300.00 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Residence1800Paris, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Dec 1800Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Feb 1801petitioned the Legislature to grant a permanent fund for the Hamilton Oneida Academy - Oneida County, New York
Residence6 Feb 1801Paris, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Feb 1801sold part of lot 37 containing 100 acres to Jonathan Ball for $187.50 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Apr 1801was mentioned in the Pompey Road Book at the SE corner of his property near Chenango Road - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Residence1801Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion1801became a member of the Clinton Society by letter from another church - Clinton, Oneida County, New York
Religion17 Sep 1801was elected or chosen one of the inspectors for the Church of the Clinton Society - Paris, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Apr 1802was an election inspector - Pompey, Montgomery County, New York
Property1802real property valued at $449 and personal property valued at $314 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion19 Oct 1802was Susquehannah Association delegate to Rev. Seth Williston's installation at Congregational Church - Lisle, Broome County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Jan 1803was named one of the administrators of Josiah Bigelow's estate - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Mar 1803was elected Town assessor at the town meeting - Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Mar 1803was appointed an overseer of roads at the town meeting - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion1 Apr 1803was received from church in Clinton Settlement, Paris - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
MiscellaneousBet 1803 and 1804was named an assessor - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1803was an overseer of the highway - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Property1803lot 37 valued at $345 and personal property valued at $421 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1803was an assesor - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1803was an assesor - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Election10 Mar 1804assessor at a town meeting - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Apr 1804was an election inspector - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1804was a pathmaster - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1804was paid $19.50 by the town as an assessor - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Oct 1804bought lot 26 containing 100 acres from Samuel & Nabby Beebee of New York City for $1,000 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion8 May 1805was a deacon in the Congregational Church - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Election8 May 1805a delegate to represent the First Congregational Church in the Middle Association - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1805was an overseer of the highway - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1805and Sarah sold part of lot 37 containing 50 acres to Isaac Higbee for $400 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous18 Jul 1805is mentioned in a deed as taking an oath in knowing Lydia Ball, Jonathan's wife - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous15 Aug 1805obtained a mortgage from Samuel & Nabby Beebee for 346 to pay for lot 26 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous15 May 1806Abstract of Mortgage from Samuel Curry to Ithamer Coe Lot 39 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Jun 1806Record of Land Sale between Ithmar Coe and David Curtiss of Lot 37 for $800 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion25 Jun 1806was appointed to assist the pastor of Pompey Congregational Church in the teaching of the children - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Aug 1806gave a $124 mortgage to Samuel Curry secured by 143 acres in lot 39 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion19 May 1807elected delegate for Pompey Congregational Church for Middle Assoc. on the Military Tract - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion8 Jun 1807was chosen for a committee to settle conflict between the Pompey Church and the Fabius Church - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion6 Sep 1807was elected delegate to go with Rev Wallis to East Church in Marcellus for ordination of Mr. Parsons - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous15 Sep 1807attended the ordination of Rev. Levi Parsons with Rev. Francis Pomeroy, Rev. Hugh Wallis - Marcellus, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1808is listed as an early settler - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Oct 1808gave notice Samuel Curry defaulted on mortgage and 143 acres in lot 39 to be sold at public auction - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion28 Dec 1808took a vote to answer Rev. Hugh Wallis' request to be dismissed from First Congregational Church - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Apr 1809sold part of Lot 26 containing 50 acres to Chester & Seymour Coe for $500 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Aug 1809his brothers Chester & Seymour paid $10 for an order of his at Nathan Williams' store - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Residence1810Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Jul 1810purchased goods for his daughter from Nathan Williams' store - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Jul 1810signed an agreement pledging $50 mortgage for Pompey Academy - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Aug 1810purchased goods from Nathan Williams' store - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Sep 1810purchased for Slocum 3/4 yards of flannel from Nathan Williams' store - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Sep 1810registered Animal Mark: "a slopeing crop on upper side of left ear" - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Feb 1811was named as a trustee to the Pompey Academy in a petition for incorporation - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Feb 1811was one of the signers of a petition for the incorporation of the Pompey Academy - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous8 Mar 1811was one of the incorporators of the Jamesville Iron and Woolen Factory - Jamesville, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous19 Mar 1811was named one of several trustees of Pompey Academy in Charter from NYS Regents - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Apr 1811was present at a meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy held at James Higgins' house - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1811was paid $1.25 for acting as a Justice for the County - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Dec 1811was listed as a creditor on Spencer Pomeroy's Papers due $40.37 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
ResidenceBef 1812Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Feb 1812was present at a meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy held at Col. Hezekiah Hopkins' house - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1812and Sarah Coe were listed as members of Congregational Church - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Nov 1812was present at a meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy held at James Higgins' house - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion27 Dec 1812was appointed a delegate to represent Pompey Congregational Church in the Presbytery of Onondaga - Homer, Cortland County, New York
Religion17 Apr 1813was on a committee for catechetical instruction for the First Congregational Church - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Sep 1813was present at a meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy held at Hezekiah Hopkins' house - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Oct 1813was present at the annual meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy held at Hezekiah Hopkins' house - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous31 Dec 1813had a letter remaining at the Post Office - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Apr 1814and his wife, Sally, sold part of lot 26 containing 25 acres to Seymour Coe for $225 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Apr 1814was listed in the Pompey Road Book for alteration of Road Districts - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Dec 1815was appointed a delegate to attend the extra meeting of the Presbytery at Fabius the 18th Inst - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion9 Mar 1816was dismissed with his wife and daughter, Sophia, from First Congregational Church of Pompey - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Residence (family)14 Oct 1816Le Roy, Genesee County, New York - Sarah BALL
Miscellaneous14 Oct 1816and Sarah sold part of lot 37 containing 98+ acres to Joseph & Elizabeth Everts for $2,747.37 - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Religion4 Nov 1816made a member by certificate of the First Presbyterian Church of Le Roy - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Religion11 Nov 1816was installed or ordained as the deacon of the First Presbyterian Church - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
ReligionFrom 11 Nov 1816 to 1818was the deacon of the First Presbyterian Church - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Jun 1817witnessed a petition by Alvin M. Ball to appoint Ebenezer Carr as Alvin's guardian - Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Sep 1817was sent notice by mail from Rev. Joshua Leonard of a meeting of the Trustees of Pompey Academy - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Oct 1817was present at a meeting of the Trustees of the Pompey Academy held at the academy - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
ReligionFrom 1818 to 1826was ordained and served as a Ruling Elder in the First Presbyterian Church - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
PropertyJun 1820126 acres of real estate valued at $730 and a personal estate valued at $60 - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Census20 Feb 1821Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous9 Sep 1823Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Oct 1823had a letter remaining at the Post Office - New Haven, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous20 May 1824& Sarah sold part of lot 3 in 3rd Range of Craigie Tract to Rufus Robertson & John Hascall for $100 - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Jun 1824had a letter remaining at the Post Office - New Haven, Huron County, Ohio
Miscellaneous14 Oct 1824bought lot 3 & part of lot 2 in Third Range, Craigie Tract for $533.71 from Benjamin & Elizabeth Lee - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Oct 1824and Sarah mortgaged lot 3 & part of lot 2, Third Range of Craigie Tract, for $533.71 to Benjamin Lee - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Aug 1825sold lot 3 in Third Range of Craigie Tract for $642 to Orman Coe - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Will23 Aug 1826Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Death26 Aug 1826Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
BurialAft 26 Aug 1826in Myrtle Street Cemetery - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous9 Aug 1827was deceased and his sons-in-law, Wm. Morgan & B. Bliss, advertised apple trees for sale on his farm - Le Roy, Genesee County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1832had a mortgage that was entered as paid by Alfred Lee, the executor of Benjamin Lee's estate, - Norwich, New London County, Connecticut


SpouseSarah BALL (1763 - 1826)
ChildSarah Phoebe "Sally" COE (1784 - 1859)
ChildColonel Martin Oliver COE (1786 - 1861)
ChildLeicester COE (1788 - )
ChildMary Ann COE (1790 - 1852)
ChildPersis Matilda COE (1794 - 1867)
ChildSophia COE (1797 - 1859)
ChildOrman COE (1799 - 1876)
ChildSeth COE (1801 - 1819)
FatherCaptain Aaron COE (1730 - 1794)
MotherPhebe PARSONS (1732 - 1774)
SiblingCOE (1762 - 1762)
SiblingAaron COE Jr (1766 - 1821)