Individual Details

Reverend Lemuel Strong POMEROY

(1 Feb 1812 - 19 Feb 1879)


Birth1 Feb 1812Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Education1828Cortand Academy - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Religion1831became a member of the Congregational Church - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Graduated1835Hamilton College - Clinton, Oneida County, New York
Marriage20 May 1837Marett Abigail ELDER
Graduated1837Auburn Theological Seminary - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Residence1837and was principal of the Academy at Elbridge - Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York
MiscellaneousAbt 1838taught Theodore M Pomeroy for 2 years because he was too young to entere Hamilton College - Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1839was principal of the Munro Academy - Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York
Residence1840with his family - Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York
ResidenceBef 13 Aug 1840Elbridge, Onondaga County, New York
Residence13 Aug 1840Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1841attended the Anti-Slavery Convention where he was appointed to the business committee - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1841was appointed to a committee as chairman to investigate the theft of letters sent by John Thomas - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous13 Oct 1841& other members of the Liberty Party published a defense of John Thomas' letters that were stolen - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Oct 1841and John Thomas a candidtate for Sentator were found guilty of libel for damages of $2,000 - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Mar 1843performed the marriage ceremony of his brother, James C., to Olive Mills - Marcellus, Onondaga County, New York
Religion2 Nov 1843became a member of the Presbyterian Church - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
MiscellaneousAbt 8 Feb 1844was one of the editors of the "Liberty Herald" paper started by political abolitionists - Cortland County, New York
Religion7 Oct 1845was elected trustee of the Presbyterian Church - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Religion28 Mar 1846was dismissed from the Presybterian church to organize a Congregational Church - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Religion4 May 1846resigned as a trustee of the Presbyterian Church - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Occupation1849principal of the Cortlandville Academy - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous1849Secretary of the Board of Officers of the Cortlandville Academy - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Jan 1850was at a party at his parents with his siblings and their children - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
OccupationBet 1850 and 1868farmer - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
ReligionBef Aug 1850was dismissed from the Congregational Church - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Residence5 Aug 1850with his family - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Sep 1850attended the wedding of his niece Frances French & then had dinner at his father's - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Nov 1850went on a cold day with his wife & daughter Emma - Onondaga Hollow, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Nov 1850went with his mother & brother Theodore to visit his sister Fanny Wilson - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Dec 1850had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at his father-in-law's house also attended by his brother James - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Mar 1851went with his his 2 oldest children & Mary French and spent the evening at his father's - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Mar 1851visited with his wife his brother Dr Pomeroy & family and commented that it was muddy - Onondaga Valley, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Mar 1851spent the day with his sister Clara & her family - Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan
Miscellaneous21 Jul 1851left with his wife for a vist and tour out west - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Jul 1851arrived at 10 a.m. & rode to Berea & spent time with his Uncle Lebbeus & family and returned - Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Miscellaneous26 Jul 1851arrived in Detroit at 6:30 a.m. & left for Marshall arriving there at 1:30 p.m. - Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan
Miscellaneous27 Jul 1851spent the day with his sister Clarra & family - Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan
Miscellaneous31 Jul 1851left Marshall MI for Detroit & immediately too the boat Mayflower - Buffalo, Erie County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Aug 1851visited with his wife and spent the night with his cousin Lyman Payne - Rochester, Monroe County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Aug 1851and his wife spent the night with his sister Fanny and family - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Aug 1851returned home from a pleasant trip - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous7 Oct 1851Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Oct 1851visited with his wife at Nelson's at Marathon then to Hunt Pomeroys and spent the night with him - Whitney Point, Broome County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Nov 1851Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Dec 1851went to see his mother who was very ill - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Dec 1851Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Dec 1851attended the funeral of his mother - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Jan 1852informed E.F. Thomas of Homer of a meeting to form a Town League to prosecute unlicensed rum sellers - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Mar 1852sold his home to Mr. Duell for $2000 - Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Apr 1852moved from Cortlandville with his family through a snowstorm, took 3 1/2 hours - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Residence2 May 1852& attended church with his wife after having been voted unanimously as member of the church - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Sep 1852attended an Anti-slavery meeting where he heard Frederick Douglas and others specak - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Oct 1852Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Oct 1852visited sister Fanny and attended the county fair & cattle show - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Dec 1852rode with children & Mary French to her father-in-laws to celebrate Christmas - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous1853had a real estate tranaction with his brother Stephen for lot 4 where he was the grantor and grantee - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Jan 1853sold several village lots & visited Judge Bartlet's & met Gen Hathaway & his wife - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous18 Jan 1853was a Grand Juror - Onondaga County, New York
ResidenceAbt 18 Jan 1853Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Marriage8 Feb 1853at Judge Bartlett's, Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York - Sarah HALE
Miscellaneous9 Jun 1853with wife Sarah & Mary French rode - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Sep 1853attended the funeral of his sister Fanny's daughter Clara - Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Jan 1854rode in a stage to - Binghamton, Broome County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Jan 1854Binghamton, Broome County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Jan 1854arrived at 9 p.m. by train - New York City, New York County, New York
Miscellaneous7 Jan 1854visited Barnum's Museum and saw the play Uncle Tom's Cabin - New York, New York County, New York
Miscellaneous9 Jan 1854left by the Hudson River Railroad for Albany - New York City, New York County, New York
Miscellaneous9 Jan 1854arrived at 8 p.m and stayed at the Delevan House - Albany, Albany County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Jan 1854took "the cars" at 7 a.m. & arrived at 1 pm - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Jan 1854took the stage from Syracuse to home - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Feb 1854rode with his wife & daughter Mary to his brother Theodore's home - Onondaga, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Mar 1854was chairman of a committee that were opposed to the Nebraska Bill that was introduced in Congress - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous26 Jul 1854went to his brother Theodore due to his wife being very sick - Onondaga, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Sep 1854Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Residence1855and was a farmer - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1855gave an address upon Popular Education at the Children's Pic-Nic - Vesper, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Nov 1855rode with his wife to attend his brother Theodore's wedding - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous30 Dec 1855Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Jan 1856rode with his daughter Mary to visit her Grandfather Elder - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Feb 1856went on business for his brother James but could not return home because the snow was too deep - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous17 Mar 1856and his brother Stephen owned a steam flouring and saw mill which was destroyed by an arsonist - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Apr 1856travelling to Sandy Hill to purchase a saw mill, spent the night - Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Apr 1856Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Apr 1856returned home from Syracuse - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Jul 1856rode with daughter Mary to attend the horse exhibition returning home at night from - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Aug 1856rode with his wife & daugther Emma & sister-in-law Corinth Elder to his brother Theodore's home - Onondaga Valley, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Nov 1856Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous26 Nov 1856Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Feb 1857received a visit from his sister Fanny & her daughter Mary - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Mar 1857attended the funeral of his Uncle T Pomeroy's youngest son Bigelow - Orville, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Apr 1857attended church with his wife on their horse Bucky - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous18 Aug 1857rode with wife & daughter Mary, left her to attend school - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous16 Sep 1857rode with his father to attend the County Agricultural Fair - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Oct 1857sister-in-law Madorah (Elder) Strong visiting - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous16 Oct 1857Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Jan 1858went to see brothers Theodore & James for help with his financial problems but not much success - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Residence3 Feb 1858went to deliver flour & brought daughter Mary home with him from school - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Feb 1858rode with his wife to visit brother Stephen who just moved there, said the sleighing was fine - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous18 Apr 1858attended the funeral of his Uncle Thaddeus Pomeroy - Dewitt, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous8 May 1858rode with his wife & Emma and back - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Military12 May 1858broght his father-in-law's wife back from visiting his brother Stephen - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Jun 1858attended a family gathering with his wife at his father's home - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Jun 1858accompanied his sister Clara with his wife to her return home to Michigan from - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Residence26 Jul 1858Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Aug 1858rode with his wife to Cortland & visited at Schermerhorn's returning home at midnight - Otisco Centre, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Sep 1858attended the Cortland County Agricultural Fair with his wife - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Sep 1858attended the Onondaga County Fair, said the shwo wasn't extensive but good - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Oct 1858& address the association of school teachers - Otisco Centre, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Oct 1858 - 8 Oct 1858attended 3 days of the First New York State Fair to be held - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Oct 1858West Niles, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Oct 1858after dining with his wife's cousin they rode and spent the night - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Residence15 Sep 1859& rode to Marcellus & gave an address to the Common School Institute & returned home in the evening - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Oct 1859was a delegate of the Republican Party to nominate assemblyman Philetus Clark - Jamesville, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Nov 1859went on an excursion over night - Scranton, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States
Miscellaneous24 Nov 1859Thanksgiving celebrated with his brother James - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Jan 1860stayed overnight in Syracuse & took the train at 2:35 p.m arrived at 9 a.m. the following morning - Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan
Miscellaneous16 May 1860owned a steam saw mill and flouring mill - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation16 Jul 1860farmer and manufacturer - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation10 Sep 1860owned a steam saw mill where John Chrysler was killed when a gun he was shooting misfired - Otisco Centre, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous13 Nov 1860took his wife to take the train to Michigan, roads were bad - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous16 Nov 1860was successful in his lawsuit with Thomas D Davis - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Nov 1860picked up his sister Clara from the train station for her visit - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous28 Nov 1860Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan
Miscellaneous29 Nov 1860celebrated Thanksgiving with his sister Clara & family and attended church - Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan
Miscellaneous30 Nov 1860left Marshall at 3 pm and spent the night - Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan
Miscellaneous1 Dec 1860left at 7:30 am & spent the day in - Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan, United States
Military3 Dec 1860left Clinton and arrived at 4 p.m - Monroe , Monroe County, Michigan
Miscellaneous5 Dec 1860left Monroe Michigan at 4 pm on Dec 4 & arrived home at 6 pm - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Jan 1861had a gathering of family & friends which included his father, siblings as well as Rev Medad Pomeroy - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Apr 1861attended a Union Meeting where he spoke & introduce a resolution to care for families of volunteers - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous31 May 1861Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Residence17 Jul 1861& received a visit from his brother thoedore and sister-in-law Corinth Smith - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Oct 1861attended the People's Convention as a delegate from Otisco at Corinthian Hall - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Oct 1861Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Oct 1861& other delegates of People's Convention withdrew support because of the nomination of candidates - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Jan 1862Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Mar 1862Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous17 Jun 1862went with his wife to attended the horse fair and spent 2 nights - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous15 Jul 1862Utica, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous16 Jul 1862Clinton, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous17 Jul 1862attended the commencement at Hamilton College, returned home in the evening - Clinton, Oneida County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Aug 1862acted as a Vice President and subscribed $25 at the War meeting - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Aug 1862reported the resolutions he introduced for adoption at a war meeting - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Sep 1862reported on the War meeting of the citizens of Otisco as president - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Feb 1863Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Feb 1863heading home from Cortland, snow storm so terrible had to stay overnight - Preble, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous22 Feb 1863attended the funeral of his sister-in-law Lucy, Stephen's wife - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous22 May 1863Auburn, Cayuga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Sep 1863attended the cattle show & Fair & returned home in the evening on pleasant day - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Oct 1863Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Oct 1863did not attend church possibly because of the sickness of his father and his brother Theodore there - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Residence15 Nov 1863& attended church, his father has been sick for 6 weeks and sister Fanny is there from Auburn - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Dec 1863Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous26 Dec 1863attended the funeral of his father - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Jan 1864Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Election16 Feb 1864Supervisor of Otisco - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Feb 1864attended meeting of the Farmer's Club and spoke - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous15 Apr 1864started for Albany with a car load of cattle - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous16 Apr 1864and returned to Syracuse in the eevning - Albany, Albany County, New York
Religion17 Apr 1864Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous6 Jun 1864Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Sep 1864attended as supervisor of Otisco the draft with the National Guard - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Oct 1864attended & gave an address in open air to thousands at The Agricultural Fair & Cattle Show - Amber, Onondaga, New York, United States
Miscellaneous7 Oct 1864attended a Union Meeting and spoke in public - Vesper, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous19 Oct 1864attended a mass meeintg of Republicans more than 30,000 voters - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Mission24 Nov 1864Thanksgiving day at home with brother Stephen, his wife & children came for dinner - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Dec 1864returned home from Syracuse after spending a week on board of supervisors - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous12 Dec 1864went to attend session of Board of Supervisors - very snowy & gold & returned home the next day - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Feb 1865was defeat as a candidate for Supervisor by Jacob P Clark - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous10 Mar 1865drove Sorrel colts & spent the weekend - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Residence3 Apr 1865after 14 yeras in Otisco moved - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous15 Apr 1865had a visit from his daughter Mary and her husband Almond - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous19 Apr 1865attended the funeral of the late president Lincoln - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 May 1865did a job of surveying for Col Chase - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Jun 1865Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
ResidenceJun 1865and was a farmer - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Jul 1865did not attend church because why was feeling quite low from her fall a couple of days ago - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous29 Jul 1865had a visit from his sister Fanny & her husband - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous24 Aug 1865went for cattle - Spafford, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Aug 1865attended State Sabbath school convention - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Sep 1865did not attend church because of ill health - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Sep 1865attended the State FAir - Utica, Herkimer County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Sep 1865attended the Cortland County Fair - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous20 Oct 1865attended the funeral of his father-in-law William Elder with his children - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous3 Mar 1866sold his farm with property to Pheletus Clark - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 May 1866spent the day & visited brother Strong & family - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous17 May 1866Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Jun 1866attended the wedding of his son Edward - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous23 Jun 1866visited his brother Stephen who was somewhat better and has been sick for 6 weeks and is feeble - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Aug 1866visited his daughter Mary - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Residence28 Aug 1866& his brother Stephen & his wife came and spent 2 days with him after Stephen's sickness of 4 months - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous4 Sep 1866Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous11 Sep 1866attended the funeral of his brother Stephen - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous18 Sep 1866attended a congressional nominating convention - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Residence5 Dec 1866& celebrated his daughter's Marriage with her & her husband at his home - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous21 Dec 1866had a visit from Mary & her husband - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous25 Dec 1866and Mary & her husband were there to celebrate Christmas with them and spent the night - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous27 Dec 1866went to Otisco to bring his daughter Emma home from her sister Mary's - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Jan 1867accompanied his sister-in-law Lucinda who was traveling home to Michigan the next day - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous17 Jan 1867went in a cutter in a bad storm, had his daughter Emma come in the "cars" - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Miscellaneous13 Feb 1867attended an auction and spent the night - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous14 Feb 1867returned home from Otisco bringin his daughter Mary with him - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous1 Mar 1867his sister-in-law Corinth (Elder) Smith came from Otisco for a visit - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous2 Mar 1867brother Doct Theodore & his wife came for the day for a visited - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous5 Mar 1867his sister-in-law Olive, James' wife, came for a visit - Tully, Onondaga County, New York
Miscellaneous26 Aug 1867filed for bankruptcy - Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York
OccupationBet 1868 and 1871pastor at the Presbyterian Church - Truxton, Cortland County, New York
Occupation1868preacher - Truxton, Cortland County, New York
OccupationBet 1868 and 1871pastor of the Presbyterian Church - Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York
Marriage16 Dec 1868Bricksboro, Cumberland County, New Jersey - Mary ARMSTRONG
Occupation18 Apr 1870recently appointed Postmaster - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation1870teacher at the Pompey Academy - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation17 Aug 1870clergyman - Pompey, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation1871principal of the Pompey Academy - Pompey Hill, Onondaga County, New York
Occupation1871became the pastor at the Presbyterian church - Savannah, Wayne County, New York
Occupation3 Jul 1873was installed as pastor of the Presbyterian Church by a special meeting of the Presbytery of Lyons - Savannah, Wayne County, New York
MiscellaneousOct 1878accepted a call to become the pastor of the Presbyterian Church - Junius, Cortland County, New York
Religionwas a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church - Cortland, Cortland County, New York
Death19 Feb 1879of paralysis - Junius, Seneca County, New York
BurialAft 19 Feb 1879Old Cemetery - Otisco, Onondaga County, New York


SpouseMarett Abigail ELDER (1817 - 1852)
ChildWilliam Elder POMEROY (1838 - 1838)
ChildEdward Payson POMEROY (1839 - 1918)
ChildAbigail Theresa POMEROY (1841 - 1843)
ChildMary Theresa POMEROY (1843 - 1897)
ChildWillie Dwight POMEROY (1845 - 1849)
ChildEmma Corinth POMEROY (1850 - 1888)
ChildMarett Abigail POMEROY (1852 - 1852)
SpouseSarah HALE (1812 - 1868)
SpouseMary ARMSTRONG (1824 - )
FatherCaptain Stephen POMEROY (1775 - 1863)
MotherHannah "Polly" CLAPP (1785 - 1851)
SiblingPolly POMEROY (1806 - 1843)
SiblingFanny POMEROY (1808 - 1901)
SiblingStephen Dwight POMEROY (1810 - 1820)
SiblingJames Clark POMEROY (1814 - 1875)
SiblingTheodore POMEROY (1816 - 1817)
SiblingDoctor Theodore Clapp POMEROY (1817 - 1897)
SiblingClarissa A "Clarra" POMEROY (1820 - 1884)
SiblingStephen Dwight POMEROY Jr (1822 - 1866)
SiblingLouisa Ann POMEROY (1825 - 1830)